

上次去多伦多在太古旁的城市广场看到个"79号法案请愿运动组"在征集签名, 一问是关于推动在加拿大设立"南京大屠杀纪念日"的请愿活动. 目前这个法案(Bill 79)还在安省的议会讨论中, 需要征集民间的10万个声援签名才能推动进入下一步. 所以当时就签名留了Email地址. 然后人家就把详细信息给发过来了.

这个法案能通过的重大意义对我们华人来说不言自明吧? 需要做的也很简单: 在请愿书上清楚的手动填写姓名/居住全地址/然后签名即可 (省議會不接受雙面請願書、電子版、或電子簽名 或看不清楚的姓名地址). 请愿书在附件里, 每一张请愿书可以签10个名. 请于3月26号之前, 把原件寄给多伦多的请愿运动组:

Toronto ALPHA
85 Scarsdale Road
Suite 305, Toronto, ON M3B 2R2 (phone: 416.299.0111)

May Wong
Sent: February 26, 2017 9:40 AM
To: 'mayjames@msn.com' <mayjames@msn.com>
Subject: Updates on Bill 79 - 100,000 petition campaign - Toronto ALPHA's media conference on Jan 23 Monday

Dear Supporters,

This is May Wong who has the opportunity to talk to you personally and agreed to send you the soft copy for spreading the news on our 100,000 petition campaign in support of Bill 79 – to set Dec 13 as the Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day.

Please find attached:

  1. A revised Petition Form with Chinese and Korean for “Name”, “Address”, “Signature” with deadline of March 31, 2017 that you have to print off to use. We can still use the previous version dated Feb 15 but please do not cross out Feb 15 nor mark anything on the Petition form. The only writing on the form should be in the table by the petitioners on the required information;
  2. Letter on malls, bill and the contact info of mine (at bottom of page 2);
  3. Sample of a petition form with 4 entries filled (the name, address and signature we wrote on this Sample form are all fake ones);
  4. Bill 79 in English;
  5. Bill 79 in Traditional Chinese;

Important note that we ask you to inform each supporter who has the petition form :

  1. Only Ontario residents can sign the petition;
  2. Legislative Assembly is very strict on able to see the petitioner’s name ( first name and last name in print ), his/her full home address in print including the apt # if it is an apartment #. Ideally has the postal code as well.
  3. It is crucial not to waste a signature simply not knowing the rule when he/she fills the line in a hurry.

Legislative Assembly has very strict rules that
1. the wording of the petition must not be changed AND;

2. the petition content must be at top of the petition entries for people to see before signing AND;

3. the approved Petition Form ( in legal size and one-sided) must be as is and cannot be double-sided;

4. The Name (first and last name) and Address ( should also include Apt # if applicable, City and ideally postal code) should be legible to show that the person is an Ontario resident

Thank you for some of you who are kind to drop off the completed petition forms to Villa Elegance 雅樂居 at 3088 Kennedy Road in Scarborough where I always have a booth at lobby. However that is a private condo for seniors. If you plan to come and drop off or get forms – which has been happening, please call me at 416-399-4801 and I will inform our onsite personnel to receive you ( can be 7 days 24 hours).

I hope you can also help us to man booth at malls or contact me if you can be a volunteer in addition to connecting with your friends, relatives and colleagues to get more proper petitions.

We ask that once you got completed forms, please return to us asap since they are private information. Thanks!



May Wong


Feb 20, 2017

Dear Friends and Supporters,

MPP Soo Wong has initiated Bill 79, the Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day Act, 2016. Bill 79 has passed Second Reading on December 8, 2016! Japanese government initiated fierce lobbying against this Bill, we urge you to show strong support to Bill 79. 省議員黄素梅在省議會提出了2016年第79号法案,即南京大屠殺纪念日法案。目前,該法案已通過了首讀,並於2016 年12月8日所有省議員一致通過了二讀。日本政府對這项法案進行激烈的游说,請大家積極簽請願書表示支持第79號法案

The Bill 79’s passing Second Reading is only a big step forward. In order to advance the Bill to Third Reading, we must demonstrate to Queen's Park the wish of the people of Ontario, particularly the Chinese Community, in designating December 13 to commemorate the victims and their families affected by the Massacre. It is our plan to lobby support from the three political parties and to present Queen's Park with 100,000 petitions from the Asian and otherethnocultural communities in Ontario. 然而,此法案之通過二讀只是向前邁進了一大步, 為了將該法案提交至三讀,我們必须向省議會証明:安大略省人民希望將每年的12月13日定為南京大屠殺纪念日。因此我們計劃游說得到三黨的支持 及 得到安省華裔及其他族裔社區的10萬份請願書。

Attached are details of Bill 79 and a petition form which you can download, print name and full address, then sign and contact May Wong at 416-399-4801 to pick up or drop off. We prefer to have the count in the following checkpoints: February 26, 2017 (Sunday), then by March 12 and March 26, 2017. We appreciate your help in circulating this message as widely as possible to your friends, family, clients, colleagues, and social media groups. Please note that Queen's Park does not accept double-sided petition, electronic copies, e-signatures nor illegible name, address.

