coolcoolsun 新手上路 注册 2002-08-27 消息 174 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-09-03 #1 我老婆过两天要LANDING,是新移民。请问在OTTAWA哪里办健康卡,SIN卡和驾照呢?还有电话。多谢了!!!
Rabbit 饿人谷支部书记 注册 2002-02-01 消息 35,035 荣誉分数 37 声望点数 0 2003-09-03 #2 健康卡在75 ALBERT SIN卡在LINCOLN FIELD MALL里面的HRDC 驾照在WALKLEY的交通部考场 :blink:
民 民工 新手上路 注册 2003-01-21 消息 568 荣誉分数 10 声望点数 0 2003-09-03 #4 最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 谢谢! Albert 做车怎么去啊? 点击展开... You can take bus no. 97 or any other bus to downtown, walk toward Parlimentary Hill, only one block away from bus stop.
最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 谢谢! Albert 做车怎么去啊? 点击展开... You can take bus no. 97 or any other bus to downtown, walk toward Parlimentary Hill, only one block away from bus stop.
否极泰来 海到尽头天是岸 山至高处人为峰 VIP 注册 2002-07-22 消息 1,906 荣誉分数 38 声望点数 158 2003-09-04 #6 最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 谢谢!DOWNTOWN什么站啊? 点击展开... I guess you can get off at Bank St.( or the next station?) You can also tell the driver where you want to go, and ask she(he) in which stop you should get off. You cannot miss it. BTW, bring a map of the city with you.
最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 谢谢!DOWNTOWN什么站啊? 点击展开... I guess you can get off at Bank St.( or the next station?) You can also tell the driver where you want to go, and ask she(he) in which stop you should get off. You cannot miss it. BTW, bring a map of the city with you.
胡 胡桃 新手上路 注册 2002-11-21 消息 86 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-09-04 #7 另外SIN卡在Glucester&Ocoonor的交角的政府大楼就可以办。离albert不远。 hahaha,灭了兔子一道。
coolcoolsun 新手上路 注册 2002-08-27 消息 174 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-09-04 #8 有点看糊涂了。是不是办SIN卡的地方不只一个啊?能告诉小弟做车具体怎么去以上的几个地方吗?做到什么地方,下车怎么走。。。多谢多谢!!!我想这对很多来OTTAWA的新移民都有帮助啊!!
民 民工 新手上路 注册 2003-01-21 消息 568 荣誉分数 10 声望点数 0 2003-09-04 #9 最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 有点看糊涂了。是不是办SIN卡的地方不只一个啊?能告诉小弟做车具体怎么去以上的几个地方吗?做到什么地方,下车怎么走。。。多谢多谢!!!我想这对很多来OTTAWA的新移民都有帮助啊!! 点击展开... Yes, you can apply SIN from any government human resource center. Lincoln Field Mall is easy to go by bus.
最初由 coolcoolsun 发布 有点看糊涂了。是不是办SIN卡的地方不只一个啊?能告诉小弟做车具体怎么去以上的几个地方吗?做到什么地方,下车怎么走。。。多谢多谢!!!我想这对很多来OTTAWA的新移民都有帮助啊!! 点击展开... Yes, you can apply SIN from any government human resource center. Lincoln Field Mall is easy to go by bus.
Jane CFC管理员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 1,882 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-09-04 #10 check this. I wrote it three years ago. The only change is the LNIC. The current address for LNIC is 240 Catherine Street, Suite 308. Tel 238-5462 check this. I wrote it three years ago. The only change is the LNIC. The current address for LNIC is 240 Catherine Street, Suite 308. Tel 238-5462
V Vetement 知名会员 注册 2002-02-07 消息 1,309 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 148 2003-09-04 #11 最初由 Jane 发布 check this. I wrote it three years ago. The only change is the LNIC. The current address for LNIC is 240 Catherine Street, Suite 308. Tel 238-5462 点击展开... haha. it's LINC, not LNIC
最初由 Jane 发布 check this. I wrote it three years ago. The only change is the LNIC. The current address for LNIC is 240 Catherine Street, Suite 308. Tel 238-5462 点击展开... haha. it's LINC, not LNIC