Q&A: Doo Doo, Capital Fair's celebrity clown, talks about being hero and life in makeup

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“I’ll tell you one way that fairs have changed,” says Fernandez, who performs at least double-duty at this year’s Capital Fair at the Rideau Carleton Raceway. Throughout the day and evening, he operates a booth – Imposters – that sells sunglasses and watches. But every few hours, he heads down to the centre stage, where he dons a pressed white shirt and black suit jacket, and becomes Fernandez the Hypnotist, putting on a show from which, he claims, even the most hardened skeptics walk away shaking their heads in disbelief. His words.

“In the old days,” he says, “everybody wanted to go home from the fair with a big stuffed bear that they won. Now what do they want?


It’s true. The hottest stuffed toy prized is a smiling, two-eyed lump of crap that looks like a slightly melted, unwrapped Hershey Kiss. “It’s been the most popular prize for a couple of years now,” says Joe Tyler, who operates the midway’s Birthday Game, where winners can trade their smalls lumps of feces for bigger ones. He shrugs. “It’s what they want.”

There are a few other novelties at the fair: Ultimutts, a stunt dog show featuring seven canines and a cat, for example, and a monster school bus that crushes cars.

But really, things haven’t changed all that much. There are horses and corn dogs, Pop-a Balloon and Crown & Anchor. Bumper cars and candy apples, a magnetic duck pond, ferris wheel, merry-go-round and the Scrambler. The Haunted Mansion is as frightening as it ever was, and the Lightning Skee Ball is as lightning-like as it was 50 years ago. There are balloons to be popped, bottles and plates to be smashed, faces to be painted, red stars to be shot at, big mallets with which to test your strength and cotton candy to make your hands sticky.

And there’s the clown, Doo Doo, who’s been performing at fairs, parties and charity functions for 35 years. Apart from events such as these, he’s been a hit with youngsters as a regular guest on the Daniel Cooke Show on Treehouse TV. And in 1995, he attracted a cult following among parents and other adults when he appeared in the Adam Sandler comedy Billy Madison.

“I kind of thought that everyone knew me,” he says of his rise to pretty much the top of the monkey barrel among Canada’s 3,400 registered clowns. But last November, an incident carried him much higher on the celebrity scale than he could have imagined, above the stratosphere and into international fame. He made the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and Late Night with Seth Meyers. The Tenors honoured him onstage at the Air Canada Centre. The Toronto Maple Leafs made a big deal out of him. Toronto Blue Jays centre-fielder Dalton Pompey called him “the hero of Canada.” (Ouch. Take that, Terry Fox). On Thursday, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson issued Doo Doo a citation for bravery.

On Nov. 22, 2015, Doo Doo made headlines when he rescued two women who were being attacked by a 25-year-old man whose affinity for crystal meth got the better of him.

Doo Doo, a.k.a. Shane Farberman, had seen the man, in shorts and bare feet on an extremely cold day, jumping on cars in downtown Toronto. Doo Doo called 911, and as he waited for police to arrive, he slowly followed the man. It should be noted that Doo Doo, who had earlier appeared at a charity event, was in full costume at the time. With him inside his black Hummer were three other clowns in full regalia.

When Doo Doo saw the man approach two female pedestrians and punch one of them, he sprang into action, speeding ahead to where the altercation was taking place, sliding open a door to his SUV and urging the women to get into the clowned-up car. They did, and the man attacked the car, tearing off a side-view mirror.

We caught up with Doo Doo to ask him about the attack, and clowning around in general.


Doo Doo the Clown at the Capital Fair.

Q The decision between being attacked by a lone man on crystal meth versus jumping into a black Hummer with four clowns wouldn’t be such an easy one to make. How did the women react?

A It really was strange. I mean, one of the clowns was pregnant. We kept saying to the women, ‘Jump in! Jump in!’ and they finally did. And as soon as we locked the doors, he turned on the car, ripped off my mirror and started kicking the door. And I’m screaming at 911 and everybody’s screaming. The women were screaming.

Q Was that because of the man attacking them or the clowns?

A Well, I hope it was because of him. And then the officers came and they zapped him and it was all over. The police took our statement for about two hours and then I went home. None of it hit me until then.

When I woke up the next day, CNN was at my house. I didn’t even know there was CNN in Canada. There were talk shows and the Tenors. It was crazy. Like I said, I thought I was well known, but there were police doing selfies with me. I had people shaking my hand and clapping. A friend of mine in Australia sent me a link to a morning show where all they did was talk about me. The Huffington Post. Seth Meyers.


Doo Doo the Clown at the Capital Fair.

Q Has it helped business?

A Do you know what? I’m a worrier. I only sleep when I know I’m booked . I have my kids, my wife, my house payments. I have to be booked. And so did it change my bookings? No, because I was already booked with trade shows and conventions. But next year, maybe I’ll raise my prices.

Q How and why did you become a clown?

A My parents are the oldest concessionaires at the CNE in Toronto. Just candy. Sixty-one years at the CNE. And they had a toy store on Spadina in downtown Toronto. I wanted a part-time job – I was working at a restaurant after school when I was 15, and a friend of my brother’s asked if I could help him. I was making $2.40 and hour, and he offered me $20 an hour to help him. He was a clown doing magic just to pay for his school and everything else, but I just fell in love with it. Where else do you get paid to make people happy? I’ve done it ever since. I’ve been in makeup for 35 years.

I don’t drink or smoke, but I have one addiction: I love to buy lottery tickets, and if I won, I would love to be able to wake up and do charity events and not have to worry about money.

Q How many performances do you do each year?

A Last year I did about 180. That’s pretty normal.

Q What do you like most about being a clown?
A I love to see families have a good time. Nobody walks away without something. I love making people smile. The only thing that that incident changed was it made me very humble. I came home and my daughter said, ‘Dad, you’re a hero,’ and I cried. My son put a post on Facebook saying how proud he was of me, and I bawled my eyes out.

Q How is Doo Doo different than Shane Farberman?

A I have a wife and three kids, and I’m a regular dad when the nose comes off. I’m not the loud and crazy guy. I have 18 nieces and nephews, and I call each of them at least once a week. I love family time.

Q Lots of people are terrified of clowns. So what terrifies clowns?

A What terrifies me is walking out to an empty audience. It freaks me out to think of walking out and there’s nobody there.



Doo Doo the Clown at the Capital Fair.

