- 注册
- 2002-10-07
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- 402,308
- 荣誉分数
- 76
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- 0
For the past several months, Donald Trump has been wooing me. He’s been courting me by e-mail, promising to take me under his wing and inviting me to join his exclusive new club. But now, The Donald won’t even return my phone calls.
His first message seemed so absurd, I was tempted to hit the delete key. The subject line read: “A personal invitation from Donald J. Trump. RSVP.” But the real-estate mogul/billionaire’s name piqued my curiosity, and I couldn’t trash the e-mail. Was this legitimate? When I opened the message, I had my answer: There was the orange-haired tycoon himself, with a video clip to accompany his letter.
“I am searching for a few like-minded people to share my personal wealth-building strategies with,” he wrote. “I have contacted you because I believe you’re the type of person who would appreciate this approach.”
I had been personally chosen to join the Trump Real Estate Alliance, he wrote, “as you have previously expressed a desire in making more money.” I did?
He continued, “I want you to become part of an elite wealth building team that works under my direction. Trust me, you are going to want to be part of this team.”
It sounded like classic Trump hyperbole. But I read on. For a mere $39.95, I would receive a five-book package, complete with a coaching DVD, in which Mr. Trump talks at me on a variety of business themes.
And he offered a 30-day, “100-per-cent-fire-me” guarantee.
“You know I don’t put my name on anything lightly. It has to be the best — or else it’s fired.”
This could be interesting, I thought. I have no experience in real estate, but that’s OK, Mr. Trump tells me I don’t need any. Having long searched for a suitable mentor, here I find Mr. Trump offering his services — and a crash course in real estate — for under $40.
So I did a bit of research and discovered The Donald had indeed established Trump University in May 2005, an online institution that offers neither classroom learning nor degrees. This venture, funded entirely by Mr. Trump, offers courses in real-estate investing and other such endeavours. It’s a virtual campus for aspiring entrepreneurs and working professionals to refine their skills in marketing, wealth creation, self-assessment and real estate.
Mr. Trump, who is chairman, recruited educators from Columbia University, Dartmouth College and Northwestern University, as well as his friends in the business world — people experienced in the “school of hard knocks,” as he’s fond of saying. The curriculum includes online courses, multimedia programs, live events and audio courses. Trump U members receive a newsletter and have access to many forums on the university’s website, where Mr. Trump posts a blog, and sometimes hosts a live Q & A.
Then, of course, there’s the Trump U merchandise, where you can find Trump U sweatshirts, golf shirts and hats to proudly display your business school spirit.
Enrolment in Trump U is free, but the courses range in price from about $100 to several thousand dollars, depending on the program.
“Trump University is something I’ve thought about for a long time, and I didn’t want to put my name on anything having to do with education unless it was going to be the best,” he says in a video clip included with my package.
With all this in mind, I decide to order the Trump Real Estate Series and get a taste of learning at Trump University. So I eagerly downloaded the five textbooks. The first, Catch the Wave: How Timing Can Make you a Fortune in Real Estate Today, touched on some basic principles of real estate. Each chapter explored a particular theme, offering case studies to illustrate the point and some guiding principles to conclude.
The second book, Fortune Without Fear: How to Neutralize risk and Build your Fortune in Today’s Hazardous Real Estate Market, deals with the more technical aspects of real estate — types of properties, structural quality, etc. There were three other lesson plans in the Trump Real Estate series: Million-dollar skills: Winning strategies for succeeding in real estate; Secrets of selling property; and High-Powered Strategies for real estate success.
In my studies, I’ve reviewed different types of insurance and mortgages, how to inspect a property down to the wiring and heating systems, and the ins and outs of mould and mildew. I’ve also learned the importance of incorporating myself, about tenancy in common and other investment structures, and even how to time my investment plans in accordance with my love life.
I now know the term “exurbs” and how it’s a good investment strategy, and the best ways — legally — to buy a foreclosed property.
But to quickly summarize from these textbooks, I’ve compiled a list of Mr. Trump’s key “success tips” for the novice real-estate investor, such as myself. Was it worth the $40? You be the judge.
