Art this week: 17 new exhibits — including rare Picasso exhibit

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New shows and events in and around Ottawa this week:

Signs de l’étant: recent works Michel Savage, postmodern prints/paintings, vernissage May 1 from 2 to 5 p.m., exhibit from April 28to May 22, Galerie d’art Jean-Claude Bergeron, 310 St. Patrick St.

Picasso: Man and Beast, The Vollard Suite of Prints, a collection of 100 etchings revealing Picasso’s playful attirude towards technique, April 29 to Sept. 5, National Gallery of Canada, 380 Sussex Dr. The National Gallery’s entire set is being exhibits for the first time, since it was acquired in 1957.

Kanata Artists Studio Tour, 25th anniversary event, featuring 25 artists under one roof this year, April 30 and May 1, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m,. vernissage from 5 to 7 p.m. on April 30, Williams Court, building D, Maritime Way.

City Lights is an installation piece of ten new films, created by local artists, screened in continuous loops onto the windows of the Shenkman Arts Centre so people can view them from inside or outside, with filmmakers in attendance, April 30, 7:30 p,.m., Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. All-ages.

Wearable Art fashion show: Donna Troop,. Diane Lemire, Jean-PIirre Doyon, Nancy Sutton, May 1, 2 p.m., Old Chelsea Gallery, 783 Hwy 105, Chelsea.

Magical Edge: Kathy M. Haycock, meet the artist May 1 from 2 to 5 p.m., exhibit to May 29, Cube Gallery, 1285 Wellington St. W.

Michel Luc Bellemare, May 2 to May 31, opening event May 5 from 7 to 9 p.m, Galerie d’art Eugène-Racette, 6600 rue Carrière, Orléans.

Confluence: Meryl McMaster, photographs exploring the self, opening event on May 2 from 5 to 7:30 p.m., exhibit to Aug. 28, Carleton University Art Gallery, St. Patrick Building.

Art & Cake Vernissage: group show, vernissage May 1 from 2 to 4 p.m., exhibit to June 24, Oh So Good, 261 Richmond Rd.

The Vessel, that with fugitive Articulation answere’d, how deep is your love: Maura Doyle, an exploration of the vessel and how we come to know and use it, opening event on May 2 from 5 to 7:30 p.m., exhibit to Aug. 28, Carleton University Art Gallery, St. Patrick Building.

Cutie and Bullie: Noriko Shinohara, Manga-inspired works by Academy Award-nominated Japanese artist, including 64-foot pinting Love is a Roarr — !!!, opening event on May 2 from 5 to 7:30 p.m.; CUAG in conversations with the artist and curator Cayllan Cassavia on May 3 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., free; exhibit to Aug. 7, Carleton University Art Gallery, St. Patrick Building.

Keeping Record: The Documentary Impulse in Inuit Art, opening event on May 2 from 5 to 7:30 p.m., Carleton University Art Gallery, exhibit to Aug. 28, St. Patrick Building.

Art Show and Sale, May 2 from 1 to 3:30 p.m, Gloucester Senior Adults’ Centre, 2020 Ogilvie Rd.

Spring Blooms Art Show and Auction, watercolour works by young cancer patients and their siblings will be sold to benefit The Candlelighters, alongside canapés and music by Sonya May, May 4 from 6 to 8 p.m., Koyman Galleries, 1771 St. Laurent Blvd.

The Bee’s Knees and Other Stories: Kristina Corre, a collection of small, handcut, spring-inspired collage pieces, May 4 from 7 to 11 p.m., Shanghai Restaurant, 651 Somerset St. W.

Stars: Louis Siegel, photographs, May 3 to June 5, vernissage May 5 from 7 yo 9 p.m, Life of Pie, 1134 Bank St.

The Saved and the New: new work by Nathalie Bourdon, plus works saved by a fire at her home, May 5 to 29, ArtScene Spencerville, 11 Spencer St, Spencerville.

