Concerts this week: Festival faves return for electro, dance-heavy week

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Each year, it seems as if the Dragon Boat Festival mines its lineup from my own personal playlist.

This year, the three-day, free concert series includes at least one intriguing new group: The Muscadettes, a blonde-haired, surfy-folk duo who seem to be a summer of love/space age creation on Thursday. On Friday, rising festival favourites The Beaches, a young, all-woman Toronto rock band with a lot of energy reminiscent of a more emancipated The Runaways — who are about to go on tour with Eagles of Death Metal — play with indie rockers Mother Mother. Saturday see local art-rock band Pony Girl play with retro pop group Alvvays whose shows in town last summer all sold out (but this time, no tickets required.) And get the feet moving on Sunday with the concept, party band Loon Choir, soul-dance from Young Empires, closing with First Nations music producers A Tribe Called Red. June 23 to 26, 6:30 p.m. each night, Mooney’s Bay. Free.

Before we get to the more well-known festivals this week, there is a quirky and also free event happening in Perth alongside their annual, world record Kilt Run on June 25 and 26. In Stewart Park, there will be music including much with Scottish roots starting just after 12:30 p.m., from fiddlers to Bobby Watt and Ecosse and celtic rockers The Mudmen, but also a performance from American identical sisters The Harp Twins, who have been known to slay Metallica. Also, this is a chance to see raw roots-folker Ben Caplan and his compelling gypsy soul for free, ahead of his show at the Jazz Festival.

Also, don’t miss the several thousand runners marching into place with their kilts furling at 5:30 p.m. June 25, Stewart Park.

On the same weekend, the Heineken Escapade electronic music festival takes over the Rideau Carleton Raceway, before exploding downtown for a full-on, Canada Day party outdoors in a ByWard Market parking lot.

Notable performers among the many dozens include American EDM superstar Diplo on Saturday, who alongside partner Skrillex is behind Justin Bieber’s recent album Purpose and Beyoncé’s Lemonade and has made a hit with previous performances in Ottawa. It’s also a chance to possibly catch an early listen to what Goldroom will be releasing on his new album due out at the end of the year (and it’s not clear if he is coming solo or with a full band).

On Sunday don’t miss Canadian duo DVBBS (aka Chris Chronicles and Alex Andre from Orangeveille) who have made a splash over the pond; and fellow Dutchmen, trance/dance with Dash Berlin and prog house with Martin Garrix (who is supposed to be releasing his full and first album via Twitter this year). Festival favourites Mark Knight and Laidback Luke both make their third appearance. June 25 to 26, noon to 11 p.m. each day, noon to 11 p.m., Rideau Carleton Raceway. $119.99/day.

Let’s focus on what the Ottawa Jazz Festival is offering that will appeal to all broad tastes. First, let’s recognize what some may see as an incongruous, and maybe unintentional, day for energetic dancing on June 26, starting with a free concert from local soul funk Harea Band at noon. Then, tickets to the almost iconic Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings who play timeless soul with more than a dash of funk, also get access to see similar local soulsteppers Mackenzie Rhythm Section and The 24th Street Wailers. (Plus, for those wanting to be introduced to some phenomenal jazz, that ticket includes the Great Canadian Jazz show by young Toronto trio Autobahn.) June 26, $50.

Other recommended shows include some brass groups, starting with NO BS! Brass Band who are big, bold and very fun with three shows (June 23, 24 and July 2); Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue (June 27) whose bandleader has rocked previous festivals and now returns with some superstar sparkle; the SF Jazz Collective plays the music of Michael Jackson (June 24); and Balkan brass band Fanfare Ciocarlia with Toronto guitarist Adrian Raso (June 28) play traditional Roma music on a visceral, soul level that leaves a lasting impression of euphoria.

The festival is also one of the few places to hear saxophonist (but multi-instrumentalist) Colin Stetson‘s jazz and indie re-imagining of Polish composer Henryk Gorécki’s 3rd Symphony of 1977. The piece is part of the post-war Polish avant-garde movement, though its accessibly mournful composition, or shift towards “holy minimalism” — and subsequent popularity — irritated others who had become used to Gorécki at the fore of those challenging dissonance only to the cognoscenti.

