Consider Presto's impact on tanking OC Transpo ridership, consultant says

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Ottawa’s growing love for biking probably isn’t the reason why OC Transpo’s ridership tanked, according to a U.S. consultant, who suggests the transit agency should consider how Presto might have clouded the projections.

“The precipitous drop in 2012 points to sudden significant change, not gradual acceptance of walk/bike or telework,” analytics firm RSG told Transpo after a review last fall.

The results of the review, obtained through an access to information request, say Transpo should take a hard look at the effect the Presto smart card system has had on transit ridership – or at least the job of predicting ridership.

“The Presto smart card presents a case worthy of special examination,” RSG says in a memo to Transpo last Nov. 25.

While Presto has provided a cheaper fare option for single rides, “it is also possible that it is perceived as an inconvenience and is discouraging some riders,” RSG’s Bill Woodford says in his memo to Transpo brass. He suggests a “detailed examination of trends in individual fare media” to help suss out the root cause of the shaky ridership projections.

While somewhat of a crapshoot – considering the unpredictable weather and gas prices driving consumer choices – forecasting ridership is a critical exercise for Transpo in setting the annual transit budget.

Transpo hired RSG to review its method of predicting ridership.

The firm didn’t make its own verification of Transpo’s ridership models, so it called its study a “collegial review of potential issues and identification of potential techniques” to address ridership issues.

Transpo started pointing to Presto’s possible impact on ridership last summer and the consultant’s review gives the city’s theory a little more oomph.

The drop in ridership in 2012 baffled Transpo, but staff figured it must have been linked to a downsizing in the federal public service, combined with people’s decisions to walk or bike more, in line with the city’s investments in cycling infrastructure.

The fact that other major transit agencies in Canada and the U.S. were experiencing a decrease in ridership has given Transpo peace of mind that it’s not solely an Ottawa problem.

Transpo started seeing blips in its ridership projections in spring 2012.

As RSG sees it, a “major event” must have happened in early 2012 that either affected the ridership or the estimate of the ridership. A chart notes the job cuts in the federal government and the start of the Presto pilot period occurring around the same time as the ridership decrease.

Another variable would be big changes in the quality of transit service, RSG says.

(The September 2011 “optimization,” which cut some bus routes, isn’t mentioned other than a time point on a graph. Transpo has said there’s no evidence the optimization program caused the drop in ridership.)

With the start of Presto, it’s possible some people who usually bought a monthly pass switched to the discounted per-ride cost with the smart card’s e-purse function. That would throw off projections if there are a certain number of trips assumed for each montly pass, RSG points out.

The city received some rare good news recently about ridership: there was a slight uptick in ridership to start 2016. At 97.2 million, the 12-month ridership was the highest it’s been since January 2014, but it’s still a significant difference from the record-high 103.5 million trips in 2011.

Transpo also asked RSG to review its ridership models for the Stage 2 LRT expansion.The ridership increase for Stage 1 is estimated at nine per cent, while the increase for Stage 2 is an additional 10 per cent.

The LRT forecasting looks “generally sound,” the consultant says, although the review notes current city staff have little familiarity with Stage 1 modelling done by past staff, making it “difficult to assess the likelihood that the Stage 1 forecasts are realistic.”

RSG gives the city a pat on the back, saying Transpo staff “are highly capable and devoted to preparing the best possible forecasts of ridership.”