Gathered: Aislinn Leggett, photographs and sculpture installations, May 5 to June 5, vernissage May 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Karsh-Masson Gallery, 110 Laurier Ave. W.

Station totale: Catherin Kammer-Mayer, May 5 to June 30, vernissage May 7 from 6 to 8 p.m., Centre d’action Culturelle de la MRC de Papineau, 3 Principale St., Saint-André-Avellin, Quebec.

Photos: Art this week

Pieces on display at art exhibits around the region.

  • pablo-picasso-18811973-minotaur-kneeling-over-sleeping-gi.jpeg

    Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) Minotaur Kneeling over Sleeping Girl, part of a special Picasso exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada until Sept. 5. Picasso Estate / SODRAC (2015) / NG

  • aislinn-leggetts-photograph-and-sculptural-installations-are3.jpeg

    Aislinn Leggett's photograph and sculptural installations are at the Karsh Masson Gallery until June 5.

  • le-communisme-est-le-modle-socio-conomique-primaire-pour-rpo.jpeg

    Le Communisme est le modèle socio-économique primaire pour répondre au totalitarisme de l'empire capitaliste global pour libérer l'individu de l'esclavage économique by Michel Luc Belemare exhibiting at Eugene-Racette until May 31.

  • meryl-macmasters-show-at-the-cuag-opens-on-may-1-handouft-f.jpeg

    Meryl MacMaster's show at the CUAG opens on May 1, open until Aug. 28.

  • diane-lemire-isone-of-the-artists-showing-wearable-art-at-an.jpeg

    Diane Lemire isone of the artists showing wearable art at an event at the Old Chelsea Gallery on May 1.

  • russ-paquette-is-exhibiting-works-of-ottawa-night-scenes-at.jpeg

    Russ Paquette is exhibiting works of Ottawa night scenes at Orange -Gallery.

  • josie-papialook-fixing-an-igloo-during-a-wind-storm-1980.jpeg

    Josie Papialook, Fixing an Igloo during a Wind Storm, 1980, from the exhibition Keeping Record: The Documentary Impulse in Inuit Art on at CUAG until Aug. 28.

  • get-some-inspiration-on-a-200-acre-nature-reserve-at-the-cre.jpeg

    Get some inspiration on a 200-acre nature reserve at the Creativity Blitz day.

  • suite-bergeron-3-by-montreal-artist-michel-savage-is-part-o.jpeg

    Suite Bergeron #3 by Montreal artist Michel Savage is part of an exhibit of new works on until May 22 at Galerie Jean-Claude Bergeron. Paul Fournier / supplied

  • pre-dvou-by-bernard-carriere-on-exhibit-at-centre-culturel-d.jpeg

    Père dévoué by Bernard Carriere on exhibit at Centre culturel d'Orléans until April 29.

  • the-international-risograph-print-edition-ii-is-on-at-possib2.jpeg

    The International Risograph Print Edition II is on at Possible Worlds until May 12.

  • artist-juan-ortiz-apuy-uses-ikea-furniture-and-parts-in-his.jpeg

    Artist Juan Ortiz-Apuy uses IKEA furniture and parts in his exhibit, at Shenkman Arts Centre.

  • donna-troop-is-one-of-the-artists-showing-wearable-art-at-an.jpeg

    Donna Troop is one of the artists showing wearable art at an event at the Old Chelsea Gallery on May 1.

  • prendre-le-taureau-par-les-cornes-by-genevieve-audrey-merci1-e1458068791655.jpeg

    Prendre le taureau par les cornes, by Genevieve-Audrey Mercier on exhibit at Espace Odysee until May 15.

  • paula-zoubek-exhibits-at-the-best-of-the-west-show-at-the-ne.jpeg

    Paula Zoubek exhibits at the Best of the West show at the new W Gallery.

  • maura-doyles-reclined-jug-2014-barrel-fired-stonewarepart.jpeg

    Maura Doyle's Reclined Jug, 2014, barrel-fired stoneware,part of her solo exhibit at CUAG until Aug. 28.

