[警告] 不要使用邮局里的Purolator快件服务,差劲死了!

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Bonny
  • 开始时间 开始时间



先说最近这次,我准备在上个星期四给学生签证延期的case processing centre寄申请过去,因为我的学生签证马上就要过期了,所以我在最近的邮局里看到Purolator有"Next Day by Noon"的服务,马上毫不犹豫的选了这种,还反复向邮局职员询问是否能第二天就到,他拍胸脯向我保证说没问题,然后我交了CAD17.66把文件寄出去了。星期五下午,我想申请应该送到了,就打他们的服务热线确认一下,结果一个口气很冲的女的告诉我,包裹还在他们的配送中心没送呢。我就问为什么,她说是因为卡车司机在交接的时候有误,所以“恰好”错过了“我的包裹”,只能在星期一再送出去了。我说我选择的是“第二天中午前”送达的服务,你们如果不能保证这一点,就应该事先说明,不要在我寄的时候,说得天花乱坠,然后收了我那么多的钱提供给我普通邮件的服务!因为我要不是想赶在星期五寄到的话,我干吗要星期四花那么多钱去寄,如果赶星期一的话,普通国内邮件也差不多寄到了!鬼才相信就只有我的包裹被miss掉了,卡车司机诶,那一交接有误,至少是上百个跟我一样倒霉的人的邮包被miss掉了。那女的还拼命跟我说通常他们的邮递服务都是很准时的,我的包裹被误掉,只是很“particular case". Who cares about other packages being delivered on time or not! 对于我来说,我头次使用Purolator的国内快件服务,就是这种结果!

然后我想今天早晨我的包裹应该已经被送到了吧,刚才查询了一下,又是位女士告诉我说,我的邮包在配送中(on delivery),我说那什么时候才能送到呢,她说反正今天下午5点之前会被送到。我真是快被气晕了,是你们的服务差导致我的邮包今天才被送出去,居然还没有优先权,还是跟别人的说不定昨天才寄的邮包一起在路上晃悠呢!!但愿他们的卡车司机不会又出什么问题,不然我的申请真不知猴年马月才能到了!现在真是后悔当时误信人言,早知道用联邦快递FedEx寄,早就到了。因为我上个月用过一次FedEx寄国内快件,同样的价钱,他们承诺的是“over night”,结果我头天傍晚寄的,第二天早晨9:00AM收件人就已经签收了!!而且FedEx的网站上查邮包状态特别详细,什么时候到达什么中间站,什么时间递送,什么人签收,都列得一清二楚,哪像purolator只有一个on delivery 在那里,什么细节你都得打热线电话去问。

再说第一次我用Purolator 寄国际快件到日本,我寄出去后在Purolator网上查了半天都说没有我的邮包的资料,我就打热线去问,结果他们告诉我,国际邮包已经转给DHL去寄了,然后他们居然跟日本DHL联系不上!然后让我用我的邮包号到DHL日本网站上去查,幸好人家DHL的网站都是有多国语言的,我才最终查到了我的邮包状态。我当时就想,早知道我就直接用DHL寄国际快件了,又省时有好查。(因为我从DHL的网站上查到,我的邮包在purolator耽搁了将近2天才转到他们手上开始寄的!)

所以诸位以后不管是寄国内还是国际快件,都千万不要使用Purolator, 花了钱质量还得不到保证!最好用FedEx 或者DHL,这是我的切身经验!希望各位不会再上像我一样的当!

另外,为大家的方便,给几个FedEx在downtown的邮寄地点, 其他地方的可以在FedEx的网站里查:
226 Laurier Ave E
Ottawa, ON K1N6P2

372 Rideau St
Ottawa, ON K1N1G7

1 Nicholas
Ottawa, ON K1N7B7

47 Clarence
Ottawa, ON K1N9K1

72 Albert St
Ottawa, ON K1P5E9

190 Colonnade Rd.
K2E 7J5
Tel: 1-800-CALL-DHL (1-800-225-5345) - International
Business Hours
Mon-Fri : 08:00-18:00
Sat-Sun : closed


:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: to Purolator!
DHL always make mistake.

They sent my package (from WuHan to Ottawa) to Japan, I have to call them to correct, then they sent to US....

China Post is not that good either, They only deliver once, if you missed, you have to pick up by yourself.
有哪些国际快件公司? 好像fedex不能寄往中国,对吗?
最初由 Seanlee 发布
有哪些国际快件公司? 好像fedex不能寄往中国,对吗?

No. Fedex can delivery to China, at least large cities.
do not define Canada Post by ur own experience
I used Purolator to sent my app to USA for re-entry visa last year
just 6 days , the visa was sent back , the package was sent to USA right in the afternoon that day, siece I have traced that package from the internet.
I used UPS to send mails to Sichuan, China. Took one week
haha, my "own experience"?!

最初由 速战速决 发布
do not define Canada Post by ur own experience
I used Purolator to sent my app to USA for re-entry visa last year
just 6 days , the visa was sent back , the package was sent to USA right in the afternoon that day, siece I have traced that package from the internet.

please check this link, you can see it's only my own experience or not!

You are lucky when you sent you app to USA to get it back in 6 days! Not many people are as lucky as you!! That's really your unique "own experience" with Purolator! If you use it more often, you'll get more "good" experience! ;) :p
Re: haha, my "own experience"?!

最初由 Bonny 发布

please check this link, you can see it's only my own experience or not!

You are lucky when you sent you app to USA to get it back in 6 days! Not many people are as lucky as you!! That's really your unique "own experience" with Purolator! If you use it more often, you'll get more "good" experience! ;) :p
I use express , registered mail and purolator every year , it is not that bad, of course Canada Post can not be as good as the British Post, but what I mean is not THAT BAD. if they ALWAYS do something like u said, then they will be sued by the customers and they will totally lose their reputations , however, that does not happen---------means it is NOT THAT BAD,
why u say I am LUCKY? I prefer to say u are UNLUCKY , people who have troubles with Canada POST would like to reply ur post , that does not mean Canada Post is sucks.