附上第79号法案的细節和可供下載的請願書,請清楚填寫姓名及全地址然後簽名省議會不接受雙面請願書、電子版、或電子簽名 或看不清楚的姓名地址

請將已簽署之原件於下列日期 (星期日) 交回給May Wong以先行點算: 1) 2月26日 2) 3月12日 3) 3月26日交回 May Wong。衷心希望您能幫助將此緊急訉息傳给您的聯絡、同事、朋友、家人以及微信群組。請注意及提示各人:如果您不能在3月26日將已簽署的請願書交回May, 請與她聯絡好作安排亦可以交到 3088 Kennedy Road, Scarborough 雅樂居轉交May.

We'll need lots of help to attain our goal. If you have volunteers who can help us solicit signatures in supermarkets, shopping malls, and events, please contact May Wong at 416-399-4801. Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we can formally give justice back to the victims of one of the most gruesome chapters in history! 我們需要大量的幫助才能達到目標:100,000個簽名。如果你能成為我們的義工可以帮助在超市,商塲和活動中獲取簽名,請通知 May Wong 416-399-4801。感谢您們的支持, 讓我們一起,將正義正式還给遭遇歷史上最可怕章節之一的受害者們!

We have petition booths in following locations and dates 已於下列地點擺設簽名站:

  • New Kennedy Square (Kennedy & Hwy 7) near the Food Court on Jan 7,8,14 and 15; Feb 11 and 12 from 11 am to 5:30 pm. Please contact May Wong and help out.
在新旺角商塲近食堂: 1月7 日 , 8 日, 14 日 , 15 日 及 2 月 11日(星期六) 12日(星期日) 11am – 5:30pm

  • Bridlewood Mall (Warden & Finch) on Jan 21, 2017 from 10 am - 3 pm.

  • Market Village (Kennedy & Steeles) near One’s Better Living on Feb 18, 19, 25, 26 from 11 am to 7 pm
城市廣塲 近One’s Better Living: 2 月 18, 19 及 25, 26 日 11 am. – 7 pm

UPCOMING 將在擬定於下列地點擺設簽名站, 須要義工,請踴躍幫忙, May Wong 聯絡

  • First Markham Place 萬錦廣塲 (Warden & Hwy 7)
Friday 星期五 March 3 and 10 3月 3 及 10 日 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Sat 星期六 March 4 and 11 3月 4 及 11日 noon to 7 pm.

Sun 星期日 March 5 and 12 3月 5 及 12 日 noon to 7 pm.

We need volunteers, please contact May Wong at 416-399-4801 and help out.

Thanks for your support.

Joseph Y.K. Wong | Chair

王裕佳 | 會長

Flora Chong | ED & Vice Chair

劉美玲 | 行政總裁、副會長

Toronto ALPHA 多倫多史維會

85 Scarsdale Road, Suite 305

Toronto, ON M3B 2R2

T 416-299-0111 | F 1-866-248-5290


May Wong 黃潔薇

Bill 79 Petition Campaign Co-Chair (Scarborough)


416-399-4801 (Cell.) mayjames@msn.com


不知道渥太华的华人社团有没有组织征集签名的? 我只是去了多伦多才听说这件事.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

有些对2战历史有兴趣的西方人知道Rape of Nanking 或
Nanking Massacre。实际上美国1942年奇袭轰炸东京后,日本在华东的大报复扫荡加上731部队的细菌武器对华东地区的平民的屠杀也超过20万多人。而且是纯粹对贫民的屠杀。去过华盛顿National Mall的人都知道smithsonian Institute smithsonian.com 里面有详细的记录和描述( Raid of Tokyo)。

Statement by Minister Joly on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

OTTAWA, January 27, 2017

January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of the largest Nazi concentration and death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau. On this day each year, people around the world remember the millions of victims, most of whom were Jewish, who were murdered during the Shoah, and we honour those who survived unimaginable atrocities at the hands of the Nazi regime.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day serves as a reminder of the danger of prejudice, discrimination and hate.

This year, Canada’s National Holocaust Monument will be completed, serving as a memorial to the loss of innocent lives, including six million Jewish men, women and children, and others who were victims because of mental or physical disabilities, race, religion and sexual orientation. This Monument will also pay tribute to the survivors who came to this country to rebuild their lives hoping for a better future. It is important that we keep their stories alive and educate ourselves about the Holocaust and the evil that fueled the attempt to exterminate the Jewish people, among countless others.

Let us use these lessons of the past to stand up against racism and intolerance, to refuse to be silent in the face of injustice and hate, and to uphold human rights and human dignity.

万一 将来有文革纪念反思日 那时候怎么办


一步步来嘛, 先有纪念日别的自然就会顺利很多.