City Hall Blog: What a taxi plate goes for

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As soon as Uber arrived in Ottawa, the trade in taxi plates fell off a cliff, according to statistics the city keeps.

Councillors trying to get their heads around the whackadoo economics of the taxi industry asked their bylaw department, which regulates taxis, for some details in advance of Wednesday’s important council vote on legalizing Uber.

A plate system like the one Ottawa might soon all but dismantle was a very common way for cities to limit the number of cabs on their streets; the idea was once that by restricting supply, taxi drivers would be guaranteed decent livings and that would enable them to invest in their cars.

Ottawa, like a lot of cities, made a grave mistake in setting the system up: It made those plates tradeable. They didn’t have to be owned by people who actually drove cabs, making them a kind of derivative instrument in the taxi economy. Issued for a few hundred dollars, the plates got more and more valuable on the secondary market as the supply of cabs failed to keep up with demand.

Some plates are owned by drivers who use them. Sometimes those same drivers will rent them out for 12 hours a day to somebody else, making money even when they aren’t driving. Some people own a plate and rent it out to two drivers who share it. Some people own whole masses of plates as investments.

We’ve heard all kinds of numbers about the street price of a plate, and according to the city’s records, there’s a good reason for that: prices are all over. Here’s what they’ve compiled:


10 regular plates traded, prices ranging from $50,000 to $320,000 (average $202,000)
5 accessible-taxi plates traded, prices ranging from $65,000 to $120,000 (average $87,000)
7 plates traded for $1


11 regular plates traded, $68,000 to $275,000 (average $173,000)
12 accessible-taxi plates traded, $40,000 to $230,000 (average $138,000)
48 plates traded for $1


4 regular plates traded, $137,000 to $250,000 (average $190,000)
6 accessible-taxi plates traded, $23,000 to $147,000 (average $92,000)
6 plates traded for $1


1 regular plate traded, $140,000
1 accessible plate traded, $45,000
0 plates traded for $1

(The average prices exclude plates that traded for $1. Some plates might trade for $1 because they’re being transferred within families, which is legit. They also might trade for $1 officially but be paid for off the books — deputy city manager Susan Jones, asked about that at one the Uber meetings last week, said the city has no evidence of that but almost by definition it wouldn’t know. Where price is concerned, city staff really just process the paperwork.)

If you’ve heard that a plate costs $300,000, yup, some sucker bought one for that price once. If you’ve heard that it’s more like $100,000, that’s on the low side but it’s a price Ottawa has seen in recent memory. It’s very, very far from a perfect market. A plate is more like a horse than a stock, with relatively little information available to buyers or sellers.

As soon as Uber arrived in 2014, the trade in plates froze up. Judging by the numbers, it looks as though sellers held out for prices that assumed that Uber would eventually be run out of town, though they found a lot fewer takers than they’d had before.

Who owns how many plates?

The city has issued 1,188 plates. According to its stats, 644 of them are in the hands of single-plate owners, only some of whom are day-to-day drivers (the city doesn’t know how many). Another 544 plates are in the hands of multi-plate owners.

We have 2,600 licensed drivers. Most of them don’t own plates. The figures mean most of them start every shift in the hole, paying money to people just for the right to drive.

How much are they paying?

According to the city, what cabbies who don’t own plates pay to borrow one can vary pretty widely, too.

Your basic cabbie who rents a plate by the shift pays $65 to $85 for a 12-hour stint at the wheel. Importantly, that’s a figure that includes all the overhead: plate, dispatch service, insurance, use of a fleet-owned car (though not gas).

Some cabbies own their own vehicles and only lease plates. Prices there range from $750 to $1,500 a month. Sometimes the arrangement is a one-time payment of about $100,000, which would include the right use the plate indefinitely but not to actually own it.

Cabbies who own their own plates still pay $400 a month for ancillary services like dispatch, according to the city. You have to be signed up with a “broker” — a dispatch service — in order to drive.

What it means

Most of the actual drivers pocket relatively little money from 12-hour driving shifts. Even those who own their own plates are often paying off loans to buy them — loans from friends and family, or other private sources. Coventry Connections advertises a financing service.

Unless you were born into it, that’s the only way into the taxi industry, but many of the arrangements are shadowy and you’d probably always have the sense that you’re being screwed somehow.

Owning your own plate free and clear, though, is the dream. Once you have that, whatever you’ve paid, you’re out of the swamp. You own something that’s worth something, something that’ll bring in money even when you stop driving — not a fortune, something like $1,000 a month, but enough money to matter. Something you can sell later or leave to your kids.

Now in comes Uber and blows that all up. Plates will still exist but they’ll be worth a great deal less because really they’ll only guarantee you access to the wheelchair-taxi market.

Marc-André Way, who owns Capital, has 87 plates in his family, so that’s at least $8.7 million up in smoke. Guys who’ve been financing them are watching the thousands of dollars they’ve put into the dream go poof. The only real beneficiaries are the drivers who rent by the shift or by the month, but even they’re looking at an industry that used to be stable — hard in a lot of ways, but stable — go to pieces. No doubt their rental fees will fall sharply but they can expect their revenues to fall, too, and nobody knows how much.

Whether you’re sympathetic or not, you can see why everyone in the traditional taxi business is apoplectic.

Note: All the figures here come from the city, which cites the taxi industry as the sources of those figures it doesn’t specifically keep itself. If you know better, please tell me.

