Tierney wants "action" on violence to come from meeting with Ottawa police chief

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Coun. Tim Tierney told vigil attendees mourning the shooting death of a 20-year-old man in an east-end neighbourhood that he wants “action” out of his meeting with Ottawa police Chief Charles Bordeleau Thursday.

The Beacon Hill-Cyrville councillor made the announcement before joining about seven community members for a moment of prayer and silence Thursday morning at the corner of Jasmine Crescent and Ogilvie Road, the area where Nooredin Hassan, 20, was shot and killed Tuesday.

“We just felt we needed to pray for the people affected by (Hassan’s killing) and the family of the young man who died,” said Les Woolsey, a senior member of Pine Grove Bible Church.

Woolsey said he and other church members normally walk around the community while praying every Thursday, but decided to invite members of the public to join them today in the wake of Tuesday’s killing.

“We need to speak out if we see things or know things that are happening,” said Gwen Bouchard, executive coordinator at Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard, a local food bank.

Hassan’s death marks the third killing since last year to shake residents living on Jasmine Crescent. Connor Stevenson was stabbed to death at 2020 Jasmine Cres. last April and just months later in September, Issaiah Clachar was stabbed to death outside the same highrise apartment building.

Bouchard said her husband has been nervous about her walking in the neighbourhood at night ever since the two fatal stabbings occurred last year. This third killing makes people even more cautious and “more fearful about going out at night,” she said.

“I know the Ottawa police are trying to be a real presence here but they only have so many resources,” said Bouchard. She emphasized collaborative vigilance among community members is necessary and that a neighbourhood watch, which she said has been discussed, could assist with that.

Coun. Tierney was to meet Bordeleau Thursday at city hall to discuss ways of curbing the recent trend of violence in Tierney’s ward.

