Egan: It starts with sorry. Lemonade stand saga reveals less sour NCC.

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For a long time, the National Capital Commission was the Crown’s official sour-puss. Strange how, today, it wants to be the capital’s party animal.

So yes, there will be awkward moments in the transition, like the lemonade-stand fiasco, or going way off-key with the Andrews Sisters.

The NCC apologized to the whole Andrews family after closing the stand on the weekend, for the grievous sin of setting up on land owned by the people of Canada.

There is a regulation against this, of course. There is a regulation against just about anything on NCC land.

“No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale any drink, goods or wares….” on NCC property without first obtaining written permission. That’s regulation 32. There’s a million more of them, rest assured, like not being allowed more than two domestic animals on “unleased” land at the same time.

You cannot, for instance, “cut, break, injure, deface or defile” any rock, tree, shrub, plant, flower or turf on NCC property, nor can you remove any of those things, including soil and gravel.

This is Regulation 26, a), b) and c), under Par ll of the Traffic and Property Regulations. Yes, I looked it up.

No person shall injure or even disturb a wild animal or bird on NCC land, or throw stones or “discharge any missile, firearm, airgun, B.B. gun, fireworks or torpedo,” except in areas designated by the commish for that purpose. And so the mind boggles at the possible torpedo range.

We no longer need to wonder what happens when too many lawyers get into a room. You get Reg. 34: “No person shall play at golf, tennis, baseball, football or soccer on any property” except in areas designated by the NCC. Of the other sports, there is silence.

The NCC owns 11 per cent of the land in the region, in excess of 150,000 acres, if you include Gatineau Park. You think you can picnic where you want on NCC land? Oh, ye of little faith in the commission’s supremacy, as in Reg. 38: “No person shall camp, picnic or erect a tent” on any property not specifically designated for that use.

Some of these rules appear to be from another era or solar system, like Reg. 16 (2): “No person shall ride a bicycle on a driveway abreast of another bicycle or vehicle.” How does this work on Bike Sundays?

Probably most of these regulations are there for legal backup in nuisance cases, but rarely to be enforced, like jaywalking prohibitions or spitting on the sidewalk.

Nor is the lemonade case the craziest NCC-enforcement story every heard. In 2006, there was a man living in a downtown shelter who eked out a living with odd-jobbing. He made a little money ($8 a bag) by picking up pine cones lying on the ground along the Rideau Canal and selling them to a Byward Market craftmaker.

A no-no, as per Reg. 36. He was stopped by an NCC enforcement officer and given a $120 ticket, which he promptly ripped up.

A friend of mine told me a story that helps crystallize the NCC’s old way of thinking. Her teenaged son, a bicycle nut, wanted to set up a free tune-up clinic during the Sunday Bikedays along the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. No charge for anything; minor repairs only. The NCC said no.

All of which brings us to what can only be seen as a refreshing change in attitude by the Crown corporation. Not only did Eliza and Adela, the little lemonade cuties, get a prompt apology, but the family was told a permit is forthcoming.

(Strangely, the restriction on commercial activity is probably the one that makes the most sense. If we had a free-for-all, how would the public react to chip trucks and hotdog vendors and drink stands opening on any available NCC patch of grass? What of the restaurant community, including NCC tenants?)

And not only was the apology prompt, but it was made before a media camera.

“In recent years,” the NCC said in its “full statement” on the lemonade stand, “we have made great efforts to animate capital green spaces and shorelines, and we will continue these efforts in the context of our renewal of Sunday Bikedays, which will explore a youth engagement component to encourage these entrepreneurial activities in the future.”

Therein lies the change in attitude. The NCC will not make us a great capital on its own. It needs the investment of passionate outsiders — even measured in nickels and dimes — to fill out the menu.

To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email