  • aislinn-leggetts-photograph-and-sculptural-installations-are2.jpeg

    Aislinn Leggett's photograph and sculptural installations are at the Karsh Masson Gallery until June 5.

  • wendy-quirt-is-among-the-artists-participating-in-the-kanata1.jpeg

    Wendy Quirt is among the artists participating in the Kanata Artists Studio Tour, this time under one roof, starting April 30.

  • an-exhibit-by-gabriela-avila-yiptong-is-on-at-studio-sixty-s8.jpeg

    An exhibit by Gabriela Avila-Yiptong is on at Studio Sixty-Six until May 21.

  • pablo-picasso-18811973-minotaur-defeated-by-youth-in-arena.jpeg

    Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) Minotaur Defeated by Youth in Arena, 29 May 1933 Etching on Montval laid paper, part of a special Picasso exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada until Sept. 5. Picasso Estate / SODRAC (2015) Photo / NGC

  • violeta-borisonik-is-among-the-artists-participating-in-the1.jpeg

    Violeta Borisonik is among the artists participating in the Kanata Artists Studio Tour, this time under one roof, starting April 30.

  • aislinn-leggetts-photograph-and-sculptural-installations-are1.jpeg

    Aislinn Leggett's photograph and sculptural installations are at the Karsh Masson Gallery until June 5.

  • mal-de-tte-la-ngociation-des-rseaux-bureaucratiques-des-ins.jpeg

    Mal-de-Tête (La négociation des Réseaux Bureaucratiques des Institutions D'art) by Michel Luc Belemare exhibiting at Eugene-Racette until May 31.

  • le-vide-abstrait-le-sens-de-la-subjectivit-totale-quand-on.jpeg

    Le Vide Abstrait (Le sens de la Subjectivité totale quand on est rempli de l'insignifiance complète de soi-même dans la plénitude du monde entier et de la longue infinité du temps historique) by Michel Luc Belemare exhibiting at Eugene-Racette until May 31.

  • katie-chaus-exhibits-her-paintings-inspired-by-the-tango-at1.jpeg

    Katie Chau's exhibits her paintings inspired by the tango at GigSpace for the month of April. Katie Chau / supplied

  • the-sixth-international-miniature-print-biennale-exhibition3.jpeg

    The Sixth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition is on until May 5.

  • tangled-garden-by-sarah-hatton-part-of-her-exhibit-of-new-wo.jpeg

    Tangled Garden by Sarah Hatton part of her exhibit of new works on until May 4.

  • the-infinite-universe-is-the-subtext-for-agnes-riverins-exhi.jpeg

    The infinite universe is the subtext for Agnes Riverin's exhibit at Voix Visuelle, opening April 14, and closing May 10. Agnes Riverin / supplied

  • janis-miller-is-among-the-artists-participating-in-the-kanat1.jpeg

    Janis Miller is among the artists participating in the Kanata Artists Studio Tour, this time under one roof, starting April 30.

  • tami-galili-ellis-is-exhibiting-at-wallack-galleries-until-m.jpeg

    Tami Galili Ellis is exhibiting at Wallack Galleries until May 4.

  • john-kittson-exhibits-at-the-best-of-the-west-show-at-the-ne.jpeg

    John Kittson exhibits at the Best of the West show at the new W Gallery. J Kittson / supplied

  • pablo-picasso-woman-torero-ii-20-june-1934-etching-and-scr.jpeg

    Pablo Picasso Woman Torero, II, 20 June 1934 Etching and scraper on Montval laid paper, part of a special Picasso exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada until Sept. 5. Picasso Estate / SODRAC (2016) / NGC

  • the-artist-as-rockstar-by-anthony-sauve-part-of-the-group-e.jpeg

    The Artist as Rockstar by Anthony Sauve, part of the group exhibit Full Catastrophe at the Karsh Masson Gallery. Anthony Sauve / supplied

  • vintage-flowers-at-dundonald-park-by-russ-paquette-part-of.jpeg

    Vintage & Flowers at Dundonald Park by Russ Paquette part of a solo show at Cube Gallery until May 8.