Others to see include The Voice standout Judith Hill who brings her impeccable phrasing and that catch in her voice to Ottawa (June 29), ‘glitch-hop’ with France’s electro, post hip-hop music creator Clozee as part of the After Dark series (June 27); indigenous icon Buffy Sainte-Marie (June 28), Swedish art-jazz and funk group The Thing, whose music is accessible to the non-jazz fan (June 28), electro, experimental R&B from teen group Tennyson (June 26), indie-rockers Highs who have opened for such as Modest Mouse (June 24), the UKs Gwyneth Herbet who combines jazz, blues and musical theatre into something infectously sunny (June 29), songstress Sarah McLachlan (June 25) and the ever-charismatic Ben Caplan (June 27).

There are two sort-of-metal shows at Mavericks this week, starting with the return of Lee Aaron, the erstwhile, Canadian mainstream metal queen of the 1980s (then sometime jazz singer), who is back with her first rock album in almost 20 years; the last one came out in 1995.

This time, she has eschewed the scanty outfits and unsubtle sexy lyrics to write songs for Fire and Gasoline inspired by the “fearlessness” of her pre-teen daughter (she and friends even make an appearance on the video for Tom Boy) and Aaron’s love of retro, 60s sounds. This is not the metal queen making a comeback, but emerging as something on the pop-rock side. June 23, 8 p.m. $25.

Then East coast hard rock stalwarts The Motorleague have just re-mixed, re-mastered and re-issued their 2009 debut album Black Noise, but are still on tour with their 2015 album Holding Patterns. They play with Sidelines, Colorsfade, Grave Party. June 28, 8 p.m. Mavericks.

There’s a fascinating local indie and all-ages show at House of Targ, featuring emo and alt rock delights and . Of particular note is the local (Russell) indie rock band Lost at Sea, who have been playing together for only about six years but gig about five times a month. They call themselves hard rock, but sit somewhere on the alt-rock, happy-emo spectrum, listening to their 2015 EP (which they acknowledge is less “screamy” than their earlier stuff.) The songs are guitar heavy, but the lyrical melody, but topped with the clear, sweet voice of songwriter Colton Snook and some intelligent arrangements moves it towards the Death Cab for Cutie sorts. June 29, with Safekeeping, The Stringers, Lost at Sea, Abstraction, Hugh Harrington Band, The Weak Attractions, 10 p.m., House of Targ. $10.

Photos: Hot gigs this week

Ottawa's exploding with music festivals and gigs. Here's what we recommend seeing.

  • lee-aaron-handout-for-endemann1.jpeg

    Lee Aaron plays Mavericks with a new, much-less metal album.

  • dvbbs-play-escapade-handout-for-endemann.jpeg

    DVBBS play Escapade.

  • alvvays-press-photo.jpg

    Alvvays is part of the Dragon Boat Festival’s lineup this year.

  • screen-shot-2016-06-20-at-3-58-06-pm.png

    Ottawa DJ duo Khaos play Escapade electronic music festival.

  • the-harp-twins-play-the-perth-kilt-run-handout-for-endemann1.jpeg

    The Harp Twins, who ahve covered Metallica and the Vikings theme song, play the Perth Kilt Run on June 25 and 26.

  • mother-mother.jpg

    British Columbian band Mother Mother will be at this year’s Dragon Boat Festival.

  • screen-shot-2016-06-21-at-9-02-35-am.png

    COmedian and country singer Rory Gardiner plays with his trio at a ore-Canada country show at The Cabin on June 30.

  • toronto-band-the-beaches-supplied-for-endemann1.jpeg

    Toronto band The Beaches, still one of my favourite new rock bands, play the free Dragon Boat Festival concerts this weekend. .

  • edm-superstar-diplo-is-back-in-town-playing-escapade-electro.jpeg

    EDM superstar DIplo is back in town playing Escapade electronic music festival.

