A Grade 5 student's advice for the parents clashing at Elgin Street school

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Maria Gagnon is only in Grade 5, but her assessment of how some parents were behaving at Elgin Street Public School on Tuesday night was pretty sharp.

Gagnon tagged along with her mom to a meeting at the school, where she watched the adults trade angry accusations over the issue of which students will have to leave the overcrowded downtown school.

“Would you like my opinion?” Gagnon asked solemnly in the hallway outside the meeting. “I think this issue has ripped the community apart. The truth is, we have to join together and work as a team. We have to co-operate to make a better school.”

An apt message for some of the 50-odd parents at the meeting, which featured people sniping at each other and one woman bursting into tears.

Two camps have emerged over the best solution to crowding at the school, which already has two portables in the yard and no space for the number of students expected to enrol in the fall.

Some parents support sending Elgin Street’s kindergarten students to Centennial Public School, about 2 km away on Gloucester Street near Bay Street, an option already approved by the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Other parents are hoping trustees will reverse that decision and adopt the staff recommendation, which is to move students in Elgin’s English program to Centennial instead.

“There is not going to be a situation where everybody is happy,” warned superintendent Dorothy Baker, who answered questions and helped keep the peace. Strong opinions are best expressed, not bottled up, she suggested. “It’s important all voices be heard or it happens in the community, in the (school) yard, that anger does come up.”

Restraint wasn’t a problem Tuesday. Some parents accused the school council of misleading trustees by suggesting everyone supports the kindergartners-must-move option. The council was called a clique, its members biased and underhanded, with allegations of “cronyism” on behalf of the English program students, keeping reports “underground” and allegedly violating various constitutional laws.

“We are volunteers,” said Randy Reynoso, co-chair of the council. He said they worked hard, did the best they could and never pretended to speak for everyone.

One woman burst into tears, saying she had joined the council to help out with things like pizza day, but now feels afraid of some parents she encounters in the schoolyard. “Come to the meetings and help us, please. Don’t attack us. You’re attacking me. Me!” she sobbed before fleeing briefly into the hallway.

That didn’t faze another parent who identified himself as a former teacher. “It’s fine for one person to go out and cry about it. I don’t care about that,” he spat.

Another woman launched an extended tirade at the school principal for the offence of emailing a movie-night poster to parents without noticing it contained a reference implying that the English program was moving out of Elgin. “This poster came from her!” she yelled, pointing at the principal. “It’s her responsibility to vet it! This is a big mistake!”

When another parent suggested she tone it down, the woman replied: “I’m not being hurtful! My kids’ education is being impacted!”

There were calmer and conciliatory voices, too. And the emotion is understandable. The changes mean some parents will have children in two different schools, or will no longer be able to walk to the neighbourhood school. “Parents are very divided now,” said parent Angeleen Nayak. “It’s very close to home, it’s affecting people’s lives and their families.”

One dad said he moved to Ottawa after being stationed at Petawawa, and fears his three-year-old son hardly knows him. “Now I worry he won’t be in the same school as his sister.”

Attention turns now to the March 29 school board meeting, where a motion to reconsider the decision made on Elgin Street PS will be on the floor.