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    Aislinn Leggett's photograph and sculptural installations are at the Karsh Masson Gallery until June 5.

  • straining-and-aborbing-by-lisa-myers-part-of-the-all-that-y.jpeg

    Straining and Aborbing by Lisa Myers, part of the All That You Touch group show at the OAG until May 29.

  • wise-men-by-rashmi-rekha-part-of-a-solo-exhibit-at-kevin-do.jpeg

    Wise Men by Rashmi Rekha, part of a solo exhibit at Kevin Dodds Gallery through April 2016.

  • univers-derriere-le-loup-by-sylvie-labrecque-on-exhibit-at-c.jpeg

    Univers derriere le loup by Sylvie Labrecque on exhibit at Centre culturel d'Orléans until April 29.

  • rflexion-by-suzanne-subu-boucher-on-exhibit-at-centre-cultur.jpeg

    Réflexion by Suzanne Subu Boucher on exhibit at Centre culturel d'Orléans until April 29.

  • prelude-by-kathy-haycock-who-has-a-solo-exhibit-at-cube-gal-e1461334789836.jpeg

    Prelude by Kathy Haycock, who has a solo exhibit at Cube Gallery until May 29.

  • big-brother-loeil-panoptique-by-michel-luc-belemare-exhibit.jpeg

    Big Brother/ L'Oeil-Panoptique by Michel Luc Belemare exhibiting at Eugene-Racette until May 31.

  • one-of-the-new-paintings-by-sarah-hatton-on-exhibit-at-galer.jpeg

    One of the new paintings by Sarah Hatton on exhibit at Galerie St-Laurent Hill until May 4.

  • ceramic-plate-installation-detail-by-alex-morrison-at-cen.jpeg

    Ceramic Plate, (installation detail) by Alex Morrison at Central Art Garage part of a group show on until April 29.

  • by-kathy-haycock-who-has-a-solo-exhibit-at-cube-gallery-unt.jpeg

    by Kathy Haycock, who has a solo exhibit at Cube Gallery until May 29.

  • pablo-picasso-18811973-two-sculptors-two-models-and-scul.jpeg

    Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) Two Sculptors, Two Models, and Sculpture, 20 March 1933 Etching on Montval laid paper part of a special Picasso exhibit at the National Gallery of Canada until Sept. 5. Picasso Estate / SODRAC (2015) Photo / NGC

  • it-was-never-about-playing-cowboys-and-indians-by-gail-tremb.jpeg

    It Was Never About Playing Cowboys and Indians by Gail Tremblay, part of the All That You Touch group show at the OAG until May 29. REBEKAH JOHNSON Photography / supplied

  • sur-cette-piere-by-bernard-carriere-on-exhibit-at-centre-cul.jpeg

    Sur cette piere by Bernard Carriere on exhibit at Centre culturel d'Orléans until April 29.

  • fire-in-the-belly-by-rashmi-rekha-are-on-exhibit-at-kevin-do.jpeg

    Fire in the Belly by Rashmi Rekha are on exhibit at Kevin Dodds Gallery through April 2016.

  • seven-views-is-a-group-exhibit-featuring-about-to-graduate-a.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • seven-views-is-a-group-exhibit-featuring-about-to-graduate-a3.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • 44996471-img_5010-w-jpg.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • the-infinite-universe-is-the-subtext-for-agnes-riverins-exhi2.jpeg

    The infinite universe is the subtext for Agnes Riverin's exhibit at Voix Visuelle, opening April 14, and closing may 10. Agnes Riverin / supplied

  • the-trial-by-rashmi-rekha-part-of-an-exhibit-at-kevin-dodds.jpeg

    The Trial by Rashmi Rekha, part of an exhibit at Kevin Dodds Gallery through April 2016.

