yoshida 台湾省高级外省人 VIP 注册 2002-03-12 消息 1,379 荣誉分数 45 声望点数 158 2003-09-02 #1 渥太华有说中文的心理大夫吗? 如何联络? 谢谢 :blowzy:
Jet999 新手上路 注册 2003-07-13 消息 355 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-09-02 #2 I saw an ad from 中华导报. His name is 牛江河 and phone number is 263-0988. But I am not sure if he is a clinic psychiatrist.
I saw an ad from 中华导报. His name is 牛江河 and phone number is 263-0988. But I am not sure if he is a clinic psychiatrist.