Donald Trump’s top strategies for real-estate success:
1. “Dreams of instant wealth may not come true in real estate.”
2. “Don’t rush into an investment opportunity.”
3. “Know what you are getting into before signing on.”
4. “Don’t buy property in a crime-infested area. Crime is the enemy of real estate success.”
5. “Don’t consider property that is built on polluted land. Such property could be worthless.”
6. “As you begin to borrow to finance your real estate dreams, it is a good time to confront the issue of debt head on.”
7. “Don’t buy properties on an “as is” basis.
8. “A sagging roof is a sure sign of structural problems. Unless you are in love with the property, don’t even consider it.”
9. “Avoid buildings in low-lying, flood-prone areas (also those with a history of basement flooding or leaking roofs).”
10. “If you suspect there is asbestos in a building you are considering” … enough said.
– – –
I admit, I had been surprised to see the “personal” invitation from Donald Trump in my e-mail inbox, and to read the sales pitch for the Real Estate Series, which purported to make me a virtual real estate expert through a few books and a coaching DVD.
But I was almost blown away by the phone call I received from Trump University just a few days later.
It seems my package entitled me to a “wealth-building consultation.” My phone rang and it was Chris Perricone, a screener from Trump University, and he wanted to know if I was ready for what he had to offer.
I had been selected as a candidate for a one-on-one mentorship program, under the guidance of one of Mr. Trump’s hand-picked mentors. However, I would have to undergo a two-step interview process to see if I had what it took to work with Mr. Trump’s disciples.
Intrigued, I wanted to hear more.
He wanted to know how much money I expected to make within 12 months to become a “Trump University success story.” And the sky, apparently, was the limit. After some probing questions about the state of my finances, things began to get a little strange.
“Within 30 to 90 days, we’d like for you to at least go out and find a couple of foreclosures and flip a couple properties,” said Chris. “Pardon?” I reply, my chest fluttering.
Eventually, Chris concluded I should expect to bring in $100,000 within my first year with Donald Trump’s mentoring program — “$100,000 your first year. That is a very reasonable goal.” I stifle the urge to laugh.
Then comes the topic of tuition.
“So Kelly, you’ve heard of the OPM strategy?” Chris asked. “I’m sorry?” I replied. “Other peoples’ money,” he said. “It does take money to make money,” he added.
From there, the conversation spiralled into a dizzying blur of numbers. A $2,200 down payment (all figures in U.S. dollars) right then would get me started, he said, and Trump U would finance the remaining $2,000.
Then, a minimum of $10,000 to begin investing under the tutelage of my mentor, plus a monthly $40 fee for use of the “business resource centre.” This on top of the licensing fees I would incur to get started, independent from Trump U. My head was spinning.
Despite my growing sense of alarm, I agreed to a second interview with a Trump U consultant, Dan Turner.
The next day, I spoke with Mr. Turner, a charming man with a distinct southern drawl. He asked me classic interview questions about my decision skills, and my strengths and weaknesses. I talked at length about my training as a journalist, and my interest in business.
I then asked Dan a few questions about the mentorship program, and he seemed irritated. “You’ve seen The Apprentice, right? he asked. “Of course,” I replied.
“You know how gruelling it is for him to decide who’s going to be his next apprentice. These coaches and mentors have been hand-selected by Donald Trump.”
I asked him what kind of accreditation I might expect from the mentorship program, and he bristled: “I wouldn’t know. Your coach and mentor could explain that to you. There’s something there, I just don’t know what it is. I just decide who we work with and who we don’t — that’s not my responsibility.” Then, a minute of awkward silence. “OK?” He asked tersely. I said “OK,” placatingly, but I’ve offended him.
“If you think those answers weren’t good enough for you, then I don’t want to waste your time or mine. I’d rather part company as friends.” I recognized this immediately: The pull-back, a time-honoured sales technique.
Then, the kicker: “Do you trust Donald Trump?” he asked indignantly. “Because if you don’t, maybe we should end this conversation right now.” I reassured him that as a potential student, I was just trying to learn what I can.
“Donald Trump has billions riding on this,” he said. “He’s got his whole name riding on this. He has a vested interest in you becoming successful, but also in his business and in his organization.”
