'He should be in hospital': Family pays $50,000 for private clinic to treat son's OCD

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An Ottawa family is paying $50,000 in a desperate attempt to get treatment at a private clinic in Hamilton for their son, who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder so severe they say it has pushed him to the verge of suicide.

The family turned to Habitude Drug and Addiction Treatment Centre because they couldn’t find help in Ottawa for their 21-year-old son.

“He should be in the hospital,” said Heather Buchan, mother of Steven (not his real name.) “He’s in Habitude because I don’t have any choice. I can only be hopeful that this is going to help him, because if it doesn’t help him, he’s going to be dead. I know that for a fact. He’s in a critical spot.”

Buchan, who owns her own consulting company, has filed a complaint with the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office in Toronto, arguing that Steven should be getting treatment in the public health system.

“Canadians boast about their health care system … here I have had to cash in my RRSPs and my husband’s in order to pay again for private care for my son,” Buchan wrote in her complaint. “Why is this is happening when I should be able to have the care through OHIP and locally, specifically the Royal Ottawa Hospital.”

Steven first began exhibiting signs of mental illness in Grade 8, when he was identified as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In high school, he began using alcohol and drugs, including prescription Ritalin — an amphetamine — as well as oxycodone and cocaine. He also began to suffer severe anxiety and depression.

The anxiety gradually morphed into OCD. Now, Steven’s fear of contamination is so great he washes his hands “countless times” a day, takes four showers (sometimes lasting two hours and using an entire bottle of shampoo), compulsively washes his clothes and sheets and scrubs his room with disinfectant.

Steven did spend three months at The Royal when he was 18, but was only treated for his addiction, not his mental illness, Buchan said.

“They treat the addiction, then, if you’re lucky, they’ll treat your condition. But that’s a year-long waiting list,” she said.

Since then, the family has experienced “a revolving door” of hospital emergency rooms. “We’ll take him to the hospital. They’ll keep him in overnight. He’ll talk to a psychiatrist in the morning, then they’ll send him back home,” she said.

The gold standard for treatment is the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Institute at Harvard University’s McLean Hospital in Boston, Buchan said, “but to get in there you basically have to win the lottery.”

Steven has also been prescribed the addictive anti-anxiety medication Ativan in such high doses that he is now being weaned off it at Habitude. He also uses alcohol to “self-medicate,” she said. It’s one of the only ways he’s found to calm his anxieties.

“He was very conscious of how much alcohol he needed. He would do the math. From the time he started drinking at around 4 until he passed out around 10, he would have a break from the symptoms.”

Buchan herself supplies the beer. It’s a deal she’s made to keep Steven from feeding his addiction on his own with hard liquor or drugs.

“You can turn around and judge the whole thing. But as a parent, as a mom, what are you asking us to do?” said Catherine Corey, an advocate for mental health care who is helping Buchan battle the system. “He was already really sick and you’ve been told he’s not going to get treatment in a hospital unless you bring him in on a gurney. So what are you going to do? You’ve got a kid drowning in front of you and you have no idea where to turn or where to go.”

The Royal won’t talk about Buchan’s case for privacy reasons, but chief of staff Dr. Raj Bhatla acknowledges there is no dedicated treatment programs in Ontario for OCD.

“That’s one of the areas where there’s a gap provincially. We don’t have any in-patient units provincially for OCD, nor do we here at The Royal,” Bhatla said.

Since many people with mental illnesses such as OCD have “co-morbidities” — that is, other illnesses, frequently including addictions — any treatment has to be based on an assessment of each individual.

OCD can be treated with drugs or with therapy designed to help patients overcome their obsessions.

“I would stress that it’s based on an individual assessment,” Bhatla said. “Often there are other co-morbid things that need to be dealt with and whether you deal with one first, second or simultaneously, it depends on the individual’s needs.”

What is obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a debilitating anxiety-related mental illness consisting of intense, unwanted thoughts and time-consuming daily rituals.

The compulsions might include ritual hand-washing or cleaning or continually ordering objects in a particular way. People with OCD understand that these thoughts and actions don’t make sense, but are powerless to control them. The compulsions may become so severe that they become all-consuming and take over the daily life of the sufferer.

How common is it?

The disorder affects about one per cent of the adult population, according to a study by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, and about half of those cases are considered severe. The disorder tends to run in families and some cases are associated with childhood trauma. Some children have been known to develop OCD after streptococcal infection.

Can it be treated?

There is no cure for OCD, but the disorder can be controlled with the use of drugs, cognitive behaviour therapy and counselling to reduce stress or improve healthy living.

More information:

Canadian Mental Health Association: cmha.ca
National Institute of Mental Health: nimh.nim.gov
The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Institute at the McLean Hospital: mcleanhospital.org
OCD Ottawa support group: ocdottawa.com


