Fans want Hip on the Hill for Canada Day

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A campaign urging Ottawa’s Canada Day organizers to add The Tragically Hip to the roster of Parliament Hill performers is picking up steam on social media.

A Facebook page titled Let’s Get the Hip on the Hill surfaced this week, with nearly 1,000 fans already pledging their support.

The Tragically Hip announced their farewell concert tour in May, at the same time it was announced iconic frontman Gord Downie had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.

Doctors and the band’s management team said Downie, 52, is expected to be healthy enough to perform on tour, though they said he would be taking precautions to avoid exhaustion while he battles the cancer that was discovered in December.

The tour begins July 22 in Victoria, and rolls through Ottawa’s Canadian Tire Centre August 18, before what is expected to be the band’s final concert in their Kingston hometown August 20.

Outrage spread from coast-to-coast as tickets went on sale, and were quickly snapped up, with many appearing on ticket reseller sites, such as StubHub, for wildly inflated prices.

“The more (Facebook) likes and shares, the better our chances of putting the screws to the scalpers, as well as to see one of Canada’s most special bands,” wrote Rich Bowie, who organized the Canada Day campaign.

Whether the initiative succeeds remains to be seen.

While the Hip would have had their first choice of any Canadian venue on this summer tour, they opted for the climate-controlled and relatively secure environment of indoor hockey arenas over larger outdoor stages in every stop along the tour.

And if the Hip play the Hill, it would be a first.

The band that, to many fans, is synonymous with Canada, has seldom made a spectacle of Canada Day concerts, and only once, way back in 1991 at Lansdowne Park, have they played Canada’s capital on the country’s big day.

They’ve performed on July 1 only four times since the mid-90s, each time in the Toronto area.

And the proposed Canada Day concert would have the band starting their tour a full three weeks ahead of schedule.

Still, several similar fan-driven campaigns have popped up in recent weeks, with varying degrees of support.

Popular petition site hosts several petitions to Canadian broadcasters to air the band’s final shows, with one such petition collecting more than 31,000 signatures. Another petition urges the band to play The Grey Cup halftime show – in late November at Toronto’s BMO Field – and another calls for a free concert at Downsview Park, where the band attracted nearly 30,000 fans to a 2011 Canada Day concert.

The movement with the strongest support is a petition to Governor General David Johnston to invest Gord Downie with the Order of Canada. That petition has garnered nearly 70,000 signatures in three weeks.

Twitter: @helmera

