Why Ottawa's child-torturing Mountie got bail: 'It approaches an explainable crime'

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In the final weeks of the child-torture case against an ex-Mountie, first-time spectators in the courtroom kept asking the same question when the man who had burned and starved his 11-year-old son would simply walk out the front door and down Elgin Street after daily proceedings.

He got bail?

The Mountie was granted bail on Dec. 17, 2013, courtesy of Justice of the Peace Julie Lauzon. He was free on bail and allowed unsupervised visits with his two other children up until his conviction on Nov. 21 of this year in what authorities have described as the most severe case of child abuse Ottawa has seen.

Before giving him bail, the justice of the peace had reviewed a series of haunting cellphone videos the former RCMP counter-terrorism officer took while subjecting his shackled and starving boy to disturbing, religious-themed interrogations, demanding that the frightened and naked child repent, and screaming that he would “weep blood” for his so-called sins, such as thoughts about kissing a girl.

The boy in the basement was seen on the video begging: “I want my family back.” He weighed only 50 pounds when he broke from his chains and escaped in search of water. His father, who was suspended without pay from the national police force in 2013 after the child-torture charges, had been on sick leave since 2011 for psychiatric episodes and depression related to his work.

At the December 2013 bail hearing, Justice of the Peace Lauzon heard evidence that the disgraced Mountie had inflicted severe physical and psychological harm on his son, who he thought was possessed by the devil and driven to sexual deviance, court heard.

“It may be difficult for the informed public to wrap its collective mind around that. But it quickly becomes apparent that (the man) felt he needed to correct his child once and for all, through references to God and Satan and through this reprehensible treatment. The evidence also reveals that the (man) felt that the child first had to repent in order to be forgiven by his Maker,” Lauzon said in her decision.

The justice of the peace noted that the months-long child-torture case was “a very isolated case … there are no allegations concerning the other two children.”

“It approaches an explainable crime once the observer is made aware of the accused’s demented view of discipline, of his belief that the child was possessed by Satan, and of the fact that this accused was at his wit’s end with his child. It does not make it acceptable, not by any means. But it does explain why the accused behaved the way he did,” Lauzon said.

Lauzon made the comments after Assistant Crown Attorney Marie Dufort, who opposed bail, raised case law that says bail is more worrisome for public safety when a crime is more difficult to explain.

The justice of the peace, before granting bail, noted that the boy was so emaciated he had trouble speaking during the interrogation videos and she wondered aloud whether he would have starved to death if he hadn’t escaped.

Lauzon, who has been publicly accused by Ottawa’s Crown Attorney Office of granting bail too easily, said the ex-Mountie met the legal requirements for bail. She noted that he had no criminal record, wasn’t a threat to the public or a flight risk, and was presumed innocent until, and if, convicted.

Plus, she noted, he had a solid bail plan that had two brothers post $20,000. Though the ex-Mountie told the court he was broke, he came up with $10,000 in cash to post his portion of the $30,000 bail. The justice of the peace also denied a request for the Lebanese-born man to surrender his passport because she didn’t think he was a flight risk.

The boy’s stepmother, found guilty of a lesser role in the case, did not testify but court heard that she told police that she was guilty of not protecting the boy and expressed remorse early on. The Crown, led by Marie Dufort and Michael Boyce, firmly established that the stepmother knew the boy was being confined and assaulted in the darkened basement, the judge ruled. In fact, court heard that the stepmother — a senior bureaucrat — was at home on maternity leave while the child-torture unfolded downstairs.

Her sentencing hearing is scheduled for Friday at the Elgin Street courthouse.

The father, 45, was convicted of assault, sexual assault, forcible confinement and failing to provide the necessities of life. The stepmother, 37, was found guilty of assault with a weapon (a wooden spoon) and of failing to provide the necessities of life. Their names are shielded by a publication ban to protect the identity of the victim.



