BUSI1800 Canadian business 8th $60
ECON1000 宏观微观 附带study guide 共四本 4th $60 ( econ 1000 的书其实不用最新版,内容基本一样,数字换了而已。送我当时的学习资料题目)
PSYC1002 psychology themes and variations 3rd $40 (大一新生必修的心理课)
MATH1119 linear algebra and its application 4th 附带study guide $40
MATH1009 elementary calculus with applications 3rd $20
BUSI1004 an introduction management accounting 1st $20
ECON2020&2030 microeconomics theory and applications with calculus 3rd $ 60
operations management 4th $40
global business today 3rd $20
ECON1000 宏观微观 附带study guide 共四本 4th $60 ( econ 1000 的书其实不用最新版,内容基本一样,数字换了而已。送我当时的学习资料题目)
PSYC1002 psychology themes and variations 3rd $40 (大一新生必修的心理课)
MATH1119 linear algebra and its application 4th 附带study guide $40
MATH1009 elementary calculus with applications 3rd $20
BUSI1004 an introduction management accounting 1st $20
ECON2020&2030 microeconomics theory and applications with calculus 3rd $ 60
operations management 4th $40
global business today 3rd $20