Museum of Nature to mark Canada 150 with Arctic gallery

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The Arctic is vast – about four-tenths of this huge country – but also a vast unknown to the many southerners who will never venture there.

An 8,000-square-foot gallery opening at the Canadian Museum of Nature next summer aims to transform visitors’ understanding of the region’s importance to contemporary Canada and the world and the astonishing diversity of plants, animals and cultures facing unprecedented change.

Canadians know little about the Arctic and little to nothing about its people and how they view the world, said Natan Obed, president of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, which is contributing to plans unveiled Tuesday.

“The first misconception is that the Arctic is a wasteland – just empty, the harshest place on the planet,” he said. “It is our home. Everywhere you look, there is life.”

He wants Canadians to see its “richness” – the beluga, narwhal, polar bears – but also the 100,000 inhabitants facing upheaval. He cited the climactic threat to essential ice roads and the sea ice where the iconic bears feed, which Canadians tend to view with sympathy but no real understanding.

He now lives in Ottawa but his people, as one of the interactive games in the exhibit will demonstrate, have as their heritage an ancient cycle in tune with Inuit Nunangat, their homeland. It spans summer on the shorelines and islands, autumn on the rivers catching char and winters hunting on the ice for a people popular culture has portrayed as nomads.

“We know exactly where we come from,” Obed said, adding that he’s eager to show the exhibit to his two young sons, who love going to the natural history museum, and to other northerners.

The Canada Goose Arctic Gallery – the made-in-Canada luxury parka company contributed $1.5 million for naming rights for a decade – will open June 21, 2017 as the key contribution of the museum’s celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday.

A visitor will be welcomed to the gallery by a multimedia display of sound, light and images created in partnership with the National Film Board of Canada.

The exhibit spans the distant past – like when the extinct high arctic camel unearthed by a museum scientist roamed – to the present. Zones explore the region’s natural history and human connections on themes of climate, geography, sustainability and ecosystems.

The objects that will star in the exhibit include a lichen-covered bowhead whale skull at the entrance to a zone about how Arctic people estract natural resources and use animals and plants for food, clothing and tools.

Two tanks – one stocked with Arctic cod – will allow visitors to see the region’s marine food web up close and will be created with the help of the Vancouver Aquarium.

A dozen short, first-person videos dubbed “people capsules” will share the experiences of people who live or work in the Arctic.

The Northern Voices Gallery, suggested by an advisory committee of people from the region, will host changing exhibits curated by people from Arctic communities. The first will be ‘Inuinnauyugut: We are Inuinnait’, created to mark a century since the 1913 Canadian Arctic Expedition brought significant contact with outsiders.

Ailsa Barry, the museum’s vice-president of experience and engagement, gave a virtual tour of what the new exhibit will look like amid artifacts from the museum’s collection.

Among them were a walrus skull collected by explorer Robert Bell in the 1890s, the transparent purple petals of pressed fireweed and a parka made of caribou skins pieced into stripes with tiny hand stitches in the 1990s.

“We believe that this gallery will provide a place for Canadians to connect with the Arctic,” Barry said.

The only gallery at the museum to focus on a single, peopled geographic area, it will draw from the museum’s more than a century of study of the North while adding the perspectives of those who live there.

“We want to make people understand – it’s a rich, diverse area with so many plants and animals, cultures and lifestyles,” Barry added after the tour. “It’s a vibrant place. The people’s voice is as important as the natural history – as Natan Obed said, ‘The people are part of nature’.”

