In an industry under pressure, Ottawa company develops alternative to antibiotics for...

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Ottawa-based Avivagen has developed an alternative to the antibiotics farmers add to livestock to boost animal growth.

And that’s not chicken feed.

It’s estimated that 80 per cent of the medically important antibiotics sold in Canada are used in livestock production. There are growing concerns both in Canada and around the world about antibiotics used in livestock feed to boost growth, and links to antibiotic resistance in humans.

Health Canada is moving to ban antibiotics from livestock feed starting next year and consumers are clamouring for antibiotic-free meat.

This is where Avivagen comes in. Its immune booster, OxC-beta, is derived from oxidized beta carotene. Mixed with livestock feed — it takes about a teaspoon of the fruity-smelling yellow powder for every tonne of feed — this natural alternative to antibiotics “primes” the immune system, reduces inflammation and helps animals convert feed more effectively.

“The world is moving very quickly,” said Avivagen president and CEO Cameron Groome. “Canada has to move technologies like ours.”

Avivagen has already broken into the Asian market. The company has approvals in Taiwan and Thailand with plans to expand into the Philippines, South Korea and China, where Avivagen has a joint venture partner, said Groome.

The story of OxC-beta is more than 30 years in the making. In 1984, NRC scientists Graham Burton and Keith Ingold published a paper in the journal Science on beta carotene as an antioxidant.

Burton later came to the conclusion that oxidized beta carotene has anti-cancer properties. He and colleague Dr. Janusz Daroszewski left the NRC in 1997 to co-found a spinoff company to commercialize oxidized beta carotene. Avivagen’s head office is still at the NRC research facilities on Sussex Drive.

“We kept pulling on the thread. Our guys started digging more deeply. They suspected there was more going on,” said Groome.

The researchers discovered that long polymer chains created when beta carotene was oxidized increased the number of receptors that recognized “bad” bacteria while reducing inflammation, improving response to infection.

In 2014, the Ad-Hoc Committee for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Canadian Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine gave Canada a grade of F when it came to stopping the importation, sale and use of antimicrobials not evaluated and registered by Health Canada, calling it a “continuing national and international embarrassment.”

Things have improved since then, in part because things are also changing in the U.S., said committee member Dr. John Prescott, professor at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph.

Next year, under a federal framework for action, farmers will not be able to use medically important antibiotics to promote growth in livestock and all antibiotics in animal food and water will be under veterinary prescription.

It’s good news, but the devil is in the details, said Prescott. The livestock industry recognizes it is up against a deadline, and is pressing the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada to fast-track alternatives to antibiotics.

There’s a lot of interest in oxidized beta carotene, but its value has to be proven with field trials, he said.


A study at the Atlantic Veterinary College in P.E.I. showed oxidized beta carotene has antibiotic-like effects when used on pig feed.

“We have got to have alternatives to antibiotics,” said Prescott. “The industry is under intense pressure. There’s a huge amount of confusion in the marketplace. There’s a lot of pressure for change — rightfully so. But it’s a chaotic scene right now.”

Avivagen isn’t the only player in the antibiotic alternatives market. Others include essential oils, yeast cell walls that activate the immune system and probiotics. These all provide benefits, but there are problems with some of these solutions— animals don’t like the taste and smell of the yeast cells walls, and probiotics don’t remain stable over large periods of time in a feed bunker.

Meanwhile, it’s not just federal regulations that are pressing farmers to find alternatives — and quickly. One of the most significant pressures is coming from the fast food industry, said Groome.

In April, the Vancouver-based casual dining chain Earls announced it would serve only Certified Humane beef raised without the use of antibiotics, steroids or added hormones. Earls, which has 65 restaurants in Canada and uses more than two million pounds of beef a year, sparked the ire of Alberta cattlemen when it said it couldn’t find a Canadian supplier and the beef served in its restaurants would come from Kansas. After a backlash, the chain announced it would resume serving Alberta beef.

But a growing demand from consumers for humanely-raised meat remains. Groome was at an agricultural conference last year where an executive from a major fast food company pointed out that its competitors who offer antibiotic-free meat are “nibbling around the edges” of the big chains. “The consumer never gets it wrong,” the executive warned the food producers.

In 2004, a pilot study of about 100 pigs at the Atlantic Veterinary College showed the pigs that consumed feed with the oxidized beta carotene additive grew faster.

Veterinary researcher Dr. Daniel Hurnik said the results were encouraging. “We’re looking for efficient growth without antibiotics. It’s quite promising.”


The Earls restaurant chain attracted national attention when it announced it would not longer serve beef raised with feed containing antibiotics.

Immunologist Dr. Lakshmi Krishnan and her team at the NRC will soon be embarking on a study to assess oxidized beta carotene. It will be subjected to a battery of lab tests, then tested in petri dishes with different bacteria, as well as being tested for shelf life.

Krishnan sees animal feed as the initial use. If it’s beneficial there, it may have use as a human nutritional supplement.

“I think there’s a clear set of data that show clear benefits in animal feeds. It’s a good place to start,” she said. “But first we have to understand the mechanism of action.”

Groome has no idea how long it may take to get OxC-beta registered in Canada, but he sees possibilities as an immune-boosting supplement for humans.

“It could be a long, frustrating wait,” he said.

Right now, Avivagen is concentrating on the Asian market. It’s kind of like being Shania Twain, said Groome.

“You have to headline in Vegas before you can do karaoke in Huntsville.”

