OC Transpo fare hike might cost high school students their bus passes

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Many of the 10,000 intermediate and high school students in Ottawa who are given OC Transpo bus passes might lose them next year.

That’s the warning from the school-bus authority responsible for transporting students in the Ottawa English-language public and Catholic school boards. City council voted Wednesday to raise the price of youth bus passes by $3.50 to $87.75 a month.

The increase will push the cost of buying OC Transpo passes so high that it will be cheaper to provide yellow school buses to transport many students, said Vicky Kyriaco, the general manager of the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority.

The authority will switch “as many students as possible” to yellow buses next school year, Kyriaco said in an interview Thursday. The OC Transpo price increase goes into effect Jan. 1.

The school bus authority now spends $7.8 million a year on bus passes for about 10,000 students in Grades 7 to 12. Losing some of that money would be a financial blow to OC Transpo.

Kyriaco and several school board trustees say the bus-pass increase will hurt both students and the environment. Adding more yellow buses would increase traffic and pollution.

Students don’t use their bus passes just to get to school, wrote Ottawa-Carleton District School Board trustee Theresa Kavanagh in an open letter to her constituents.

“A bus pass gives students independence, and it will be a financial blow to many Ottawa families that their son and daughter will no longer have this option to get around town for part-time jobs and after-school activities on their own.”

Encouraging high school students to use OC Transpo also helps nurture a new generation of transit users, said Kavanagh.

Parents should understand, her letter said, that if bus passes are gone next school year, it’s because the City of Ottawa, “without warning,” increased the prices. Some parents and students will be upset with the change, she said in an interview.

City councillor Mark Taylor fired back with his own letter.

“While I believe that there is value in having students experience the freedom and benefit of public transit, I am not sure that it is solely the city’s responsibility to encourage this. If the collective trustees of the boards believe in this value as well then perhaps the $3.50 cost per student is a worthy contribution on your part.”

Taylor, fellow councillors Keith Egli and Stephen Blais, and OC Transpo general manager John Manconi all said they were perplexed by the last-minute protest from the school-bus authority.

There is disagreement over whether the school-bus authority was told about the proposed fare increase before it was debated by the transit commission in June, but it has been public knowledge since then.

“They could have thrown down the flag and said, ‘Look, this is going to be a problem for us,’ ” said Taylor. “The business we are in, when people are concerned about something, you hear it early, and you hear it loudly. You don’t hear about it at the last minute, and kind of in a milieu of confusion.”

After Kyriaco brought her concerns to a city budget meeting last week, OC Transpo staff invited her to meet them early this week, said Manconi.

Kyriaco said she was unavailable to meet until Friday — two days after city council’s vote on the budget, which included the fare increase.

Manconi said he doesn’t want to get into a war of words with Kyriaco, but he was puzzled by her response. “If this was so urgent, and it was going to be such an impact …

“To this day I still don’t know what the issue is. And I can’t fix what I don’t know.”

Kyriaco said she didn’t ask to speak to OC Transpo staff after the transit commission recommended the fare increase in June because it would have been pointless. “To talk about it and do what, exactly? Go back to transit commission and say, ‘We goofed, let’s review what we said we are going to do with fares?'”

The school-bus authority has been talking to OC Transpo for years about the difficulties posed by increasing bus-pass costs, she said. “Why would we bring it up again to the same people that just presented a report (in June) without telling us? To me it’s really clear that they are not listening to what we have to say.”

Kyriaco said she could not meet earlier this week because she had appointments booked. “Is the expectation that we were going to drop everything to meet with OC Transpo?”

Besides, her understanding was that Transpo staff wanted to talk about “next steps”, not lowering the bus-pass rate, she said.

A meeting between Kyriaco and Transpo staff has been scheduled for Friday. Manconi is optimistic something good will come from it.

“We will listen. And with listening and good communication, people can get innovative.

“The first question is going to be, help us understand what the issue is, and then we’ll go into solutions mode.”