  • seven-views-is-a-group-exhibit-featuring-about-to-graduate-a1.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • 44996435-image1-w-jpg.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • lgie-la-rpublique-by-michael-savage-part-of-an-exhibit-of.jpeg

    Élégie à la République by Michael Savage- part of an exhibit of new works by the Montreal artist on exhibit until May 22 at Galerie Jean-Claude Bergeron.

  • 410-shot-gun-blasts-by-adrian-gollner-part-of-the-group-exh.jpeg

    410 Shot gun Blasts by Adrian Gollner, part of the group exhibit Full Catastrophe at the Karsh Masson Gallery.

  • the-sixth-international-miniature-print-biennale-exhibition4.jpeg

    The Sixth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition is on until May 5.

  • seven-views-is-a-group-exhibit-featuring-about-to-graduate-a2.jpeg

    Seven Views is a group exhibit featuring about-to-graduate artists from the Ottawa School of Art at The Fritzi Gallery.

  • noise-cooking-by-autimn-chacon-part-of-the-all-that-you-tou.jpeg

    Noise Cooking by Autimn Chacon, part of the All That You Touch group show at the OAG until May 29.

  • the-international-risograph-print-edition-ii-is-on-at-possib1.jpeg

    The International Risograph Print Edition II is on at Possible Worlds until May 12.

  • under-bon-echo-by-sarah-hatton-part-of-her-exhibit-of-new-wo.jpeg

    Under Bon Echo by Sarah Hatton part of her exhibit of new works on until May 4.

  • antonietta-grassi-is-on-exhibit-at-art-image-until-may-22-f.jpeg

    Detail of a piece by Antonietta Grassi, on exhibit at Art-Image until May 22.

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    The International Risograph Print Edition II is on at Possible Worlds until May 12.

  • an-exhibit-by-gabriela-avila-yiptong-is-on-at-studio-sixty-s1.jpeg

    An exhibit by Gabriela Avila-Yiptong is on at Studio Sixty-Six until May 21.

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    The International Risograph Print Edition II is on at Possible Worlds until May 12.

  • holly-dean-exhibits-at-the-best-of-the-west-show-at-the-new-e1460484265707.jpeg

    Holly Dean exhibits at the Best of the West show at the new W Gallery.

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    Katie Chau's exhibits her paintings inspired by the tango at GigSpace for the month of April. Katie Chau / supplied

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    An exhibit by Gabriela Avila-Yiptong is on at Studio Sixty-Six until May 21.

  • an-exhibit-by-gabriela-avila-yiptong-is-on-at-studio-sixty-s3.jpeg

    An exhibit by Gabriela Avila-Yiptong is on at Studio Sixty-Six until May 21.

  • the-sixth-international-miniature-print-biennale-exhibition1.jpeg

    The Sixth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition is on until May 5.

  • milford-bay-church-1956-by-parskeva-clark-on-exhibit-at-t.jpeg

    Milford Bay Church, 1956, by Parskeva Clark, on exhibit at the OAG until May 29.

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    The Sixth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition is on until May 5.

  • working-drawing-for-eatons-windows-1935-by-parskeva-clark.jpeg

    Working Drawing for Eaton's WIndows, 1935, by Parskeva Clark, on exhibit at the OAG until May 29.

  • roy-kakegamic-weesahkay-jack-and-the-great-flood-2005-par.jpeg

    Roy Kakegamic, Weesahkay Jack and the Great Flood (2005) part of the new exhibit at Canada Council for the Arts. courtesy / ollection of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

