最初由 ASICS 发布 Don't be shy, nobody is perfect. One suggestion is preparing well before your presentation, the better you prepare, the more confident you will be.
easy, and easy, u will get used to it. In fact, if u are undergraduate student, you have to take this course mainly based on Presentations, pretty much presentation every single week.
Don't worry about your English. You don't have to speak English fluently to give a good presentation. Practice makes perfect. Practise and then practise again. Familairize yourself with the subject matter. Once you are well prepared, you will be more confident. It's ok to speak slowly as long as you speak clearly. Keep good eye contact with the whole audiencel. You eyes start from one side of room and end at the other side of the room when you speak, and start over. Take deep breaths at the end of paragraphs. Try to smile at the audience.
Good luck.