GLCC Someset
收看宣傳短片在youTube <EACO 新春文娛晚會,同賀國慶 150> (Chinese)
Watch a promotion video at
渥太華主恩宣道會於二月四、五日,週六及週日两晚七至九時舉行「新春文娛晚會,同賀國慶 150」。精心籌備: 舞臺喜劇「孫中山 黃飛鴻」,對白用國、粵、英三種語言, 並有中英對白字幕; 劇中有多項表演: 歌唱、奏樂、多種舞蹈、舞獅、功夫. 老少咸宜, 歡迎中西家庭參加; 誠意邀請您, 請憑免費門卷入場, 隨時取票處:
<EACO Culture Show>。 查詢 www.eaco.ca或 613-820-6774
Emmanuel Alliance Church of Ottawa will hold two showings of the "New Year Culture Show" to celebrate CANADA 150 on the 4th and 5th February 7-9pm(Saturday and Sunday).
It features a comedy drama "Sun Yat Sen, Wong Fei Hung"
in 3 languages with English and Chinese subtitles. There will be singing,dancing, live music, lion dance, kung-fu and refreshments. All are invited and for all ages.
Please register for free tickets at
<EACOCulture Show> and bring your tickets. Inquire at
or 613-820-6774.
Watch a promotion video at

渥太華主恩宣道會於二月四、五日,週六及週日两晚七至九時舉行「新春文娛晚會,同賀國慶 150」。精心籌備: 舞臺喜劇「孫中山 黃飛鴻」,對白用國、粵、英三種語言, 並有中英對白字幕; 劇中有多項表演: 歌唱、奏樂、多種舞蹈、舞獅、功夫. 老少咸宜, 歡迎中西家庭參加; 誠意邀請您, 請憑免費門卷入場, 隨時取票處:
<EACO Culture Show>。 查詢 www.eaco.ca或 613-820-6774

Emmanuel Alliance Church of Ottawa will hold two showings of the "New Year Culture Show" to celebrate CANADA 150 on the 4th and 5th February 7-9pm(Saturday and Sunday).
It features a comedy drama "Sun Yat Sen, Wong Fei Hung"
in 3 languages with English and Chinese subtitles. There will be singing,dancing, live music, lion dance, kung-fu and refreshments. All are invited and for all ages.
Please register for free tickets at
<EACOCulture Show> and bring your tickets. Inquire at
or 613-820-6774.