Royal's alcohol clinic offers quick help when most vulnerable need it most

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When the people most addicted to alcohol abruptly stop drinking, withdrawal can be life-threatening, with seizures, hallucinations, sky-rocketing blood pressure and a racing heart.

So it’s no surprise that even after their illness lands them in the emergency room, they might do what they know will stop the “awful” symptoms — start drinking again.

But now, “people don’t have to tough it out – we do have options,” says Dr. Kim Corace, an addictions specialist and co-founder of the newly opened Alcohol Medical Intervention Clinic at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre.

The two-year pilot project, open since May 26, offers quick access to medically supported alcohol withdrawal to patients referred from Ottawa Hospital emergency rooms.

The aim is to break the cycle of costly repeat visits for severe intoxication, withdrawal or an alcohol-related injury, while improving care for an expected 500 to 600 people a year by linking them to followup care without long waits.

“They are really vulnerable,” Colace said. “If you or your family member has a problem – they want help now. They don’t want to wait 30 days. They may get worse or they may not show up. When someone wants help, we want to offer it as quickly as possible.

“We don’t expect everyone who comes here to want to quick drinking. Our message is, how can you be safe and what are your options?”

The idea for the clinic began when health planners aiming to reduce emergency room re-admissions realized people addicted to alcohol – more than any other substance – are high repeat users of emergency rooms.

Until now, they’ve been treated and released but generally did not get follow-up care to really tackle their addiction, often because of long waits. Then the next time they have a crisis, they’re back in emergency.

Those patients arrive “at the lowest point of their disease,” according to Dr. Guy Hebert, chief of emergency medicine at the Ottawa Hospital, presenting a brief “window of opportunity” to help them.

“A rapid access multidisciplinary team such as the one created at The Royal will go a long way to filling a desperate need in our community,” he said.

The program is funded by $430,000 a year from the Champlain Local Health Integration Network. It was developed with the help of the Ottawa Hospital’s emergency department and emergency psychiatric services, the Montfort Renaissance and Ottawa Paramedic Services, whose acting chief, Peter Kelly, calls it unique and innovative.

The new clinic staffed by two nurses, a social worker and addiction medicine doctors will see patients on weekday mornings as soon as possible after their discharge from the emergency room.

They’ll offer help with withdrawal – typically benzodiazepines are used to ease symptoms – then monitor them as an outpatient and link them to longer-term help in the community or connect them to detox beds at the Royal or Montfort Hospital.

After detoxification is over – the worst symptoms are between 48 and 72 hours after the last drink – people who choose to quit may be treated with medication to reduce cravings for alcohol.

“This connects these disparate services so the services wrap around the client rather than the client having to search for the services,” Corace said.

“We don’t want people seeking services in the emergency room for their substance abuse problems. We want to connect them to something so if they’re in trouble they have a place to go back to.”

