Government IT projects flashing red: Email, Phoenix Pay and data centres just the tip of...

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It’s a revealing list. As of Oct. 3, 10 projects involving Shared Services Canada were classified red, meaning troubled, documents obtained by the Citizen reveal. The government’s central computer services agency is also a major player in 19 IT projects that were stamped yellow — only somewhat off track.

It will surprise no one that Shared Services’ $400-million email transformation initiative, now 20 months late with no end in sight, made the red list.

But the group of late or over-budget projects embraces a surprisingly wide range of activity involving information technology: border services, passport modernization, call centres, data centre procurement, software application migration, satellites and desktop phones.

The red list, obtained under an access-to-information request, includes only the projects sponsored by Shared Services or to which it contributed significant IT gear or services. Other federal departments also manage IT programs currently in trouble, but these are software-heavy endeavours that lie outside Shared Services’ orbit. For instance, Public Services and Procurement Canada is responsible for Phoenix Pay, the so far failed drive to modernize the government’s pay system.

While the red projects tracked by Shared Services vary widely in their missions, they share a strong IT core. Most are highly complex efforts to consolidate multiple technologies and technical standards and replace them with standardized, modern gear and software. The goal is to simplify networks, eliminate the need for specialized staff and achieve economies of scale.

Unfortunately, something often gets lost in the details — in the nitty-gritty of shifting from old IT to new.

And, as many of these government IT projects move from planning to implementation, the difficulties in managing them are becoming more apparent. Shared Services last month was tracking 10 projects it classified red. Eighteen months ago, there were just eight; 21 months ago there were seven.

The good news is that some of the former red projects have dropped off the list. For instance, Shared Services last spring signed a contract to expand its data centre at Borden, Ont. That project was coloured red last year, courtesy of delays in getting the procurement launched.

Yet, even though the construction phase is now expected to proceed on schedule, the availability of the data centre for hosting the government’s data and software applications has nevertheless been delayed. And this matters because so much of the government’s electronic infrastructure is inter-connected. A delay in the shift of applications to a new home means older data centres have to be pressed into service longer than expected. And this consumes money that might otherwise have been spent on modernizing.

Here’s a look at Shared Services’ current batch of red projects:

Email Transformation Initiative: Bell Canada and CGI Group were awarded an initial $245-million contract in 2013 to create a single, government-wide email system by March 31, 2015. Fewer than 15 per cent of government employees are using the new system today.

Hosted Contact Centre Service Transformation: IBM Canada a year ago won the $50-million-plus contract to build a government-wide system to allow Canadians to get in touch with federal departments. The idea is to consolidate current systems, which handle more than 100 million calls annually, and upgrade them to handle social media. According to an industry source, the project has stalled while Shared Services and IBM try to resolve a disagreement about how to interpret the contract.

Workplace Communication Services: This is a Shared Services effort aimed at upgrading the technology used by government employees at their desks. Ordinary telephone service is to be replaced by voice-over-Internet Protocol phones, and employees will be equipped with desktop video and the ability to send instant messages. The $66.3-million project received Treasury Board approval two years ago.

Mainframe Legacy Application Migration Project: This project shows why it’s so important to keep technology fresh. The department of Employment and Social Development is shifting a bunch of applications and data from relatively ancient mainframe computers to new data centres operated by Shared Services. Accenture was picked as prime contractor two years ago but it’s been heavy going. The Employment department notes the program was amended last year “to remove some of the technical complexity.” It also explained the project was classified red based on “the number and severity of short-term risks and issues, as well as forecasted delays in schedule”.

Passport Program Modernization Initiative: This one is sponsored by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada with input from Shared Services. Immigration is developing a new way of issuing passports using its heavy-duty software application known as Global Case Management System. Ibiska Telecom was hired early this year to conduct a review of the project. Procurement documents suggest the review won’t be completed until March 31, 2019.

E-Manifest: Canada Border Services Agency is putting in place a $415-million system that will force truckers and other carriers of goods to transmit data about their cargo before arriving at the border. This will allow CBSA agents to assess risks earlier and to expedite legitimate exports and imports. The project is running late or, as CBSA puts it “is tracking deliverables and milestones against a revised project plan”. Earlier this year, the agency expected to complete things by March 31, 2017. It’s not clear if that extended deadline will be met.

Data Centre Server Storage Infrastructure Supply Chain Renewal: In plain English, this is to set up a system for buying the gear and software that allows data centres to run. The project didn’t really get moving seriously until 2015 and is a relatively new addition to the red list.

Radarsat Constellation Mission: The development of the latest generation observation satellite is supposed to meet key milestones by March 31, 2017, including the completion of the first of three satellites. The program, which has cost taxpayers close to $1 billion, has consistently been late and over budget.

Entry/Exit System: Canada Border Services Agency is developing software to expand the amount of information collected from travellers leaving the country. Canada and the U.S. currently share entry records but information about who has left Canada is currently confined to non-citizens and those who leave by land. Canada is proposing to collect biographical information from all air travellers through electronic passenger manifests, but would not share this data with the U.S. The project is awaiting the passage of enabling legislation and regulations.

Legacy Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) Conversion: ITSM is a system for figuring how and under what conditions Shares Services will offer its expertise to other federal departments. The system needs to shift from older computers to newer ones. However, the project to accomplish this is apparently under some distress.

