<HTML>中国队左路进攻,传中,郝海东头球摆渡到中路,于根伟插上抽射破门得分。 (上半场 37:01)
于根伟不负众望,首发就进球了。 (上半场 37:59)
At the 37 m of the first half, China scored a goal in the soccer game of the qualification game of the World cup.</HTML>
<HTML>:比赛结束了,终于圆梦了,世界杯已经向我们走来了,祝福中国队,祝福中国足球,包括女足。 (下半场 46:20)
明天我们世界杯见!!! (下半场 47:16)
China man soccer team first time qualify the World Cup. China is lucky in the early 21 century. </HTML>
To Rabbit: You have to have the first step. Be confident to yourself. How do you know China can not go further to beat Japan and Korea? At least let's celebrate this vctory.