  • edge-of-the-forest-by-kathy-haycock-who-has-a-solo-exhibit.jpeg

    Edge of the Forest by Kathy Haycock, who has a solo exhibit at Cube Gallery until May 29.
  • pablo-picasso-18811973-minotaur-kneeling-over-sleeping-gi.jpeg
  • aislinn-leggetts-photograph-and-sculptural-installations-are3.jpeg
  • le-communisme-est-le-modle-socio-conomique-primaire-pour-rpo.jpeg
  • meryl-macmasters-show-at-the-cuag-opens-on-may-1-handouft-f.jpeg
  • diane-lemire-isone-of-the-artists-showing-wearable-art-at-an.jpeg
  • russ-paquette-is-exhibiting-works-of-ottawa-night-scenes-at.jpeg
  • josie-papialook-fixing-an-igloo-during-a-wind-storm-1980.jpeg
  • get-some-inspiration-on-a-200-acre-nature-reserve-at-the-cre.jpeg
  • suite-bergeron-3-by-montreal-artist-michel-savage-is-part-o.jpeg
  • pre-dvou-by-bernard-carriere-on-exhibit-at-centre-culturel-d.jpeg
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  • artist-juan-ortiz-apuy-uses-ikea-furniture-and-parts-in-his.jpeg
  • donna-troop-is-one-of-the-artists-showing-wearable-art-at-an.jpeg
  • prendre-le-taureau-par-les-cornes-by-genevieve-audrey-merci1-e1458068791655.jpeg
  • paula-zoubek-exhibits-at-the-best-of-the-west-show-at-the-ne.jpeg
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  • pablo-picasso-18811973-minotaur-defeated-by-youth-in-arena.jpeg
  • violeta-borisonik-is-among-the-artists-participating-in-the1.jpeg
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  • mal-de-tte-la-ngociation-des-rseaux-bureaucratiques-des-ins.jpeg
  • le-vide-abstrait-le-sens-de-la-subjectivit-totale-quand-on.jpeg
  • katie-chaus-exhibits-her-paintings-inspired-by-the-tango-at1.jpeg
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  • tangled-garden-by-sarah-hatton-part-of-her-exhibit-of-new-wo.jpeg
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  • tami-galili-ellis-is-exhibiting-at-wallack-galleries-until-m.jpeg
  • john-kittson-exhibits-at-the-best-of-the-west-show-at-the-ne.jpeg
  • pablo-picasso-woman-torero-ii-20-june-1934-etching-and-scr.jpeg
  • the-artist-as-rockstar-by-anthony-sauve-part-of-the-group-e.jpeg
  • vintage-flowers-at-dundonald-park-by-russ-paquette-part-of.jpeg
  • aislinn-leggetts-photograph-and-sculptural-installations-are.jpeg
  • straining-and-aborbing-by-lisa-myers-part-of-the-all-that-y.jpeg
  • wise-men-by-rashmi-rekha-part-of-a-solo-exhibit-at-kevin-do.jpeg
  • univers-derriere-le-loup-by-sylvie-labrecque-on-exhibit-at-c.jpeg
  • rflexion-by-suzanne-subu-boucher-on-exhibit-at-centre-cultur.jpeg
  • prelude-by-kathy-haycock-who-has-a-solo-exhibit-at-cube-gal-e1461334789836.jpeg
  • big-brother-loeil-panoptique-by-michel-luc-belemare-exhibit.jpeg
  • one-of-the-new-paintings-by-sarah-hatton-on-exhibit-at-galer.jpeg
  • ceramic-plate-installation-detail-by-alex-morrison-at-cen.jpeg
  • by-kathy-haycock-who-has-a-solo-exhibit-at-cube-gallery-unt.jpeg
  • pablo-picasso-18811973-two-sculptors-two-models-and-scul.jpeg
  • it-was-never-about-playing-cowboys-and-indians-by-gail-tremb.jpeg
  • sur-cette-piere-by-bernard-carriere-on-exhibit-at-centre-cul.jpeg
  • fire-in-the-belly-by-rashmi-rekha-are-on-exhibit-at-kevin-do.jpeg
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  • the-trial-by-rashmi-rekha-part-of-an-exhibit-at-kevin-dodds.jpeg
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  • 410-shot-gun-blasts-by-adrian-gollner-part-of-the-group-exh.jpeg
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  • noise-cooking-by-autimn-chacon-part-of-the-all-that-you-tou.jpeg
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  • under-bon-echo-by-sarah-hatton-part-of-her-exhibit-of-new-wo.jpeg
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Other Events/Call for Submissions

Paint & Pints Night with Art with Bonnie, April 28, 6:30 p.m, Red Dot, 5673 Osgoode Main St., Osgoode. Cost: $40, includes canvas, paints and implements but not drinks and food.