  • uploaded-by-sandra-sperounes-email-ssperounesedmontonj1.jpeg

    A Tribe Called Red plays the final, free concert at the Dragon Boat Festival on Sunday. supplied / Falling Tree Photography

  • clozee-plays-the-ottawa-jazz-festival-after-dark-series-on-j.jpeg

    Clozee plays the Ottawa Jazz Festival After Dark series on June 27.

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    Ari Cui Cui children's poerformer is at the Festival St-Jean in Ottawa. Christian Bergeron / supplied

  • martin-garrix-plays-escapade-electronic-music-fest-handout.jpeg

    Martin Garrix plays Escapade electronic music fest.

  • the-uks-gwyneth-herbert-plays-jazz-fest-handout-for-endeman.jpeg

    The UK's Gwyneth Herbert brings her sweet, musical-theatre informed songs to Jazz Fest.

  • young-empires-handout-for-endemann.jpeg

    Young Empire bring some grown-up dance electro music to the Dragon Boat festival.

  • louis-jean-cormier-plays-the-shenkman-arts-centre-on-october.jpeg

    Louis-Jean Cormier plays the Festival L'Outaouais en fête: Richmond Lam / supplied

  • marie-pierre-arthur-plays-the-nac-on-may-19-handout-for-end.jpeg

    Marie-Pierre Arthur is a must-see at the Festival L'Outaouais en fête: on June 26.

  • yao-at-megaphono-handout-for-endemann.jpeg

    Yao plays Festival St-Jean: in Ottawa.

  • le-meow-release-their-debut-cd-at-the-rainbow-credit-denni.jpeg

    Le Meow release their debut CD at The Rainbow. Dennis Jackson / supplied

  • loon-choir-for-endemann-handout.jpeg

    Loon Choir bring their big, orchestral conceptually-fun sound to the Dragon Boat festival.

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    Les Chiclettes plays Festival St-Jean on June 25. Victor Dolhai / supplied

  • wynton-marsalis-plays-the-ottawa-jazz-festival-handout-for.jpeg

    Wynton Marsalis plays the Ottawa Jazz Festival on June 29.

  • les-cowboys-fringants-play-the-festival-loutaouais-en-fte-on.jpeg

    Les Cowboys Fringants play the Festival L'Outaouais en fête on June 23.

  • fanfare-ciocarlia-play-the-jazz-fest-on-june-28-handout-for.jpeg

    Fanfare Ciocarlia play the Jazz Fest on June 28.

  • emile-parisien-plays-the-ottawa-jazz-festival-on-june-26-ha.jpeg

    There's a certain coy flair to French saxophonist Emile Parisien's show qith his quartet, playing at the Ottawa Jazz Fest on June 26.

  • colin-stetson-puts-a-free-jazz-spin-to-goreckis-3rd-symphony.jpeg

    Colin Stetson puts a free-jazz spin to Gorecki's 3rd Symphony at the Ottawa Jazz Festival on June 27.

  • dvbbs-play-escapade-handout-for-endemann1.jpeg

    DVBBS play Escapade electronic music festival at Rideau Carleton Raceway.

  • dash-berlin-is-at-the-escapade-electronic-music-fest-handou.jpeg

    Dash Berlin is at the Escapade electronic music fest.

  • lost-at-sea-handout-for-endemann1.jpeg

    Local band Lost at Sea is one of the surprising must-sees this week.

  • laila-biali-plays-the-ottawa-jazz-fest-handout-for-endemann.jpeg

    Laila Biali plays the Ottawa Jazz Fest on the same night as Sarah McLachlan.

  • indie-band-highs-play-the-ottawa-jazz-fest-handout-for-ende.jpeg

    Indie band Highs play the Ottawa Jazz Fest.

  • no-bs-brass-band-bring-big-sound-party-to-the-ottawa-jazz-f.jpeg

    No BS Brass Band bring big sound party to the Ottawa Jazz Fest.

