Ottawa's public school board considers eliminating special classes for some gifted students

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Based on the composition of the special classes for “gifted” children at the public school board, one might conclude that boys in Ottawa are way smarter than girls.

About 62 per cent of the students in classes for the gifted are boys, a circumstance that both staff and trustees at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board say indicates problems with the program rather than a lack of intelligence among girls.

For either gender, the path to the gifted class is easier for parents who can afford to pay for a report from a private educational psychologist attesting to the exceptionality of their child.

Those are two of the most striking findings in a report on the board’s program for gifted children that examines everything from which kids qualify to the best ways to educate them. Staff suggest an overhaul, including eliminating specialized gifted classes for children in Grades 1 to 4.

The gifted program hasn’t changed much in decades and has failed to keep up with educational philosophy and parental preferences, says the report.

About three per cent of the 73,000 students at Ottawa’s largest school board are identified as gifted, a label that can be both a blessing and a curse. Gifted children can master skills and concepts quickly and are original thinkers, but some also struggle with feeling different and trying to meet the high expectations of parents and teachers.

There is no consensus among academic experts on the ideal way to make sure gifted children flourish in school.

It’s an emotional topic for kids, their parents and even school board trustees, several of whom recounted their own experiences during a discussion of the topic at a recent meeting.

Board chair Shirley Seward said she was an extremely bright child who was tormented for getting top marks. Trustee Sandra Schwartz said she was “bored stiff” in school and developed behaviour problems. Trustee Christine Boothby said her daughter was bullied in elementary school because she was smart, but later thrived in a segregated gifted class.

Board staff have recommended a shift toward educating gifted children in regular classrooms. That’s the trend at other school boards in the province, but change is slow at the OCDSB, says trustee Mark Fisher.

Ottawa’s board has a long tradition of segregating children into specialized classes, whether they are gifted or have a learning disability, says Fisher.

He finds it frustrating, saying attempts to change segregated programs have been opposed and labelled as veiled budget cuts, rather than considered for their merits.

At a time when the board is struggling to balance its budget, busing large numbers of kids out of their neighbourhoods to specialized classes also doesn’t make sense economically, he says. The board estimates it will save $1.6 to $2.1 million a year in busing if the changes in the report are recommended.

Parents of younger children already seem to be voting for the regular classroom in a neighbourhood school. The board used to have a waiting list for entrance to gifted classes in the primary grades. Over the last few years demand has plummeted. Some gifted classes now have as few as five students in them, according to staff.

The report also acknowledges the tremendous variety among gifted kids, and the need to expand beyond one-size-fits-all programs for them. A child might be a whiz at math, for instance, but also have a reading disability.

The public will be consulted this fall, and proposed changes to the gifted program could be implemented as soon as September 2017.

Some of the key issues:

What’s the definition of gifted?

The Ontario Ministry of Education uses a definition of general intelligence: “An unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular school program to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.” However, that definition is widely seen as outdated, and is under review.

Educators now stress that giftedness is complex and varied. Some question whether labels are useful, while others suggest the definition be expanded to include children with unusual abilities in music, creative arts, sports or leadership skills.

Who’s in the gifted class?

Students who are poor or have racially and culturally diverse backgrounds are less likely to be identified as gifted, according to academic research. There is no specific data for the Ottawa board, but staff say they assume that’s the case here, too, and want to make the selection process more equitable.

As for why Ottawa’s gifted classes are dominated by boys, staff have no explanation other than society’s tendency toward gender discrimination. The academic research suggests that, “Parents and teachers treat males and females differently, for example,” said board superintendent Olga Grigoriev in a written reply.

“Girls are not as encouraged in mathematics as boys, which may eventually lead girls to have poorer perceptions of their abilities. Also, gifted girls receive less recognition for their achievements so this may contribute to under-representation in gifted programs.”

How do students get selected as gifted?

Usually it’s through committees set up at each school, which consider whether to designate children as “exceptional,” including everything from giftedness to learning disabilities and autism. The committees include the principal, teacher or other board staff, and parents. Either parents or the principal can ask for a committee to be convened. The committee considers a range of information about the child, from teacher reports to comments from parents, but a key piece of evidence is often a psycho-educational assessment.

Board staff do those assessments, but it can take awhile. Parents who can afford it often pay for a private assessment, which can cost upwards of $1,000. Among students designated as gifted, about half have had private assessments paid for by their parents, according to a board survey.

Several trustees have expressed concern about the low number of school board assessments. While no one faults parents for obtaining private assessments of their children, the situation is not fair, says trustee Donna Blackburn. “If you have the money, you get the test.”

How much does pressure from parents count?

Some parents see the label of gifted as a “badge of honour” and lobby to have their children designated, say several trustees. “I literally had a pregnant woman call me to book a spot in the gifted program,” says Blackburn.

However, the school board has the final say and relies on the professionalism of staff to conduct fair assessments.

What’s the best way to teach gifted children?

This question fiercely divides educators, parents and students.

About 60 per cent of gifted students at the board attend specialized classes. The remainder are in regular classrooms but receive extra support through an individual education plan (IEP).

The proposed shift to integrating more gifted kids into regular classrooms may be controversial. Most parents with gifted children in specialized classes are satisfied, according to a board survey. But parents with gifted children in regular classrooms are not as happy. Among elementary parents, for example, 69 per cent said the regular classroom instruction with an IEP did not meet their gifted child’s academic needs.

Major staff recommendations:

1. Segregated classes for the gifted in Grades 1 to 4 would be eliminated. Most — 95 per cent — of gifted children now spend those years at their home schools in the regular program anyway, says staff. Students now typically enter the gifted program in Grade 5.

2. Segregated classes for the gifted would remain in Grades 5 to 8, but more variety would be offered. One stream of classes would be offered for children who are gifted in one area, but challenged in another. Another stream would be for the profoundly gifted (above the 99.6 percentile of the population). An “inquiry” stream would be available to all.

3. The number of secondary schools offering segregated gifted classes would be reduced from four to three, eliminating the program at Merivale High School. It now has only 33 gifted students enrolled in Grades 9 to 12.

4. A new screening process would be introduced in Grade 3 that would include measures to try to get rid of bias in the selection process and possibly broaden the definition of gifted.

5. Students would be offered a place in a gifted program at one school; parents could not request placement at another school.

By the numbers:

2,249: Total number of students identified as “gifted” at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board in 2014-15. That’s about three per cent of all students in the board.

60: Percentage of those students who are in specialized classes. The remaining 40 per cent get help within a regular classroom.

64: Percentage of students in specialized gifted classes in elementary schools in 2014-15 who were boys

60: Percentage of students in specialized gifted classes in secondary schools in 2014-15 who were boys

.77 per cent: Percentage of the total school population in Ontario identified as gifted in the 2011-12 school year. (Note: some school boards do not designate any students as gifted.)

3.36 per cent: Percentage of the total school population at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board identified as gifted in 2011-12

