Linux is a more wonderful OS than Windows. Don't believe? try it.
The following are the most stable and papular versions....Built-in developing tools are desirable for students in using computer languages. It also has the office-word function, various broswers, ftp, and more livable interface....
redhad8.0 ---- 5CDs
redhad9.0 ---- 6CDs
redhad10.0(beta) ---- 3CDs
SuSEPro8,0 ---- 5CDs
SuSE8.0 ---- 7CDs
Mandrake9.0 ---- 3CDs
Mandrake9.2 ---- 3CDs
红旗Linux4.0 ---- 1CD
Linux/390(Debain's version) ---- DASD/3390
Linux/390(Debian) is FREE
2338916 ext 808 or
The following are the most stable and papular versions....Built-in developing tools are desirable for students in using computer languages. It also has the office-word function, various broswers, ftp, and more livable interface....
redhad8.0 ---- 5CDs
redhad9.0 ---- 6CDs
redhad10.0(beta) ---- 3CDs
SuSEPro8,0 ---- 5CDs
SuSE8.0 ---- 7CDs
Mandrake9.0 ---- 3CDs
Mandrake9.2 ---- 3CDs
红旗Linux4.0 ---- 1CD
Linux/390(Debain's version) ---- DASD/3390
Linux/390(Debian) is FREE
2338916 ext 808 or