  • east-coast-hard-rockers-the-motorleague-play-mavericks-hand.jpeg

    East Coast hard rockers The Motorleague play Mavericks. CHRISTOPHER WALZAK / supplied

  • 46267819-kain-w-jpg.jpeg

    Kaïn play the Festival St-Jean in Ottawa.

  • andie-duquette-joins-les-bb-for-a-fete-national-show-at-par.jpeg

    Andie Duquette joins Les BB for a Fete National show at Parc Pierre-Lafontaine.

  • the-barr-brothers-play-the-ottawa-jazz-fest-handout-for-end.jpeg

    The Barr Brothers play the Ottawa Jazz Fest.

  • sf-jazz-collective3.jpeg

    SF Jazz Collective photograhed in San Francisco, CA October 23, 2015©Jay Blakesberg play the Ottawa Jazz Fest. Jay Blakesberg / supplied

  • no-bs-brass-band-play-the-ottawa-jazz-fest-handout-for-ende.jpeg

    No BS Brass Band play the Ottawa Jazz Fest. handout for endemann

  • the-harp-twins-play-the-perth-kilt-run-handout-for-endemann.jpeg

    The Harp Twins play the Perth Kilt Run on jJune 25 and 26.
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Thursday, June 23

Dragon Boat Festival: Modern Space (6:30 p.m.), The Muscadettes (8 p.m.), July Talk (9:30 p.m.), Mooney’s Bay. Tickets: Free, no tickets required.

Cirque de la Symphonie: acrobatics as the NAC Orchestra performs, 8 p.m, NAC, 53 Elgin St. Tickets: from $25.

All Star Blues Showcase with John Cormier, 9 p.m., Irene’s Pub, 885 Bank St. Tickets: No cover.

Anthony Gomes, 9 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $5/7.

La Fête National du Québec: Olyvier Fortin, James Gagnon (7 p.m.), Maggie’s March (7:30 p.m.), Andie Duquette (8 p.m.), Les BB (10 p.m.), Parc Pierre-Lafontaine, Rue Sainte-Antoine, Gatineau. Tickets: Free.

Festival L’Outaouais en fête: Robert Paquette (6 p.m.), Dumas (7:45 p.m.), Les Cowboys Fringants (9:45 p.m.), Feu de Joie (11 p.m.), Parc des Cèdres, Gatineau.

Lee Aaron, The Bigmuffs, In Heat, 8 p.m., Mavericks, 221 Rideau St. Tickets: $25.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: The Beached Wailers (noon, Rideau Centre, free), No BS! Brass Band (4 p.m., Confederation park fountain, free), Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen (6 p.m. NAC), The Boxcar Boys (6 p.m. Confed. Park), Myra Melford’s Snowy Egret (8 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Alvin ‘Youngblood’ Hart’s Muscle Theory (7:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Elvin Bishop and Charlie Musselwhite (9 p.m,. Confed. Park), Flat Earth Society (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Kobo Town (10 p.m., Mercury Lounge), Late night jam sessions every night (10:30 p.m., outside Lord Elgin Hotel). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Friday, June 24

Bad Uncle, The Dumb & Homely Band, polkabilly, CD release, 10 p.m., House of Targ, 1077 Bank St. Tickets: $8.

Dragon Boat Festival: The Beaches (6:30 p.m.), Ria Mae (8 p.m.), Mother Mother (9:30 p.m.), Mooney’s Bay. Tickets: Free, no tickets required.

Festival L’Outaouais en fête: Guy Perreault (6 p.m.), Jean-Pierre Ferland (7:45 p.m.), Yves Lambert (11 p.m.), Parc des Cèdres, Gatineau. Tickets: $15 after 5 p.m.

Fort McMurray fundraiser: The Superlative, Metronome Jones, Missioner, rock/reggae, 8 p.m., Zaphod Beeblebrox, 27 York St. Tickets: $10.

Jed Rached and the Fat City 8, blues, 9 p.m., Irene’s Pub, 885 Bank St. Tickets: $10.

Le Meow, soul/pop, CD release, 9:30 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $10.

