Special taxes for ward projects need support from residents, councillor says

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Council shouldn’t have the power to slap a special tax on a ward to pay for a project without receiving strong support from those residents, a councillor says.

Rideau-Goulbourn Coun. Scott Moffatt said he’ll ask council to end the process of creating “special area levies” to raise money from residents over several years to pay for new programs in one ward.

A council-approved special area levy for an anti-mosquito program in Kanata North ward was Moffatt’s breaking point. He was the only councillor last February who voted against charging each household in the ward to implement a $1.4-million mosquito-control program.

“I just don’t think it’s democratic and I don’t think it’s fair,” Moffatt told the Citizen Thursday.

Moffatt has won support from the finance and economic development committee to put the issue on the agenda in October. He intends to ask committee and council to stop special area levies and instead use the process established for “local improvement charges,” which require the support of two-thirds of households that would benefit from a capital project, such as bringing sewer or water service to a community.

The two-thirds threshold is fair if the city is going to force a new tax on households in an area, he said.

Kanata North Coun. Marianne Wilkinson held a mail-in referendum in the ward between Jan. 25 and Feb. 16 to see how many people would want to pay extra for the anti-mosquito program. She received 2,525 ballots, and of those, 72 per cent indicated support for the program. According to the city’s count, there are more than 14,000 households in Kanata North.

Each home in Kanata North is now paying about $19 more annually to reduce mosquitos in the ward. The annual levy decreases to about $15 in the fourth and final year of the program, based on the payment plan established by the city.

Wilkinson said she still hears from residents who aren’t happy with the fee. She also hears from others thanking her for getting council to help reduce mosquitos in Kanata North.

She defended the anti-mosquito levy, noting that under the rules she didn’t have to poll residents before asking for council’s endorsement.

“I did this simply because people should have a say in it,” Wilkinson said.

On the other hand, Wilkinson said she didn’t have time in 2010 to formally ask her residents about paying a special levy to bury hydro lines on Kanata Avenue.

Only one other ward, Alta Vista, has homeowners paying an extra tax for a project.

Council in April approved collecting $16.88 annually from each household in Alta Vista over 10 years to help fund an open-air refrigerated rink at the Canterbury Recreation Complex. Alta Vista Coun. Jean Cloutier championed the project at city hall and, while he informed residents about the potential special tax through advertising and consultations, he didn’t organize a ward vote.

Moffatt also voted against the rink levy for Alta Vista. He was one of three councillors who opposed it.

There have only been four special levies approved by council since amalgamation, outside of those imposed in business improvement areas. The fourth was also in Alta Vista ward, where landowners recently finished paying for an expansion to the Canterbury Community Centre.

Moffatt said it’s unfair to apply a special tax to an entire ward when only one part of the ward might see a benefit. Using the process for local improvement charges – which requires a supporting petition of two-thirds of owners in the benefiting area, representing 50 per cent of the assessed value of the properties – would be better since affected residents need to formally indicate support, he said.

