Lower-cost alternative was ignored for stumbling, over-budget Canada.ca project

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The federal government could have employed a simple framework for its massive Canada.ca web renewal project, making it much cheaper than the large corporate Adobe contract it signed, according to several sources familiar with the project.

The web renewal initiative, which aims to move all of the government’s disparate department websites into a single Canada.ca domain, has been plagued with budget overruns and delays. Today, fewer that 10 federal departments are in the process of moving to the new website. The project intended to see as many as 90 departments move to Canada.ca by 2017.

The government awarded Adobe a $1.95-million contract in March 2015 to provide services that would allow it to merge its various departmental websites under the Canada.ca banner. The value of that contract has since ballooned to more than $9.2 million.

But another solution that was passed over, according to insiders, could have resulted in a more cost-effective approach.

“DrupalWXT,” a website technology already used by departments like Statistics Canada, as well as the technology powering Whitehouse.gov in the U.S., was proposed by government employees during the consultation process, according to several people familiar with the talks. DrupalWXT would have allowed staff to manage the conversion to Canada.ca, and its open-source software would have made the project far cheaper than turning to a commercial solution.

Government employees even created a demonstration website that mimics the look, colour scheme and layout of the current Canada.ca webpage in order to prove the technology could work.

However, according to sources, the open-source option wasn’t even considered by Services Canada when it was tasked with revamping the federal government’s presence online. Only commercial offerings were looked at.

The Request for Proposals document, which was released on Oct. 16, 2014 and notified businesses of the government’s intentions so they could bid on the project, stated “Canada has a requirement for a commercially available fully hosted Managed Web Service.” The document later said the government is specifically looking for “100 authenticated user licences” for the new web platform.

Open-source software isn’t commercially available: it’s open by nature, and users don’t need to pay for a licence.

The request attracted interest from three companies: Adobe, Dell and the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP). The bids by Dell and HP were deemed “non-compliant” by Service Canada, and Adobe won the contract.

Government officials would not say why the open-source, in-house solution was passed over. Instead, officials asserted a competitive bidding process took place and that the best bid was awarded the contract.

“The RFP was to procure a Managed Web Service that would support the Government of Canada’s objective to transform its web presence to better serve Canadians by taking advantage of new technology and making it easier for the public to search and find information online using any device,” said Amélie Maisonneuve, a spokeswoman for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, the department responsible for Services Canada. “Contracts were awarded following an open and fair competitive procurement process.”

Tom Cochran, chief digital strategist at cloud computing firm Acquia and former deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of State, as well as director of digital technology at the White House, said the reason the government-made solution wasn’t chosen is because there are still too many people who don’t understand the value of open-sourced software.

“It is disappointing to see a great opportunity for digital innovation in government and shared economic prosperity fall flat due to old school IT procurement practices, favouring proprietary software companies,” he said. “A large advantage of our shift to open source was the removal of vendor lock-in, opening up our support contracts to hundreds of small and medium-sized companies. Rather than awarding sizeable millions to massive corporations, we were able to work with small local businesses to support the regional tech economy.”

Cochran said in the U.S., 11 of the 15 departments in the president’s cabinet are using open-sourced software, Drupal, to run their websites. He said 20 per cent of state governments have also shifted to run their websites on the open-source software, and it’s also expanding in popularity with municipal governments.

The ballooned $9.2-million Adobe contract does not reflect what it will cost each government department to prepare their websites for the move to Canada.ca. While an overall cost estimate is not available, each department is responsible for rolling the costs into their own budgets, and six federal departments revealed they expected to spend $19.79 million in total of their own funds to prepare for the switch.

The push to consolidate the sites cost the federal government one of its top bureaucrats who said he resigned from his position specifically because he believed the move to a single unified website could hamper the ability of individual departments to disseminate timely information to Canadians.

“I objected, saying, ‘This wasn’t going to work for us. Statistics Canada could not go work through this shared website because we would lose control over the dissemination of our information. People wouldn’t have access to this information in a timely manner,'” said Wayne Smith, formerly the chief statistician with Statistics Canada. “We fought a long, hard battle over that. They had said there will be no exceptions. You can’t have people outside of Statistics Canada having access to extraordinarily sensitive market information before the official release time. There was no way I was ever going to agree with that.”

Smith abruptly quit his position in September, accusing the federal government of hobbling his agency’s independence by forcing it to participate in the Canada.ca project. Of particular concern to Smith was the mandate to see all content on Canada.ca, which would include Statistics Canada reports and research, published by employees at Services Canada, the department responsible for Canada.ca, and not Statistics Canada employees.

He also said the massive project had become a financial albatross for many departments, which have been ordered to build the costs of the web renewal initiative into their annual budgets.

“I am aware that this has turned into a money pit for the departments participating,” he said.

The Canada.ca project has become the latest federal government technical initiative to face criticism. The government’s handling of the Phoenix pay system and the rollout of new email addresses and technical services by Shared Services Canada have also come under fire in recent months for having technical issues, being over budget and behind schedule.

