** 卡尔顿Computer Science 教科书4sale
1. 95.384
Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition) The MIT Press Thomas H.Cormen Charles E.Leiserson Ronald L.Rivest Clifford Stein $59
2. 95.300
Operating System Concepts (6th Edition)
Abraham Silberschatz & Peter Baer Galvin & Greg Gagne $55
3. 95.285
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Michael Sipser $59
4. 95.204
C++ Programming Language
Bjarne Stroustrup $59
5. 95.185
Discrete Mathmatics and Its Applications (5th Edition)
*** I have a 大桌子 4 sale: 77cm X 153 cm.
Ask $40.($5 delivery).
yuanzh@hotmail.com 526-8668
1. 95.384
Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition) The MIT Press Thomas H.Cormen Charles E.Leiserson Ronald L.Rivest Clifford Stein $59
2. 95.300
Operating System Concepts (6th Edition)
Abraham Silberschatz & Peter Baer Galvin & Greg Gagne $55
3. 95.285
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Michael Sipser $59
4. 95.204
C++ Programming Language
Bjarne Stroustrup $59
5. 95.185
Discrete Mathmatics and Its Applications (5th Edition)
*** I have a 大桌子 4 sale: 77cm X 153 cm.
Ask $40.($5 delivery).
yuanzh@hotmail.com 526-8668