But why me? I wanted to know. How did I register on Donald Trump’s radar? “Well, you know, Mr. Trump, he’s got to have the best of the best.
“We have thousands upon thousands of people who have ordered those materials, and we don’t just call every single one. We’ve just got to have the best, and that’s why I’ve talked to you so much — to make sure you have the qualities and traits that I’ve been told to ensure I have in a student.”
And do I meet this criteria, I wondered. “Absolutely, without a doubt in my mind. You’ve got that business-owner mentality, you’ve got the motivation, the desire, the determination.”
I declined Dan’s offer politely, bemused by the conversation. Undaunted, Dan told me if I ever changed my mind, to just give him a call. “I’ll leave this offer open-ended,” he said. “I normally wouldn’t do this, but we wouldn’t want to miss out on someone like you.”
And, as months passed, Donald Trump continued to pursue me, sending messages through my inbox, weekly and sometimes daily. He wrote me eloquent letters, such as: “Dear Kelly, Do you want 2006 to be the best year of your career? Do you want a big edge in business and in life? Don’t you deserve it?
“I want to take you with me to the top. Unless you are afraid of heights, you’re going to love the view from up here.”
Finally, I decided to call him and ask what all this was about. So I phoned his New York office, leaving messages with several receptionists and his head assistant, Rona Graff. But no response from Donald. I soon received a call on my BlackBerry from Michael Sexton, president of Trump University. “Donald Trump is not available.” Really? The Donald who has been hounding me for months to join his team?
“At the end of the day, we’re trying to get somebody’s attention,” he said. “You’re inundated all day long with e-mails, with ads on TV, print, in the newspaper. We want to connect with people to get our message through. Donald Trump is our founder and chairman. He is a respected businessman, I think people look to him as a motivator.”
But he couldn’t explain Mr. Trump’s seemingly random pursuit.
“Donald Trump has done a phenomenal job building his brand and we would never do anything to harm it. Am I concerned that you perceive this as unsolicited? Yes, I am and I’ll get you an answer as to where your e-mail address came from.”
But I never did get that answer from Michael Sexton, nor did I hear from Donald. As for my stint with Trump University, probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that $15,000 means a great deal more in my pocket than in Donald’s.
His first message seemed so absurd, I was tempted to hit the delete key. The subject line read: “A personal invitation from Donald J. Trump. RSVP.” But the real-estate mogul/billionaire’s name piqued my curiosity, and I couldn’t trash the e-mail. Was this legitimate? When I opened the message, I had my answer: There was the orange-haired tycoon himself, with a video clip to accompany his letter.
“I am searching for a few like-minded people to share my personal wealth-building strategies with,” he wrote. “I have contacted you because I believe you’re the type of person who would appreciate this approach.”
I had been personally chosen to join the Trump Real Estate Alliance, he wrote, “as you have previously expressed a desire in making more money.” I did?
He continued, “I want you to become part of an elite wealth building team that works under my direction. Trust me, you are going to want to be part of this team.”
It sounded like classic Trump hyperbole. But I read on. For a mere $39.95, I would receive a five-book package, complete with a coaching DVD, in which Mr. Trump talks at me on a variety of business themes.
And he offered a 30-day, “100-per-cent-fire-me” guarantee.
“You know I don’t put my name on anything lightly. It has to be the best — or else it’s fired.”
This could be interesting, I thought. I have no experience in real estate, but that’s OK, Mr. Trump tells me I don’t need any. Having long searched for a suitable mentor, here I find Mr. Trump offering his services — and a crash course in real estate — for under $40.
So I did a bit of research and discovered The Donald had indeed established Trump University in May 2005, an online institution that offers neither classroom learning nor degrees. This venture, funded entirely by Mr. Trump, offers courses in real-estate investing and other such endeavours. It’s a virtual campus for aspiring entrepreneurs and working professionals to refine their skills in marketing, wealth creation, self-assessment and real estate.
Mr. Trump, who is chairman, recruited educators from Columbia University, Dartmouth College and Northwestern University, as well as his friends in the business world — people experienced in the “school of hard knocks,” as he’s fond of saying. The curriculum includes online courses, multimedia programs, live events and audio courses. Trump U members receive a newsletter and have access to many forums on the university’s website, where Mr. Trump posts a blog, and sometimes hosts a live Q & A.
