Reevely: 'Deliverology' works great for running a government if you don't mind breaking the...

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The “deliverology” approach to governing that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is counting on to help him with his ambitious campaign promises worked really well for what it was supposed to do in Ontario but saddled the province with huge spending increases that are now crippling its government.

That’s the thing about deliverology, the philosophy promoted by international governing guru Sir Michael Barber: done right, it’s very good at turning bad departments doing a bad job into decent ones doing a good job.

But it’s not cheap, and it’s not a permanent way of running anything.

Trudeau’s brought Barber to Canada twice now to talk to his cabinet ministers, including this past week at a retreat in the Alberta Rockies. Barber emerged saying he’s enthusiastic about the Canadian government’s potential. “I’ve seen real progress,” he reported, as ministers work together to tackle big problems.

It’s all an echo of what Barber did with Dalton McGuinty and his government 12 years ago.

The man who’s now the prime minister’s outboard brain, Gerald Butts, once did the same job for McGuinty in his early days, after McGuinty was elected promising to be “the education premier” who also fixed health care. Butts famously went to Britain to be schooled on deliverology, which Barber pioneered in Tony Blair’s government; Barber, a teacher by training, set up a “delivery unit” under Blair that went out to ministries to make sure they were following through on Blair’s agenda. He’s turned that experience into a global consulting practice.

The admiration in Canada is mutual: Butts and Trudeau have gone back to Barber now that Liberals are running the federal government again, and Barber publicly praises McGuinty as a role model for heads of government.

The 57 habits of highly effective governments

Barber distilled deliverology into a handbook, bravely titled How to Run a Government, in 2015. It has 57 separate rules, so it’s not a quick-start guide.

On one level, How to Run a Government includes a lot of obviousness: Decide on your priorities (rule No. 2), choose careful measures of how well you’re achieving them (rule No. 4 through 8), decide who will be in charge (rule No. 10), encourage competition (rules No. 19 through 21), check in regularly (rule No. 35), and build on success (rule No. 45). But for people who might be new to government, indeed new to managing anything larger than their own lives, such advice could be very useful.

Guided by Barber, the McGuinty government decided to focus on three measures of success in education: graduation rates, literacy and math. According to their own stats:

  • Math scores went up. They’ve plateaued but they’re unambiguously better than they were 10 years ago. “Academic” stream math scores in high school are quite good; “applied” stream math scores aren’t really good but they’re still better than they used to be. Elementary math scores are also up but they’ve slipped from a peak a few years ago.
  • Literacy scores went up sharply but have faded again. They’re still better than before but only a bit.
  • Graduation rates are stagnant. On paper they’re up but we’ve changed how we measure them. We’ll come back to those.

These improvements have coincided with very major spending increases on education. Grants to school boards for operating costs went from $15 billion in 2004-05 to $22 billion this year. After inflation, that’s a $4-billion increase in real dollars.

The record is similar in health care. Ontario saw dramatically reduced wait times for procedures like hip and knee replacements, and for treatment for complex conditions like cancer. A much greater percentage of the population has regular access to a family doctor. We have a trove of data on outcomes, kept by a score of local health integration networks — the health system’s deliverology units. And we’ve had a massive, massive increase in health spending, from $29 billion in 2004 to $52 billion this year.

“Money is essential, but it depends how you spend it,” says Michael Fullan, a top education adviser to the Ontario government and a collaborator of Barber’s. “Money can be squandered pretty easily. So it’s not the money factor by itself. But you do need resources to do it. So they do have resources to do things now. … It’s money, but it’s got to be accompanied by the kind of focused strategy that we’re talking about.”

After years of being beaten up by the Tories, the provincial education ministry was in a bad way in 2004. “The ministry did not have the capacity to lead this,” Fullan says. So the government created a literacy and numeracy secretariat in 2004, which served as the ministry’s deliverology centre. It started tracking the numbers the McGuinty government wanted and then began working on strengthening teachers’ ability to teach.

They were building the capacity to deliver on the government’s agenda (rule No. 13). The permanent budget increases mean continued funding for the secretariat’s work, but the idea is that it keeps feeding new and better resources into the system.

When deliverology goes wrong

Applied right, deliverology gives politicians and public servants clear goals, the means to reach them, and motivation to do it. But if you get parts of it wrong — pick the wrong targets, for instance — things can turn pathological quickly.

Blake, the Alec Baldwin character in the movie version of Glengarry Glen Ross, is a deliverologist of a kind, descending on his company’s moribund sales office with a pep talk for the guys that includes a contest: “As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired. Get the picture? You laughing now?”