Lucas Haneman, Megan Laurence, 9 p.m., The Branch, 15 Clothier St. E., Kemptville. Tickets: $10

Luke Austin, Lemon Cash, The Bristol Hum, 8 p.m., Mavericks, 221 Rideau St.

La P’Tite St-Jean festival: Alaclair Ensemble, Funk-A-Tron 5000 with Steven Boivin, Jean-Philippe Groupil and Jérémy Flynn, also with Slam Outaouais performing a themed event and projected media art installations, 8 to 11 p.m., all along Laval Street in Gatineau, between Wright and Wellington, (where all the bars are). (In case of rain, everything will move to the Minotaure.)

SOP, EP release, 8 to 11 p.m., Pressed, 750 Gladstone Ave. Tickets: $10.

Stone Desire, pop/rock, 6 p.m., La Piazza Ristorante, 5530 Manotick Main St., Manotick.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Chris Maskell Trio (noon, Rideau Centre), Alexander Hawkins (6 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Miguel De Armas Quartet (6:30 p.m., Confed. Park), The Barr Brothers (7 p.m., NAC), No BS! Brass Band (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Balázs Elemér Group and Tim Ries (8 p.m., NAC Back Stage), SFJAZZ Collective: The Music of Michael Jackson and originals (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Highs (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Wild Rivers, Lost Cousins, Harea Band, 8:30 p.m., The Black Sheep Inn, 753 Riverside Dr., Wakefield. Tickerts: $10.

Saturday, June 25

Big Soul Project, gospel/groove choir, fundraising concert for Fort McMurray’s Nistawoyou Associaton Friendship Centre, 7:30 p.m., St. Jpseph’s Church, 174 Wilbrod St. Tickets: $20 donation minimum.

Brian Browne and Peter Woods, jazz, 3 p.m., The Record Centre, 1099 Wellington St. Tickets: Free.

Darling Cora, 4 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $3.

Dragon Boat Festival: Pony Girl (6:30 p.m.), Nap Eyes (8 p.m.), Alvvays (9:30 p.m.), Mooney’s Bay. Tickets: Free, no tickets required.

Heineken Escapade Electronic Music Festival: Diplo, KSHMR, Laidblack Luke, Vicetone, Chris Lake, 4B, Fred McLovin, Wavo Winner (Main stage), Aly & Fila, Gareth Emery, Ben Gold, Marlo,Luke Bond, Sheridan Grout (Electric for Life stage), EDX, Goldroom, SNBRN, Croatia Squad, Rainer & Grimm, Love Thye Brother, Anthony Dunn (No Xcuses stage), noon to 11 p.m., Rideau Carleton Raceway, 4837 Albion Rd. Tickets: $119.99/day, $159.99 to $210.99/two-day pass.

Escapade EMF After-Party: EDX, MAC, electronic, 11 p.m., Plurr, 310 Dalhousie St. Tickets: $17,70 in advance.

Escapade After-Party: Vicetone, Khaos, electronic, 11 p.m., Liquor Store Party bar, 128 York St. Tickets: $17.70 in advance.

Escapade After-Party: Gareth Emery, Ben Gold, Sheridan Grout and others, electronic, 11 p.m., Barrymore’s, 323 Bank St. Tickets: $17.70 in advance.

Festival L’Outaouais en fête: groupe 1755 (6 p.m), The Lost Fingers with Pascale Picard (7:45 p.m.), Ariane Moffat (11 p.m.), Parc des Cèdres, Gatineau. Tickets: $15 after 5 p.m.

Festival St-Jean: Ari Cui Cui (11 am.), children’s stage; Les Chiclettes (noon), Éric Dubeau (2 p.m.), Le Pére Garnea and Les Rats de Swompe (4:30 p.m.), Les Affreuz Lurons (10:30 p.m.), Tente Bingo Friends; Finale Idole St-Jean (3:30 p.m.), Héloise Yelle (5 p.m.), Kathia Rock (6 p.m.), YAO (6:30 p.m.), Gabrielle Goulet (7:30 p.m.), Kaïn (9 p.m.), principale stage; Centre Richelieu-Vanier, 300 Avenues des pères blancs.

