Predatory publisher expands control of Canadian science journals

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OMICS International, a “predatory” publisher of fake and low-quality research, has bought another Canadian science publisher — its third this year.

OMICS has acquired Intellectual Consortium of Drug Discovery & Technology Development Incorporation, of Saskatoon. Jeffrey Beall of the University of Colorado, who investigates the shadowy world of fake science publishing, discovered OMICS has expanded the group from three to 10 journal titles, all of them operating only online.

Consortium was already an unacceptably low-quality group, Beall says.

But the new ownership shows OMICS is expanding by buying existing Canadian publishers and using their names to attract business.

“OMICS International is on a buying spree, snatching up journals and publishers around the world, especially in Canada,” Beall writes in his blog about the predatory publishing industry.

“It recently purchased Pulsus Group, a firm that publishes (or used to publish) journals for several Canadian medical societies, sending shockwaves through the Canadian medical publishing community.” It also bought Andrew John Publishing.

“OMICS International purchases and converts respected journals into rubbish journals, trading on their good reputations to profit from researchers unaware of the change in ownership,” Beall says.

Last month the Citizen exposed the drastic change in quality that comes with OMICS ownership. OMICS published a meaningless and plagiarized paper we submitted as a test, and later dropped it only after we notified the journal it had published garbage. An archived version is still online.

Now Consortium seems to be headed in the same direction. The new “Advanced Humanities and Social Sciences” journal has only one article so far (a short analysis of India-Pakistan relations, badly in need of someone to edit the English), and the journal spells its own name wrong.

Most of Consortium’s listed editors are in Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan, but none are in Saskatchewan.

Teacher Resource Journal has no articles at all.

Advanced Business and Finance also has no articles — and no editor or indication of other staff.

Roger Pierson, a medical professor from the University of Saskatchewan, says he and his fellow Saskatchewan academics have never heard of Consortium.

But the company is actively sending out spam, which is the traditional OMICS way to attract authors. Its business model is charging upwards of US $1,000 for authors who can’t get published anywhere else, and who need a publication record to advance their careers. OMICS will print whatever they submit, if they pay.

The new spam is from “Susan Coleen.” Like most predatory publishers in India, OMICS usually signs email with two English given names — Sam Joseph, Ann Daniel, and so on, though once it wrote to the Citizen as Judy Garland.

The awkward writing style is a giveaway:

“Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology seeks to publish peer-reviewed expert review/research articles on all aspects of journal’s aim. The journal aims to be the leading forum for expert review and research articles in the field…

“You (sic) early and positive reply will be appreciated.

“Looking forward for having on the board.”

OMICS isn’t picky. In the past it has listed luminaries including Dr. Hoss Cartwright from the Ponderosa Institute of Bovine Research on its editorial boards.

And now it’s expanding in Canada.

The Citizen has repeatedly tried to get comment from OMICS in the past two weeks, without success.