The office comes apart under the strain and it makes a good movie.

In Britain, faced with deliverology pressure, one hospital killed people.

Multiple public inquiries into what happened at the Stafford Hospital found that the place was a snakepit before the deliverologists got to it, underfunded and understaffed. But under deliverology, it had to meet financial targets plus a bunch of performance targets, like a national standard that patients wouldn’t be kept in emergency rooms for more than four hours

Its board and managers, terrified of slipping behind, terrorized staff who got in the way.

“A high priority was placed on the achievement of targets, and in particular the (emergency-room) waiting time target,” the leader of two inquiries, Sir Robert Francis, wrote in one report. “The pressure to meet this generated a fear, whether justified or not, that failure to meet targets could lead to the sack.” Doctors, often residents with poor supervision by senior physicians, pushed patients out of the ER into any beds they could find, often without having done all the tests needed to know what those patients were sick with.

One emergency-room doctor testified about regular meetings nurses had to attend about the targets: “The nurses would go into that meeting and they were told in the meeting that (if) there were any breaches to — that is breaches of the four-hour rule — they would be in danger of losing their jobs. On a regular basis, and I mean a number of times per week, when I was on day shifts, I would see nurses coming out of that meeting crying.”

The ER sent one patient home with a rib injury that turned out to be a ruptured spleen. He died. A man went home with antibiotics for a urinary-tract infection; his appendix burst.

Medical mistakes happen, even in great hospitals. But stories abounded at Stafford of wards not cleaned, patients not fed, tests not done, staff living in terror of speaking out. Although Francis cautioned against putting a number on the failings, one assessment estimated the number of extra deaths at the Stafford Hospital, versus other similar-sized hospitals, at between 400 and 1,200 over four years.

The Stafford Hospital didn’t come up in How to Run a Government. Barber did mention another target problem: patients waiting in ambulances outside hospitals until an emergency room was ready to start the four-hour clock on them. “This kind of thing did happen, but we knew from our data checks that it didn’t happen very often,” Barber wrote. “One wonders at the professional ethics of the staff involved in such an abuse.”

One does. But if people’s careers can depend on certain statistics, and those statistics can be jiggered, expect somebody to jigger them.

Under pressure to do a better job of solving sex assaults, some police forces do everything they can to classify difficult cases as non-sexual.

Under pressure to improve Canada’s Olympic medal haul, our Own the Podium program tends to fund athletes in sports where there’s less global competition. Yes to the more acrobatic ski events, no to the gruelling cross-country ones the Scandinavians always win.

Under pressure to improve graduation rates in Ontario’s schools, we changed what qualifies as a success (if you get a four-year diploma in five years, that counts) and added “credit recovery” programs that help students who failed courses boost their grades rather than having to repeat everything.

Barber himself emphasizes the importance of getting your measurements right, checking for perverse consequences (rule No. 6), and confirming the validity of your data. Targets themselves are only a means to a higher moral purpose and you must not lose sight of that, he writes (rule No. 8). The government failed at Stafford Hospital in a host of ways.

That’s still a risk of governing to targets, just like standardized tests come with the risk of teachers “teaching to the test” rather than focusing on children. There’s no substitute for competence, courage, and adherence to principle. If you don’t have those, deliverology won’t do you any good.

What happens once you’ve delivered?

McGuinty, Barber says, is “a master of delivery” who achieved his goals brilliantly. Yet ultimately the education premier went to war with Ontario’s teachers, forced by recession and deficits to hack back at budgets that increased wildly as he tried to deliver. Deliverology is a rescue method when governments are failing at something important, not something that works permanently. Having made enemies after winning three elections is a high-class problem, but it’s still a problem.

Math is still a challenge in Ontario classrooms, Fullan admits. Under Premier Kathleen Wynne, the government is still trying to keep Ontario students competitive internationally. This year they’re sinking another $60-million into math-oriented education reforms, cranking up instructional time and trying to help parents encourage kids to learn math at younger ages.

“I think it’s probably that … maybe it turned out to be harder than we thought. That’s one thing,” Fullan says. “And the other is maybe with a big emphasis on literacy, it got neglected a little bit.”

And now, the difficulty in both health and education in Ontario is sustaining what each system does without letting them eat the provincial budget. That’s a problem deliverology cannot solve, and one Trudeau, who comes into office with a deficit, will have to work very hard to avoid.

