Leiper asks council to support competition for fibre-optic Internet access

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Council will chime in on a decision to let small Internet providers have access to Bell’s fibre optic network after Mayor Jim Watson wrote to the federal cabinet backing Bell’s opposition.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission last year ruled that Bell needs to give smaller competitors access to its super-fast Internet infrastructure.

Bell filed a petition to cabinet asking for a review of the CRTC decision and Watson wrote his own letter in support of Bell.

Kitchissippi Coun. Jeff Leiper is a telecommunications wonk. He once worked for the CRTC.

Leiper put council members on notice Wednesday that he’ll ask for their support during their next meeting Feb. 24. to back the CRTC’s decision.

It’s not about playing politics, according to Leiper.

“This is not about the mayor,” he said in his office after tabling his notice of motion. “This is about competition in the marketplace.”

However, Leiper said Watson probably should have brought the matter to council’s information technology subcommittee for debate.

Watson said he can write to cabinet without asking for council’s blessing.

“I don’t need council’s permission and they don’t need my permission to correspond to outside agencies,” Watson said.

As for Bell, Watson said the telecom giant deserves his support.

“It’s a local company that created a lot of jobs. They invest tens of millions of dollars in their network, just to have competitors come and use their network at a severely reduced cost,” Watson said, and he compared the situation to drug manufacturing.

“It’s a bit like the debate in the pharmaceutical industry with those companies that put a lot of money into investing and you have the generic company come within a certain period of time and can replicate having put no money into research,” Watson said.

Watson acknowledged it’s not an issue he spent a lot of time on and he’s willing to have the debate at council.

Leiper said the CRTC’s decision is about fair access to high-speed Internet.

“Fibre to the home is going to be a precondition to residents’ quality of life,” Leiper said.

Internet provider Teksavvy lobbied Leiper last week after Toronto city council ran into the exact same issue. Toronto Mayor John Tory wrote a letter to cabinet supporting Bell. On Feb. 4, his council voted overwhelmingly to support the CRTC’s decision.

On the other hand, Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi wrote a letter on behalf of his city in support of the CRTC decision.

Bell argues being forced to share its fibre optic infrastructure with smaller competitors would hinder the company’s investment in the network.

Leiper said letting two major Internet providers, Bell and Rogers, hog high-speed infrastructure stifles competition.

If the CRTC decision is reversed, Leiper said the city might have a role to play in providing fibre-optic access to homes using its city-owned conduits and charging access privileges to Internet providers.