Kings Quest, Heavy Bedroom, fuzz pop/shoegaze, 8 p.m., Bar Robo, 692 Somerset St. W.

The Lake Effect Sound, psychedelic folk, 9 p.m., Irene’s Pub, 885 Bank St. Tickets: $10.

Mike Plume Band, 8:30 p.m., The Black Sheep Inn, 753 Riverside Dr., Wakefield. Tickets: $20.

Perth Kilt Run: Ben Caplan (7 p.m.), Bobby Watt & Ecosse (7:50 p.m.), The Mudmen (6;10 p.m.), The Harp Twins (3:35 p.m.), Kelly Trottier (1:30 p.m.), Fiddlehead Soup (2 p.m.), Blues Skies Fiddle Orchestra (12:45 p.m.), Stewart Park, Perth.

The Pie Plates, 9 p.m., The Branch, 15 Clothier St. E., Kemptville. Tickets: $10

Ska Nite: Skarate Kid, DJ Longshot & Magnificent, ska, 10 p.m., House of Targ, 1077 Bank St. Tickets: $5 before 10 p.m., $7 afterwards.

Tatsuya Nakatani & Horseman, percussion, 9:30 p.m., Black Squirrel Books, 1073 Bank St. Tickets: $10/PWYC.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: The Lee Anne Frederickson Quartet (noon, Rideau Centre), John Carrolll (2 p.m., Rideau Centre), Youth Series ( 2 to 5 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Marcin Wasilewski Trio ( NAC Back stage, 6 p.m.), Laila Biali Trio (6:30 p.m., Conf. Park), John Scofield/Joe Lovano Quartet (NAC, 7 p.m.), Blue Moon Marquee (7:30 p.m., Confed. Park fountain), Banda De Los Muertos (8 p.m.), Sarah McLachlan (8:30 p.m.), Tennyson (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), DJ Hector Romero (10 p.m., Mercury Lounge). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Sunday, June 26

Art Bergmann, Tony Dekker, 8:30 p.m., The Black Sheep Inn, 753 Riverside Dr., Wakefield. Tickerts: $15.

Dragon Boat Festival: Loon Choir (6:30 p.m.), Young Empires (8 p.m.), A Tribe Called Red (9:30 p.m.), Mooney’s Bay. Tickets: Free, no tickets required.

Heineken Escapade Electronic Music Festival: Martin Garrix, DVBBS, Dash Berlin, Bassjackers, Shaun Frank, Tizi, Mike Robia, Khaos, DNA Dj Academy (Main stage); Borgore, GTA, Snails, Ghastly, Mija, Hunter Seigel, Frederick Sharp, MAC (Buygore Stage; Mark Knight, Green Velvet, Claptrone, Tube & Berger, Nathan Barato, Will Clarke (the Underground), noon to 11 p.m., Rideau Carleton Raceway, 4837 Albion Rd. Tickets: $119.99/day, $159.99 to $210.99/two-day pass.

Escapade After-Party: Bassjackers, Shaun Frank, electronic, 11 p.m., Barrymore’s, 323 Bank St. Tickets: $17.70 in advance.

Escapade After-Party: Mark Knight, Will Clarke, Anthony Dunn, electronic, 11 p.m., Plurr, 310 Dalhousie St. Tickets: $17.70 in advance.

Escapade After-Party: GTA, Just Cuzz and guests, electronic, Liquor Store Party bar, 128 York St. Tickets: $17.70.

Festival L’Outaouais en fête: Stef Paquette (6 p.m., Marie-Pierre Arthur (7:45 p.m.), Louis-Jean Cormier (9:45 p.m.), Parc des Cèdres, Gatineau. Tickets: $15 after 5 p.m.

Forest, Nessie, Nighttime in Kansas, EP release, LIVE on Elgin, 220 Elgin St.

Lyon Street Celtic Band, 5:30 p.m., Aberdeen Pavilion, Lansdowne Park. Tickets: Free.

