Drop-in centre for sex workers wins community safety award

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Early every Friday morning between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m., sex workers drift into Daisy’s Drop-In as their nighttime working day winds up.

The drop-in is held in a west-end community centre, where child-sized chairs are stacked against one wall awaiting daytime programs. As dawn breaks, the women pick up clean needles, crack pipes and condoms. Nurses are available to offer testing for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, Hepatitis C and pregnancy. The sex workers warn each other about violent johns.

Nikki Jalbert, the drop-in’s counsellor, cooks up hot breakfasts in the kitchen. Some women grab naps, the only rest they will get all week in a warm place that is not a stairwell or a doorway.

“I miss having an apartment. I want a place of my own,” says one woman as she sifts through a pile of donated clothing looking for a warm jacket. “I like that you guys understand and don’t make us feel weird — like less of a person.”

On Monday, Daisy’s Drop-In won one of seven community safety awards from Crime Prevention Ottawa for its harm reduction approach that improves the lives of its clients and reduces harm to the community.

Daisy’s caters to one of the city’s most vulnerable populations. All of the clients are drug users. Most are either homeless or precariously housed, often living with abusive partners or couch surfing. And they’re skittish about talking to police, social workers and medical professionals.

It’s a bit of a twist that the drop-in was nominated by the Carlington Community Association, which has fielded calls from residents concerned about prostitution in their neighbourhood.

“We hear from people that don’t feel safe in certain areas at night — along parts of Merivale Road, some parking lots. Because there are clearly transactions happening nearby,” says association president Cameron Ketchum.

But Daisy’s harm reduction focus has been more productive than vilifying sex workers and pushing them out of the neighbourhood, he says.

Every week, anywhere between 1,000 and 2,500 needles are distributed at Daisy’s. The next week, almost as many used needles will come back to be properly destroyed. There are now reduced numbers of discarded needles and drug paraphernalia in parks and playgrounds. The program has also reduced crime in the neighbourhood, according to a 2014 evaluation.

There are misconceptions about women in sex work, says Jalbert. The women at the drop-in have been dogged by past trauma and drug use. But they’re also respectful and intelligent, she says.

“These are the most resilient women you’ll ever meet.” Which is one of the reasons why the drop-in is called Daisy’s. “Because daisies will grow right through pavement.”

The program, almost four years old, has survived by piecing together staffing and resources from Carlington Community Health, Ottawa Public Health, the City of Ottawa and the Caldwell Family Centre. When Daisy’s first opened, only two or three sex workers used the drop-in every week. That has since increased to between eight and 10. The youngest participant is 17 and the oldest is in her mid-50s. In all, 40 sex workers have used the program.

“We have successes every week,” says Sophie Lightfoot, a community health nurse with the Carlington Community Health Centre. “We’ve had clients getting flu shots. That’s a success.”

The drop-in has also improved the women’s relationship with police. An officer drops by every few weeks, and clients are more likely to report physical or sexual abuse. They can also receive training in the city’s groundbreaking Peer Overdose Protection Program, which offers access to naloxone, a drug that reverses an opioid overdose.

Daisy’s also feeds into the “Jane Doe” program at the Carling Community Health Centre. Many of the women who have health concerns are hesitant to speak to a doctor, or they have lost their health card, says Janet Bowes, the program director at the health centre. The program allows sex workers to get medical advice anonymously.

“It’s difficult for them to access care. There’s a lot of stigma,” she says.

The drop-in isn’t focused at life-altering change, although that happens from time to time, says Jalbert. Three women who used the drop-in have left the sex trade in the past two years. But the most important steps have been in building trust.

“We’ve seen a lot of support from the community. People from the outside might think they’re not welcome, but they are. People have built relationships with them.”

Some people in the neighbourhood would probably prefer a stronger enforcement response to the sex trade, says Ketchum. But if sex workers are safer, families are safer, which means neighbourhoods will be safer.

“If we are providing safety and security to our most vulnerable, we will only see positive results in the long-term.”


Other community safety award winners:

Enforcement Professional Award: Ottawa police Const. Dawn Neilly, who built relationships with residents of the Mechanicsville, Hintonburg, West Wellington and Civic Hospital neighbourhoods.

Volunteer Award: Louis Caron, who helped revive the Convent Glen Community Association and started a Neighbourhood Watch Program. The program now uses social media to increase communication between neighbours.

Youth Program Award: In Love … and In Danger, a program for high school students that educates and empowers young people about dating violence.

Cyber Safety Award: #CACS, a project that sparked a discussion about sexual cyber aggression in French-language high schools.

Business Engagement Award: Staff Sgt. Gary Cashman, who introduced the Shop Theft Protocol, which allows commercial loss prevention investigators to arrest shoplifters and release first-time offenders to a pre-charges diversion program run by the Salvation Army, preventing backlogs in the courts.

Youth Leadership Development Award: The Door Youth Centre, a safe place for high-risk youth between 12 to 18 to hang out after school and acquire leadership skills through interactive activities and workshops.

