Private vs Public:
Ask yourself this question: why would you choose a private one? The more expensive, the better? -- Not Necessary.
Private daycare centers are for profit. I visited Kids and Company at two locations but didn't like them at all.
Public ones are not for profit. The daycare where my daughter is now has an excellent Board of Directors to oversee the cost and expenses.
For me, I just didn't have any reason to stick to private ones at all.
Parliament Hill has a daycare, a public one. If it is good for MPs and their staff, it is good for me.
Carlton Uni. has a daycare, a public one. If it is good for professors who specialized in Child Studies, it is good for me.
Jewish Community Center has a daycare, a public one. If it is good for the Jewish community, it is good for me-- Jewish takes education very very serious!
I can go on and on. Hope you got my point.