Open Blues Jam with River City Junction, 4 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $3.

Perth Kilt Run: The Harp Twins (10 a.m.), Colin Bernard (11 am..), Henry Norqood and Shawn McCullough (12:15 p.m), Ecotay – Upper Scotch Line, Perth.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Youth Series (10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Harea Band (noon, Rideau centre), Megan Jerome and The Together Ensemble (2 p.m., Rideau Centre), Emile Parisen Quartet (6 p.m., NAC Backstage), Autobahn (6:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Mackenzie Rhythm Section (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar), Endangered Blood (8 p.m., NAC Backstage), Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), The 24th Street Wailers (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Monday, June 27

Open Mic Monday, 9 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: Free.

Psycroptic, Beyond Creation, The Zenith Passage, From the Deep, 7 p.m., Mavericks, 221 Rideau St.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Happenstance Quartet (noon, Rideau Centre), Sarah Neufeld (5 p.m., NAC Backstage), Arild Anderson Trio, with Tommy Smith, Paolo Vinaccia (7 p.m., NAC Backstage), Dan Brubeck Quartet (6:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Colin Stetson presents: Sorrow (NAC, 9 p.m.), Ben Caplan (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Clozee (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

The Telegrams , country swing, 8 p.m., Irene’s Pub, 885 Bank St. Tickets: No cover.

Tuesday, June 28

The Motorleague, Sidelines, Colorsfade, Grave Party, rock, 8 p.m. Mavericks, 221 Rideau St.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Peter Brown Quartet (noon, Rideau Centre), Super Awesome Club (Marion Dewar Plaza), The Thing (NAC Back Stage), Amanda Tosoff “Words” project (6:30 p.m,. Confed. Park), Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gentlemen (7 p.m., NAC), Digging Roots (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Donkey Donkey (8 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Buffy Sainte-Marie (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Devil’s Tale featuring Adrian Raso, Fanfare Ciocarlia (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Threat Signal, Endemise, Dissentient, Greylights, metal, 10 p.m., House of Targ, 1077 Bank St. Tickets: $13.

Wednesday, June 29

Dr. Dave (4 p.m., free), Capital City Community Choir (8 p.m., $5), Hooked (10 p.m., $50), The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $10.

Safekeeping, The Stringers, Lost at Sea, Abstraction, Hugh Harrington Band, The Weak Attractions, emo/ happy indie/alt-rock, all-ages show, 10 p.m., House of Targ, 1077 Bank St. Tickets: $10.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Calros Alberto Sanata Jazz Quintet (noon, Rideau Centre), Christine Fagan and Steve Berndt Vocalese (noon, Marion Dewar Plaza), The Claudia Quintet (6 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Charlie Hunter Trio (7 p.m., NAC), Gwyneth Herbert (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Judith Hill (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

Thursday, June 30

Canada Goes Country at pre-Canada Day Party; Rory Gardiner Trio, Angela Marie Duo, parking lot party, 5 to 11 p.m., The Cabin, 95 York St. Tickets: Free but must be reserved in advance.

Five Alarm Funk, DRAE, prog-funk, 9 p.m., Ritual, 137 Besserer St. Tickets: $12.

All Star Blues Showcase with Chuck Karn, 9 p.m., Irene’s Pub, 885 Bank St. Tickets: No cover.

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival: Bugala-Valihora-Griglák Trio (6 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Igor Butman and the Moscow Jazz Orchestra (7 p.m., NAC), Esmerine (7:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza), Anat Fort and Gianluigi Trovesi Duo (8 p.m., NAC Back Stage), Chick Corea Trio (8:30 p.m., Confed. Park), Jim Bryson (10:30 p.m., Marion Dewar Plaza). Tickets: $50, passes from $90-$300.

The Steady Rebels, 9 p.m., The Rainbow, 76 Murray St. Tickets: $6.


Are you a promoter, musician or venue? Send your event information to, by 8 a.m. Monday, two weeks before the event. Photos and audio files are welcome.


