

<cN|indown> this is "indown" from team cN CAL open, I saw our roster that CAL|Soh overturned the match result of Sep 2. Reason?
<CAL-cs|Soh> who was your match agains?
<cN|indown> Team ruthless
<CAL-cs|Soh> Your team used a ringer in the match
<cN|indown> No we didnt, any proofs?
<CAL-cs|Soh> Yes
<CAL-cs|Soh> i have server logs
<cN|indown> who? plz
<CAL-cs|Soh> I have server logs
<CAL-cs|Soh> not irc
<cN|indown> whos WONID didnt match?
<CAL-cs|Soh> It wasnt done by WONID
<cN|indown> by server logs? whats that?
<CAL-cs|Soh> Whos server did you play on
<CAL-cs|Soh> ?
<cN|indown> theirs
<CAL-cs|Soh> Ok
<cN|indown> ruthless
<CAL-cs|Soh> they got their logs from the server
<CAL-cs|Soh> and showed it to me
<cN|indown> how do you know we use a ringer by server logs? server logs show our WONID?
<CAL-cs|Soh> Yes
<CAL-cs|Soh> All wonids match
<cN|indown> YES all wonids match
<cN|indown> why say we used a ringer?
<CAL-cs|Soh> Because
<CAL-cs|Soh> I matched your players by IP
<cN|indown> we didnt For sure
<CAL-cs|Soh> and your IPs didnt match
<cN|indown> some of uses DSL, so the IP changes every time they dial up
<CAL-cs|Soh> no
<CAL-cs|Soh> the two locations were totally different
<CAL-cs|Soh> lying to an admin is subject to penalty
<cN|indown> how do you know ours IP? have we ever told CAL?
<CAL-cs|Soh> yes you did
<CAL-cs|Soh> by registering on the site
<CAL-cs|Soh> your IP is logged
<cN|indown> ok, isee, the reason is one of our guys under name "candy" he just moved from Toronto to Ottawa before that match
<CAL-cs|Soh> the IP was not even from the same country
<cN|indown> The reason is he used cable before he move, ISP is "cogeco Canada", when he was in ottawa, he used Bell canada DSL, and the IP of Bell cananda is in US
<cN|indown> should be 65.92.xxx.xxx
<cN|indown> and cogeco is 24.1xx.xxx.xxx
<CAL-cs|Soh> Your loss will stay changed
<CAL-cs|Soh> I have logs of you giving another player the cd key
<CAL-cs|Soh> You are lucky I dont suspend that player for ringing for you
<CAL-cs|Soh> And for you to try to lie to me
<CAL-cs|Soh> If that is all, please /part #cal-support
<cN|indown> why? my reason isnt clear?
<CAL-cs|Soh> I told you the IPs didnt match
<cN|indown> i told you he moved, changed ISP
<CAL-cs|Soh> OK
<CAL-cs|Soh> you said at first he used cable
<cN|indown> yes
<cN|indown> cogeco
<CAL-cs|Soh> [02:50:33] [cN|indown] some of uses DSL, so the IP changes every time they dial up
<CAL-cs|Soh> thats contradictory to me
<cN|indown> BT uses, also candy uses after he moves
<CAL-cs|Soh> The decision is final
<CAL-cs|Soh> I have seen the proof
<CAL-cs|Soh> And as I said
<CAL-cs|Soh> your team mates new IP did not match
<CAL-cs|Soh> So what are you going to tell me about that?
<cN|indown> cuz that 2 guys uses bell DSL, IP changes everytime. also, one of our guys moved and changed ISP.
<CAL-cs|Soh> I tracked IPs to individual members
<CAL-cs|Soh> Your person who was on that won id
<CAL-cs|Soh> his ip didnt match what was on the cal site
<CAL-cs|Soh> i tracked each of it by location
<CAL-cs|Soh> and it did not add up
<CAL-cs|Soh> i will not explain this any further
<CAL-cs|Soh> If that is all, please /part #cal-support
<cN|indown> OK, TO HELL CAL!
根本就是在饶圈子,说我们一个队员是RINGER,只不过是IP改了!现在没办法了!老子对CAL失去信心了!!这样算的话,我们队还没打1.6就已经输2场了!下面的路太难走了~GOOD LUCK FOR #TEAM-CN
真tmd郁闷, 同情你。
但你们的对话没有就RINGER讨论.被那个CAL ADMIN带进了IP的圈.
不理解!server logs 怎么能作证据呢? 是人都能改得东西。。。
还好啦 我们队 在preseason的成绩被改后 还被轮空week 1



操你妈,cal.... cn 队长,我的msn 是twinsloveu@hotmail.com
我认识一些cal admins, 我帮你说去。。。 快。。。

我尽量帮你说,把你的screen shot 发给我。。
