Council approves 2017 city budget. Here's what you'll be paying in taxes

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Property taxes will increase by two per cent and water bills will go up by five per cent now that council has approved the 2017 city budget.

Council passed the budget Wednesday with a 24-0 vote.

Mayor Jim Watson said he’s “proud with the balance we have achieved.”

The transit tax on property tax bills will increase by 2.5 per cent. The annual flat garbage fee, which is a separate line item on property tax bills, will be $84, up from $82.

In total, the average residential household in the urban area will pay about $3,549 in property taxes in 2017, an increase of $72. The “average” home, according to the city, has a property assessment of $395,400.

A rural home with the same property assessment will pay about $2,947 in property taxes next year, an increase of $60.

The average commercial property with an assessment of $304,650 will pay about $5,207 in property taxes, an increase of $107.

The pain for many households in Ottawa will be compounded because of new property assessments by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Those new assessments – which, according to the city, don’t bring in extra revenue to the city coffers – will be phased in between 2017 and 2020.

New spending in the city budget will help establish a low-income transit pass, hire more paramedics, add bus routes, establish a new arts fund, give more money to social agencies and cover salary increases for municipal public servants.

Prices for most recreation programs and facility rentals will also increase in 2017.

Some councillors expressed deep concern about the Ottawa Police Services budget and the future of community policing under a new deployment model.

Coun. Diane Deans, worried about the escalation of violence in the city this year, challenged Mayor Jim Watson to take his seat on the police services board. Coun. Tim Tierney sits on the board for the mayor.

Councillors Catherine McKenney, Riley Brockington and Mathieu Fleury voted against the police budget.

No AG review of LRT land deals

Council voted 18-6 against bringing the auditor general in to review land deals for the Confederation Line LRT.

Deans wants the first phase of LRT audited. She asked for council’s support to task the auditor general with reviewing the real estate deals so far.

“We have a duty of oversight,” Deans said.

The land transactions for the first phase aren’t done. The city is still sorting out property values with owners, but staff say the transactions are within budget so far.

City treasurer Marian Simulik warned that making public details of the real estate deals would “weaken” the city’s position on future land deals.

Coun. Allan Hubley, chair of the audit committee, and Mayor Jim Watson scoffed at Deans’s attempt to get the auditor involved in an LRT land review.

“I see this as a fishing expedition and just plain theatre,” Hubley said.

Roughing it in the city OK with council

Council signed off on creating campgrounds at 11 city properties over the Canada Day 2017 celebrations.

Camping will be allowed between June 29 and July 4 for a nightly fee.

The campgrounds will be as close to the downtown as Tom Brown Arena near Scott and Albert streets and as far as the Cumberland Village Heritage Museum.

Council re-ups with Presto

A new 10-year agreement to use Presto on OC Transpo received council’s endorsement.

The city will pay Metrolinx, the provincial agency that runs Presto, a six-per-cent cut of smart card transactions between 2021 and 2027. The city currently pays two per cent, but that rate will gradually increase until 2021 when the six-per-cent rate begins.

The current 10-year deal expired in October. It will be extended for another year before the new 10-year contract kicks in.

Council passes on election changes

Council will keep the first-past-the-post format for the next municipal election and maybe longer.

The province is giving municipalities the option of using ranked ballots for the 2018 election.

For the City of Ottawa, switching to ranked ballots would mean spending $3.5 million more for the 2018 election and a council decision would need to be made right away.

No council member suggested changing to ranked ballots in 2018 or subsequent elections.