Then, of course, there’s the Trump U merchandise, where you can find Trump U sweatshirts, golf shirts and hats to proudly display your business school spirit.
Enrolment in Trump U is free, but the courses range in price from about $100 to several thousand dollars, depending on the program.
“Trump University is something I’ve thought about for a long time, and I didn’t want to put my name on anything having to do with education unless it was going to be the best,” he says in a video clip included with my package.
With all this in mind, I decide to order the Trump Real Estate Series and get a taste of learning at Trump University. So I eagerly downloaded the five textbooks. The first, Catch the Wave: How Timing Can Make you a Fortune in Real Estate Today, touched on some basic principles of real estate. Each chapter explored a particular theme, offering case studies to illustrate the point and some guiding principles to conclude.
The second book, Fortune Without Fear: How to Neutralize risk and Build your Fortune in Today’s Hazardous Real Estate Market, deals with the more technical aspects of real estate — types of properties, structural quality, etc. There were three other lesson plans in the Trump Real Estate series: Million-dollar skills: Winning strategies for succeeding in real estate; Secrets of selling property; and High-Powered Strategies for real estate success.
In my studies, I’ve reviewed different types of insurance and mortgages, how to inspect a property down to the wiring and heating systems, and the ins and outs of mould and mildew. I’ve also learned the importance of incorporating myself, about tenancy in common and other investment structures, and even how to time my investment plans in accordance with my love life.
I now know the term “exurbs” and how it’s a good investment strategy, and the best ways — legally — to buy a foreclosed property.
But to quickly summarize from these textbooks, I’ve compiled a list of Mr. Trump’s key “success tips” for the novice real-estate investor, such as myself. Was it worth the $40? You be the judge.
Donald Trump’s top strategies for real-estate success:
1. “Dreams of instant wealth may not come true in real estate.”
2. “Don’t rush into an investment opportunity.”
3. “Know what you are getting into before signing on.”
4. “Don’t buy property in a crime-infested area. Crime is the enemy of real estate success.”
5. “Don’t consider property that is built on polluted land. Such property could be worthless.”
6. “As you begin to borrow to finance your real estate dreams, it is a good time to confront the issue of debt head on.”
7. “Don’t buy properties on an “as is” basis.
8. “A sagging roof is a sure sign of structural problems. Unless you are in love with the property, don’t even consider it.”
9. “Avoid buildings in low-lying, flood-prone areas (also those with a history of basement flooding or leaking roofs).”
10. “If you suspect there is asbestos in a building you are considering” … enough said.
– – –
I admit, I had been surprised to see the “personal” invitation from Donald Trump in my e-mail inbox, and to read the sales pitch for the Real Estate Series, which purported to make me a virtual real estate expert through a few books and a coaching DVD.
But I was almost blown away by the phone call I received from Trump University just a few days later.
It seems my package entitled me to a “wealth-building consultation.” My phone rang and it was Chris Perricone, a screener from Trump University, and he wanted to know if I was ready for what he had to offer.
I had been selected as a candidate for a one-on-one mentorship program, under the guidance of one of Mr. Trump’s hand-picked mentors. However, I would have to undergo a two-step interview process to see if I had what it took to work with Mr. Trump’s disciples.
Intrigued, I wanted to hear more.
He wanted to know how much money I expected to make within 12 months to become a “Trump University success story.” And the sky, apparently, was the limit. After some probing questions about the state of my finances, things began to get a little strange.
“Within 30 to 90 days, we’d like for you to at least go out and find a couple of foreclosures and flip a couple properties,” said Chris. “Pardon?” I reply, my chest fluttering.
Eventually, Chris concluded I should expect to bring in $100,000 within my first year with Donald Trump’s mentoring program — “$100,000 your first year. That is a very reasonable goal.” I stifle the urge to laugh.
Then comes the topic of tuition.
“So Kelly, you’ve heard of the OPM strategy?” Chris asked. “I’m sorry?” I replied. “Other peoples’ money,” he said. “It does take money to make money,” he added.
