Reevely: Alex Trebek gets a key to Ottawa, and to Jim Watson's heart

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Mayor Jim Watson is giving Alex Trebek a key to Ottawa for some reason.

Despite Watson’s reputation for attending anything, he prefers to attend things where people are happy. Business openings, awards ceremonies, strawberry socials. A two-day City Hall meeting on taxi reforms? Consultations on a safe-injection site? Not so much. A chance to be seen nuzzling a happy celebrity, such as the distinguished host of Jeopardy! is pretty much ideal.

A key to the city, Ottawa’s very highest honour, is given at the discretion of the mayor. That makes it like those diamond-jubilee medals politicians flung around like frisbees a few years ago — to really good people who’ve sacrificed selflessly for their communities, to celebrities, to other politicians and supporters, to whoever happened to be wandering by the office when a list needed to be filled out.

In his first stint as mayor in the late 1990s, Watson gave keys to the city to:

  • Bryan Adams (the singer)
  • Peter Mansbridge (the newscaster)
  • Peter Jennings (the newscaster)
  • The whole of the University of Ottawa
  • Dave Smith (the restaurateur and philanthropist)
  • Yousuf and Malak Karsh (the photographers)

Then Watson resigned. He got a key to the city himself in 2000, having given Ottawa sterling service as mayor for … less than one term. Since returning to office in 2010, Watson’s given keys to:

  • David Currie (of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra)
  • The Community Foundation of Ottawa
  • Sandra Oh (the actress)
  • Daniel Alfredsson (the hockey player)
  • Beverley McLachlin (the judge)

Go back in history and it’s the same mishmash. Visiting royals (surely they can let themselves in?), athletes like Barbara Ann Scott, entertainers like Paul Anka, the crews of navy ships named after the city. Ottawa’s not alone in that. Winnipeg gave Henry (The Fonz) Winkler the key to the city when he signed autographs at a car show there. Toronto gave keys to “the people of Prince Edward Island” once, to Mickey Mouse, and to Margaret Atwood, Sylvester Stallone, the exiled king of Greece and Jackie Chan all in one year.

We goof around a lot with these keys.

Watson’s giving Trebek the a key to Ottawa “for his philanthropy and activism, his unrelenting commitment to higher education, and his steadfast loyalty to his alma mater, the University of Ottawa.” He’s been a spokesman for World Vision, sponsored development projects in Africa, and supported literacy and scholarship charities. Plus, Jeopardy! is a high-end game show that rewards knowledge. Not like Let’s Make a Deal.

Trebek, born in Sudbury, lived in Ottawa for a little bit in the late 1950s. As Watson says, he graduated from the U of O and has donated to it. Trebek gave the U of O $2.4 million toward a new building and he was rewarded in the customary way last year: they named it after him. They’d already given him an honorary doctorate in 1996 and a distinguished-alumnus award in 1998.

He’s a big man on campus, as he should be. But very likely not one North American in a hundred outside Ottawa would guess he has any connection to the city at all, any more than they knew Sandra Oh is from Nepean. Certainly not like Drake or Mike Myers, keyholders both, are known for being from Toronto.

The event for Trebek will at least be, er, lower-key than the one for Oh. Watson’s to hand Trebek his key during a photo-op outside the mayor’s office, then they’ll have a private lunch. For Oh, a city-run reception was an opportunity for Watson to raffle off tickets to his own Twitter followers, one of the grosser things he’s done. When McLachlin got a key to the city a few weeks ago, the mayor put on an invitation-only reception where a great many Ottawa lawyers got to hang around with a significant percentage of the Supreme Court.

Watson gives out “city-builder awards” at council meetings every two weeks and has created an Order of Ottawa with an annual induction ceremony. Not satisfied with the hundreds of happy events he gets invited to, he’s created his own.

None of this is the recipients’ fault, for accepting honours. The error is on our side, for letting our politicians get away with using good people and Ottawa’s own highest award to puff themselves up.