Learn to Paint with Katerina Mertikas, April 28, 6:30 p.m., Koyman Galleries, 1771 St. Laurent Blvd. Cost: $75 includes all materials and refreshments.

Creativity Blitz, an annual event where artists, musicians and anyone seeking inspiration are invited to explore over 200-acres of the High Lonesome Nature Reserve, located outside Pakenham, May 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Bring materials, instruments or craft with what you find. There will be guides on hand to direct to the outstanding parts of the reserve. Admission by donation: $10 recommended, children under 12 are free.

Accessing the Museum, a discussion and public talk on museum accessibility, to address how public cultural institutions risk disabling and marginalizing audiences by not providing expanded access considering social and cultural barriers, with Tangled Art + Disability, May 3, 7 p.m., Ottawa Art Gallery, 2 Daly Ave.

Ottawa Art Gallery Toddler morning is a free, drop-in tour with gallery staff for parents/caregivers (yay! Adult conversation!) with their children, including activities for the little ones, May 4, 10 to 11:30 a.m. trollers are always welcome, 2 Daly Ave. Cost: Free.

Film screening: Le fabuleux destin de Vigée Le Brun, a docudrama about the free spirit who was the portraitist of Marie-Antoinette, following her nearly 90-year life, May 5, starting with tapas and drinks at 5 p.m., film at 6 p.m., followed by a conversation, National Gallery of Canada, 380 Sussex Ave. Organized with the French embassy in Canada and Air France. SOLD OUT.

Call for artists to participate in the Art on the Farm show on Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. under a canopy on the Experimental Farm. Information may be had at

Call for animated works, that’s short films, features, TV series, music videos, PSAs and commercials made after May 29th, 2015, for the 2016 Ottawa International Animation Festival. There is no entry fee and the deadline for submissions is May 13. The show is on Sept. 21 to 25.

The Asinabka Film and Media Arts Festival is seeking submissions from independent filmmakers, film or video that tells First Nations, Métis or Inuit stories, or that focuses on international indigenous issues, before May 16 for the event running August 10 to 14. Any genre or any length finished works are welcome, and there is no submission fee. Deadline is May 16.

Call for mural ideas from young people, aged 4 to 19 years in Canada, to decorate the walls surrounding the Canada Science and Technology Museum construction site. The theme is “how does science inspire you?”, and will include the work of local graffiti artists. Deadline: May 30.

Ongoing exhibits:

Sylvie Labrecque, Bernard Carrière, Suzanne Boucher, to April 29, Centre culturel d’Orléans, 6600 Carriere St.

Objectionable Practices: group show, to April 29, Central Art Garage, 66B LeBreton St. N.

Exhibition No. 11: photographic works by SPAO first-year, graduating students and artists in residence, to April 29, School of Photographic Arts, 168 Dalhousie St.

Exposed: Tami Galili Ellis, artist talk April 30 from 6 to 9 p.m, exhibit to May 4, Wallack Galleries, 225 Bank St.

Blue Minds: Sharon Kelly, to April 30, Wall Space Gallery, 358 Richmond Rd.

Les mystères du bayou noir: Patrice Stanley, to April 30, Wall Space Gallery, 358 Richmond Rd.

First Blush: Crystal Beshara, to April 30, Wall Space Gallery, 358 Richmond Rd.

Medium Rare: Rashmi Rekha, paintings, to April 30, Kevin Dodds Gallery, 1101 Bank St.

Fluxus8: Marie-Hélene Parant, 30-foot interactive video wall, exhibit to April 30, Âjagemô, Canada Council for the Arts, 150 Elgin St.

Invisible Eyes: Melissa Blackman, to April 30, Railbender Studio, 3 Hamilton Ave. N.

Temporal Re-Imaginings, a new curation of indigenous art works by Alexandra Kahsenni:io Nahwegahbo, exhibit to April 2016, Âjagemô, Canada Council for the Arts, 150 Elgin St.

