Sunshine on a rainy day — amputee clearing hurdles three years later

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Christine Caron has a brand new driver’s licence, braces on her teeth and has shot up four inches.

She’s no teenager but an irrepressible 52-year-old embarking on a new life that mingles her scars with her joy.

The braces are to repair damage to her teeth done when she bit through tubes while she was in a coma. The extra height is because if she needed artificial legs, she might as well get her wish to no longer be five-foot-nothing.

“I asked to be taller,” Caron jokes.

It’s been three years this month since an infection plunged the mother-of-four into a coma, stole three of her limbs and almost took her life.

Since then, she’s taken up the cause of fellow amputees, speaks to high school students about the power of resilience and is at work on a book telling her story. That’s when she’s not painting, doing yoga or enjoying the freedom of being back behind the wheel.

“It’s like turning 16 again,” Caron says with a laugh.

Then her tone is serious.

“The work is hard,” she says. “For every hurdle, the work is real, so when you finally get over it, it’s exhilarating.”
Photos: Christine Caron clearing hurdles, three years later

It’s been three years this month since an infection plunged mother-of-four Christine Caron into a coma, stole three of her limbs and almost took her life. Since then, she’s taken up the cause of fellow amputees, speaks to high school students about the power of resilience and is at work on a book telling her story. That’s when she’s not painting, doing yoga or enjoying the freedom of being back behind the wheel.

  • occupational-therapists-at-the-ottawa-hospitals-rehab-centre.jpeg

    Occupational therapists at the Ottawa Hospital's rehab centre fit a resting-hand splint on Christine's right arm to improve her range of motion. It has been three years since Christine Caron lost three limbs arising from immune complications after a dog-biting incident. Today, the local mother of four is back to doing yoga, has started public speaking and intends on writing a book about her recovery. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    A special prosthetic made for her left arm allowed Christine to get back to yoga. She demonstrates her "downward dog" at the Ottawa Hospital's rehab centre, May 5, 2016. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    While in occupational therapy at Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre, Christine jokes about her next goal of being able to "flip the bird" with her right hand - actually improving the range of motion with her left-hand fingers. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    While in occupational therapy at the Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre, effervescent Christine laughs at her next goal of being able to "flip the bird" with her right hand - actually improving the range of motion with her left-hand fingers. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    Christine soaks up a bit of the midday sun during a break in occupational therapy at the Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre, May 5, 2016. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    A special prosthetic made for her left arm allowed Christine to get back to yoga. She demonstrates a balancing pose at the Ottawa Hospital's rehab centre, May 5, 2016. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    Christine's remaining limb - her right arm and hand - is also quite disfigured with limited range of motion, but she writes, cooks and paints with it amidst a myriad of other things. Julie Oliver / Postmedia

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    "Taking Life back" reads one of a box of Christmas ornaments Christine recently painted with her right hand, which still has very limited range of motion. Julie Oliver / Postmedia
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It was May 21, 2013, and Caron felt dizzy. Days earlier, she’d gotten a playful nip from one of her four dogs, a little Shih Tzu named Buster.

“I left my house saying ‘See you tonight,’” she says. “I was unconscious for a month.”

Caron had had the rare bad luck to get near-fatally ill from bacteria in canine saliva because she unwittingly had pneumonia, which weakened her immune system.

Her four children – now aged 18 to 27 – sat by her bedside day after day.

“My kids didn’t know if I was going to be alive or what would be left of me,” Caron says. “I was the only one who knew that I was going to be OK.”

First she had to wake up to the crushing news that all of her limbs would be amputated.

She contemplated suicide.

“I was figuring out how I could hang myself on my tubes,” Caron remembers.

Then a resident heard a pulse in her right hand. It could be saved, although she lost the tip of each finger.

It gave her new hope for the months of gruelling in-patient therapy at The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre that lasted until her first Christmas.

“Not losing my arm was the first spark,” Caron says. “The second part was realizing that my kids really needed me.

“I didn’t think I would be doing yoga again and I don’t think my doctor did either. I didn’t think I could do any of this. Public speaking? I never thought I’d write a book about anything.”

Now she knows she will. She can see it.

“If you can’t visualize it, if you can’t see it, you can’t do it,” Caron says.


Occupational therapists at the Ottawa Hospital’s rehab centre fit a resting-hand splint on Christine’s right arm to improve her range of motion.


There are days when she’s sick of taking half an hour to get out of bed and to the bathroom or hurls a book in frustration at turning the pages.

Fresh horror comes back to her in snatches of memory, like opening the purse she’d carried when she collapsed in an emergency room.

“I still don’t have a full picture of what happened,” she said. “I smelt my purse – the whole incident was back.”

Caron credits her team at the rehab centre – which includes a doctor, occupational therapist, prosthetist, nurse and psychiatrist – with helping her return to a life “with some kind of dignity and independence.”

“Three years past, reality and hope blend,” occupational therapist Kari Beggs says as she and colleague, Jackie Barwin, fit Caron for a splint that will loosen scar tissue on her hand in preparation for yet more surgery.

“The goals broaden,” Barwin adds. “When you get past ‘How do you get up in the morning,’ it’s ‘How do you redefine yourself on a day-to-day basis?’

“It never ceases to amaze me. People’s stories are truly inspiring.”

Help came too from the War Amps, which connected Caron with another amputee for support and provided her first pair of legs.

They can cost as much as $30,000 each and Caron had no private insurance. She’d been laid off from her longtime job with the National Research Council and hadn’t yet started a new job as an insurance broker before she got sick.

When she was struggling most, nearly housebound in winter and unable to do the things she’d always done to calm her spirit, the charity provided an arm adapted for yoga.

“This funny-looking thing has helped change my world,” Caron says, now inspired to do a video on yoga for amputees.

Asked to strike a pose, she shows off downward dog, tree and warrior.


A special prosthetic made for her left arm allowed Christine to get back to yoga. She demonstrates her “downward dog” at the Ottawa Hospital’s rehab centre, May 5, 2016.

Then, fiddling with a wooden model of a hand, Caron mischievously poses it in a one-fingered salute.

“This is my goal for this hand, to be able to flip the bird,” she jokes, everyone in the room joining in on laughter as infectious as a child’s.

“It’s a good goal because you don’t know how many muscles you need to do that.”

On driving:

Adapting Caron’s 2009 Hyundai took months but it allows her to use her right hand to grip a T-bar attached to the steering wheel while her residual left arm fits into a sleeve that controls the gas and brake. She cocks her head to activate her turn signals using buttons on the headrest.

“Watch out, Ottawa,” Caron says. “I’m back on the road.”

On not just surviving, but thriving:

“Resilience and being able to find the sunshine on a rainy day, the tiny light in the darkness. You’ve got to find it, because in every situation, there is some.

“I’ve been in the total darkness; I have physical scars you can see. I grew four inches at 50. I’m speaking to people I never would have got to talk to.

“A lot of it sucks, but I’ve been blessed.”

On her supporters:

Caron’s daughters, Danica and Arielle, read her the daily messages from supporters – who’ve also donated almost $100,000 online to help with expenses, such as making her home wheelchair-accessible.

“This helped me dig deep on the tough days,” Caron said. “Knowing you’re not just doing it for yourself now, others — people you’ve never met — are thinking of you, praying for you and cheering you. It’s a pretty awesome feeling.”

