Infrastructure levy a 'fancy way of raising taxes without saying it,' Mayor Watson says

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Mayor Jim Watson dismisses infrastructure levies as hidden, vague tax increases.

“I think that’s sort of a fancy way of raising taxes by another two or three per cent without saying it,” Watson told the Citizen on Thursday.

People should be wary of groups coming to council asking for more road work when those organizations have vested interests in the city spending, Watson said.

Members of the National Capital Heavy Construction Association are regular speakers during council committee meetings. The association contends the city should go back to the days of charging an infrastructure levy to taxpayers to fix municipal infrastructure.

Watson said infrastructure repair requires a long-term outlook.

“I tend to be one of those people in a crow’s nest looking 30,o00 feet out,” Watson said. “That’s the job of leaders around the council table. It’s not to panic because a couple of people have called and said there are too many pot holes in one street.”

The city’s 2012 “state of the asset” report — which said the city’s assets are safe, “but their condition is deteriorating” — found 16 per cent of the assets to be in poor or very poor condition. While transportation assets, such as roads, were classified in “fair” condition, the assessment concluded that, overall, the city’s assets were in fair-to-good condition.

The same report called for road investments to be directed to high-travelled routes, rather than local roads, since those busy roads pose a higher risk to service.

In 2012, the city believed one quarter of roads needed repaving or reconstruction.

During a transportation committee meeting earlier this week, Coun. Diane Deans expressed concern about the condition of local roads, highlighting the city’s challenge of keeping up with maintenance.

Watson doesn’t see it the same way.

“Most residential streets I travel on are actually in pretty good shape because they’re not collector lanes, they’re not travelled on a lot, so they don’t get the wear and tear,” Watson said, although he acknowledged roads in some communities, particularly in the rural areas, are rough.

Watson said the city has a tough time taking a big chunk out of the infrastructure deficit but defended the city’s road investments over the past two terms of council.

The mayor pointed out the city ran a $340-million capital program called Ottawa on the Move between 2012 and 2014 to repair and upgrade city infrastructure.

“We have spent a record amount of money in infrastructure this term and last term of council and yet it never seems to be enough and we never seem to whittle down the infrastructure deficit,” Watson said.

On Thursday, during a community and protective services committee meeting, Deans continued to hammer away on the “funding gap” in repairing city assets.

“We really need to turn our sights to that growing problems in the city,” Deans said.

The city says it’s on track with the funding strategy in the 2012 long-range financial plan, which calls for $165 million in annual tax-supported funding for asset renewal by 2022.

Kelly Martin, manager of asset management in the planning department, said the city’s “underfunded capital investment” is about $350 million. The accumulated underfunded capital investment to 2022 is estimated at $450 million.

The city is refreshing its long-range financial plan in 2017 with updated strategies to pay for repairs.

Politically, fixes to buildings and sewers aren’t as ribbon-cutting worthy as new playgrounds and bike lanes.

In the interview, Watson inadvertently illustrated the struggle between investing in new projects and repairing existing assets.

As he was making a point about how he approaches budgeting and prioritizes city spending, Watson used the example of house repairs.

“If it’s a choice between going to Florida for a holiday or fixing my leaky roof, I’m going to fix the leaky roof,” Watson said. “It’s not glamorous, it’s not sexy, pretty boring, but it’s got to be done, because if you don’t do it, it will be a bigger problem the next year when the little leak is a big leak.”

