会计师请进,请教T2 Return问题,急啊!


近日收到CRA来信,“We have received T2 Return for the above-noted tax year end. However, there is no opening balance on the record for schedule 10-cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction. Please provide any documents to support the amount reported on schedule 10.
Please return this letter with the requested information within 30 days of the date noted above. If we do not receive a reply within that time, we may have to adjust your return....”
CRA的来信说的是2015年的T2 Return, 每年的报税都是通过同一位会计师报的,不巧的是我的会计师出国休假要下个月才能回加拿大。去年生意已经出售,去年的报税包括生意的出售,我查阅往年的每一年T2 return,我的会计师都没有填写 schedule 10
opening balance 指的是什么?
近日收到CRA来信,“We have received T2 Return for the above-noted tax year end. However, there is no opening balance on the record for schedule 10-cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction. Please provide any documents to support the amount reported on schedule 10.
Please return this letter with the requested information within 30 days of the date noted above. If we do not receive a reply within that time, we may have to adjust your return....”
CRA的来信说的是2015年的T2 Return, 每年的报税都是通过同一位会计师报的,不巧的是我的会计师出国休假要下个月才能回加拿大。去年生意已经出售,去年的报税包括生意的出售,我查阅往年的每一年T2 return,我的会计师都没有填写 schedule 10
opening balance 指的是什么?
近日收到CRA来信,“We have received T2 Return for the above-noted tax year end. However, there is no opening balance on the record for schedule 10-cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction. Please provide any documents to support the amount reported on schedule 10.
Please return this letter with the requested information within 30 days of the date noted above. If we do not receive a reply within that time, we may have to adjust your return....”
CRA的来信说的是2015年的T2 Return, 每年的报税都是通过同一位会计师报的,不巧的是我的会计师出国休假要下个月才能回加拿大。去年生意已经出售,去年的报税包括生意的出售,我查阅往年的每一年T2 return,我的会计师都没有填写 schedule 10
opening balance 指的是什么?
这个是指设备折旧啊,我查了往年T2他从来没有填schedule 10,倒是 schedule 8每年都填了。会计上的事我也不懂,那该怎么办?
T2 是输入后生成的,我也看不明白。查了查往年会计师给我们的financial statment,开业时sale equipment是$10000,每年$2000扣减,有的年份是按$1000扣减,到2014年已经全部扣完了。
是不是要给税务局提供开业时sale equipment $10000的证明文件?
我初步的理解schedule 10是指经营生意的房产?可我并不拥有生意的房产,我的生意场地是租的。
近日收到CRA来信,“We have received T2 Return for the above-noted tax year end. However, there is no opening balance on the record for schedule 10-cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction. Please provide any documents to support the amount reported on schedule 10.
Please return this letter with the requested information within 30 days of the date noted above. If we do not receive a reply within that time, we may have to adjust your return....”
CRA的来信说的是2015年的T2 Return, 每年的报税都是通过同一位会计师报的,不巧的是我的会计师出国休假要下个月才能回加拿大。去年生意已经出售,去年的报税包括生意的出售,我查阅往年的每一年T2 return,我的会计师都没有填写 schedule 10
opening balance 指的是什么?

近日收到CRA来信,“We have received T2 Return for the above-noted tax year end. However, there is no opening balance on the record for schedule 10-cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction. Please provide any documents to support the amount reported on schedule 10.
Please return this letter with the requested information within 30 days of the date noted above. If we do not receive a reply within that time, we may have to adjust your return....”
CRA的来信说的是2015年的T2 Return, 每年的报税都是通过同一位会计师报的,不巧的是我的会计师出国休假要下个月才能回加拿大。去年生意已经出售,去年的报税包括生意的出售,我查阅往年的每一年T2 return,我的会计师都没有填写 schedule 10
opening balance 指的是什么?

Schedule 10 是報好像goodwill, patent, client list 之類的支出, 你的以上資料不足, 很難决定要怎麼做。 須要查看整個T2 跟financial statements 才可作準。
你以为网上的人都会计师啊,既然你原来的会计师不在,第一,找其他会计师问也是可以的 第二,就等你会计师回来再办,给CRA打电话解释一下为什么晚就可以,不是太大的事