From there, the conversation spiralled into a dizzying blur of numbers. A $2,200 down payment (all figures in U.S. dollars) right then would get me started, he said, and Trump U would finance the remaining $2,000.
Then, a minimum of $10,000 to begin investing under the tutelage of my mentor, plus a monthly $40 fee for use of the “business resource centre.” This on top of the licensing fees I would incur to get started, independent from Trump U. My head was spinning.
Despite my growing sense of alarm, I agreed to a second interview with a Trump U consultant, Dan Turner.
The next day, I spoke with Mr. Turner, a charming man with a distinct southern drawl. He asked me classic interview questions about my decision skills, and my strengths and weaknesses. I talked at length about my training as a journalist, and my interest in business.
I then asked Dan a few questions about the mentorship program, and he seemed irritated. “You’ve seen The Apprentice, right? he asked. “Of course,” I replied.
“You know how gruelling it is for him to decide who’s going to be his next apprentice. These coaches and mentors have been hand-selected by Donald Trump.”
I asked him what kind of accreditation I might expect from the mentorship program, and he bristled: “I wouldn’t know. Your coach and mentor could explain that to you. There’s something there, I just don’t know what it is. I just decide who we work with and who we don’t — that’s not my responsibility.” Then, a minute of awkward silence. “OK?” He asked tersely. I said “OK,” placatingly, but I’ve offended him.
“If you think those answers weren’t good enough for you, then I don’t want to waste your time or mine. I’d rather part company as friends.” I recognized this immediately: The pull-back, a time-honoured sales technique.
Then, the kicker: “Do you trust Donald Trump?” he asked indignantly. “Because if you don’t, maybe we should end this conversation right now.” I reassured him that as a potential student, I was just trying to learn what I can.
“Donald Trump has billions riding on this,” he said. “He’s got his whole name riding on this. He has a vested interest in you becoming successful, but also in his business and in his organization.”
But why me? I wanted to know. How did I register on Donald Trump’s radar? “Well, you know, Mr. Trump, he’s got to have the best of the best.
“We have thousands upon thousands of people who have ordered those materials, and we don’t just call every single one. We’ve just got to have the best, and that’s why I’ve talked to you so much — to make sure you have the qualities and traits that I’ve been told to ensure I have in a student.”
And do I meet this criteria, I wondered. “Absolutely, without a doubt in my mind. You’ve got that business-owner mentality, you’ve got the motivation, the desire, the determination.”
I declined Dan’s offer politely, bemused by the conversation. Undaunted, Dan told me if I ever changed my mind, to just give him a call. “I’ll leave this offer open-ended,” he said. “I normally wouldn’t do this, but we wouldn’t want to miss out on someone like you.”
And, as months passed, Donald Trump continued to pursue me, sending messages through my inbox, weekly and sometimes daily. He wrote me eloquent letters, such as: “Dear Kelly, Do you want 2006 to be the best year of your career? Do you want a big edge in business and in life? Don’t you deserve it?
“I want to take you with me to the top. Unless you are afraid of heights, you’re going to love the view from up here.”
Finally, I decided to call him and ask what all this was about. So I phoned his New York office, leaving messages with several receptionists and his head assistant, Rona Graff. But no response from Donald. I soon received a call on my BlackBerry from Michael Sexton, president of Trump University. “Donald Trump is not available.” Really? The Donald who has been hounding me for months to join his team?
“At the end of the day, we’re trying to get somebody’s attention,” he said. “You’re inundated all day long with e-mails, with ads on TV, print, in the newspaper. We want to connect with people to get our message through. Donald Trump is our founder and chairman. He is a respected businessman, I think people look to him as a motivator.”
But he couldn’t explain Mr. Trump’s seemingly random pursuit.
“Donald Trump has done a phenomenal job building his brand and we would never do anything to harm it. Am I concerned that you perceive this as unsolicited? Yes, I am and I’ll get you an answer as to where your e-mail address came from.”
But I never did get that answer from Michael Sexton, nor did I hear from Donald. As for my stint with Trump University, probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that $15,000 means a great deal more in my pocket than in Donald’s.