Art of Tango: Katie Chau, to April 28, GigSpace, 965 Gladstone Ave.

Explorations: works by Art Mad Artists, to May 1, ArtScene Spencerville, 11 Spencer St, Spencerville.

Lake Fever: Sarah Hatton, new works, to May 4, Galerie St-Laurent Hill, 293 Dalhousie St.

Listening to the Machine: Philip David Ross, photographs, to May 4, Exposure Gallery, 1255 Wellington St. W.


Janis Miller exhibits at the Best of the West show at the new W Gallery.

Best of the West: works by Ottawa Mixed Media Artists, West Carleton Art Society, Contemporary Creative Arts Students, show featuring artists from Ottawa’s West end and opening of Wallack’s new exhibition space, to May 5, W Gallery, 11-1821 Roberston Rd.

Sixth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition, featuring over 82 artists across 11 countries, to May 5, Ottawa School of Art, 35 George St.

Under Sacred Light,Ottawa Night Scenes: Robert Paquette, May 8, orange Art Gallery. 290 City Centre Ave.

Steve Young, new paintings, to May 8, Espace33, 33 Rue Principale, Gatineau.

Planisphère Nord: Agnès Riverin, to May 10, Voix Visuelle, 67 Beechwood Ave.

International Risograph Print Edition II: Collaborative Experiments, cutting-egde print practises focussing on nine studios and publishers in North America, Europe and Asia, to May 12, Possible Worlds, 708G Somerset St. W.

Young at Art: works by the city’s best young artists, to May 13, Kanata Civic Art Gallery, John G. Mlacak Centre, 2500 Campeau Dr.

J’agis, donc je suis: Geneviève-Audre Mercier, to May 15, Espace Odyssée, 855 Boul. de la Gappe, Gatineau.

Young at Art: works by the city’s best young artists, to May 16, Trinity Art Gallery, Shenkman Arts Center, 245 Centrum Blvd.

Young at Art: works by the city’s best young artists, to May 16, Atrium Gallery and Nepean Fine Arts League Gallery, Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Dr.

In the Beginning: Gabriela Avila-Yiptong, to May 21, Studio Sixty-Six, 66 Muriel St.

Ouvertures délibérées et enclose accidentels: Antoniette Grassi, to May 22, Art-Image, 855 boul. de la Gappe, Gatineau.

Échos: André Brassard, tribute to stage director André Brassard, to May 28, National Arts Centre foyer, 53 Elgin St.

Bloom: Deborah Arnold, Barbara Ganble, Susan Tooke, Mary Wong, exploring the magic of nature, to May 29, Sivarulrasa Gallery, 83 Little Bridge St., Almonte.

Seven Views: group show, pieces by artists completing the Fine Art Diploma Program at the Ottawa School of Art, to May 29, The Fritzi Gallery, Great Canadian Theatre Company.

A Window on Paraskeva Clark, preparatory work and finished pieces from the Firestone Collection, to May 29, Ottawa Art Gallery, 2 Daly Ave.

All That You Touch: group show, works by seven contemporary artists who work with unconventional materials; special events: Creative Sundays for all ages, upcycle and reuse discarded items to make wearable works of art, to May 29, Ottawa Art Gallery, 2 Daly Ave.

Out of the light, Into this Shadow: installation by Juan Ortiz-Apuy, exhibit exploring junkspace, crafted primarily from IKEA furniture and parts, to June 5, Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd.

Photography by Lois Siegel, exhibit to July 7, Ottawa Bagelshop and Deli, 1321 Wellington St.

Winners of the 2016 Governor General Awards in Visual and Media Arts exhibit, to Sept. 5, National Gallery of Canada, 380 Sussex Dr.

Coast to Coast: features from the Firestone collection of Canadian Art, to Nov. 30, 2016, OAg Annex, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave.

Send information on art shows and events to by 8 a.m. Monday, two weeks before the event. Photos welcome.


