【RBC 国红房贷】- 新移民、海外收入、高净值、投资房、工签、自雇、留学生 。具体请咨询国红613-866-8672,或扫二维码咨询。


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国红 613-866-8672







Elizabeth Hou RBC Mortgage Specialist


2.在买房吗?请阅读下面这篇文章 “是否值得去Open House"

3.RBC 满足客户的数字化需求。RBC 的 Neighbourhood Finder可以在我们见面之前帮助你找房的研究

4.您的房产是您最大的投资之一。为了您和您的家人请选择 Home Protector Mortgage Insurance来保护您的房产

5.达到更好Open house效果的建议。请看MoneySense的这篇文章


7.想知道您房产的价值吗?请浏览RBC bank回答几个问题来估测您的房产价值。


9.RBC 2017 房屋市场调查。加拿大人认为买房还是一项好的投资,但是在放缓房屋购买。

10.了解Mortgage Amortization

11.了解Mortgage Default Insurance






17. 怎么样以最好的价格快速卖出你的房子


19. 怎么样尽快偿还债务并改善现金流

20. 购买投资房?RBC贷款专家可以来帮你

21. 小企业纳税?这里有五个简单的步骤供您参考

22. 分期付款可能很复杂,但有时小孩也可以解释它

23. 家庭装修很值得,但怎么省钱是个现实问题

24. 给加拿大新移民的三条理财建议

25. 出售第一套房子前,要考虑的问题

26. 充分利用你的贷款续约

27. 水是如何破坏被淹房子的,还有哪些能被拯救

28. 新移民在加拿大创业的小贴士

29. 在加拿大定居:如何让你的孩子走向成功

30. 投资组合多样化的需求日益增长

31. 贷款基础:固定的还是浮动的?

32. 并非所有的优惠利率都是平等的。

33. 加拿大房地产市场实现了“神奇的软着陆”

34. 加拿大邮政延误了帐单,你能准时付帐吗?

35. 如何为你的装修找到合适的承包商

36. 2018年贷款消费者调查结果

37. 想知道新的大麻法会如何影响房地产吗?

38. 2018年9月,加拿大MLS系统的全国房屋销售下降了0.4%

39. 从感恩节到新年,9个玄关装饰TIP

40. 价廉物美,优化你的家庭装修

41. 穆迪分析:房地产市场未出现重大调整

42. 想在某个温暖的地方退休吗?

43. 给孩子们的60个圣诞工艺品

44. 加拿大房产市场将趋于温和

45. 如何确保您充分利用作为房东的所有税收优惠

46. 你决定租房呢,还是买房呢?

47. 这个银行APP,帮你发现并节省资金

48. 近期政策变化对加拿大贷款市场的影响

49. 与一个皇家银行续约贷款的好处

50. 10个冬季来临前你必须要做的秋季清单

51. WIFI窃听,不要在公共场合公开个人信息


53. 2019房产新动向

54. 为什么TFSA成为了最受新移民欢迎的投资计划?

55. 五个提高你的房屋价值的技巧

56. 加拿大银行持续把隔夜利率定在1.75%

57. 2018年最受欢迎的20张卫浴照片

58. 找到最适合你的贷款类型

59. 什么是HBP?

60. 让你的房屋卖出最好的价钱

61. 了解浮动利率和固定利率的区别

62. 十个可以在15分钟内打扫的地方

63. Bryan和Sarah的建议:在购买第一套房之前要考虑的五件事

64. 想要退税?这4个聪明的方法也许对你有帮助

65. 先买房还是先卖房?

66. 你的第一个家也许不是你永远的家

67. 防止你的地下室进水


69. 春季装修技巧

70. 房屋装修贷款

71. 五个可以提高房屋价值的改造方法

72. 用RBC自雇人员的贷款管理你的房屋

73. 从建造商手中购买房屋


75. 转房贷到RBC

76. 购买投资房


78. 卖房的秘密:6个在你卖房前要知道的事

79. 十个春天改造房屋的小技巧

80. 七个设计方法让你的阳台变大

81. 什么是购房者计划(HBP)?

82. 四个在你出租村舍时可以避免的错误

83. 贷款知识:加速还款的方法

84. 理解买房流程


86. 租房还是买房?用这个计算器看看现在适不适合买房吧

87. 翻新房屋:找到对的方法


89. 三个贷款申请成功后要做的事

90. 十个最有价值的学位

91. 在安省建出租房更容易

92. 这个邮件看起来像钓鱼邮件吗?这里是一些最新诈骗邮件的例子

93. 你读错过别人的名字吗?告诉你该怎么办

94. 卖第一套房之前要问的问题


96. 这25种翻新并不会让你的房子升值

97. 更好的利用第一次购房福利


99. 在加拿大这20个地区卖房都需要多久

100. 迎接秋天的四个任务

101. 秋天装饰花园的10 个建议

102. 2020年房地产新动向

103. 拿到贷款预批


105. 75个给孩子的圣诞礼物

106. 作为房东如何充分利用所有的税收优惠

107. 买房vs 租房?

108. 目前政策对加拿大房贷的影响

109. 将房贷转到RBC 的好处

110. 冬天来临之前你要做的10件事


112. 首次购房者:不要高估某些成本

113. 想知道你可以贷款买多少钱的房子吗?

114. 计算买房首付

115. 想知道你是否符合条件获取最高$2,500 RBC购房奖励吗?

116. 2021 加拿大移民分析

117. 了解首付或其他购房成本?

118. 2021加拿大房屋市场又一记录

119. 留学生报税须知

120. 收到银行Preapproval 后要做的三件事


122. 你的第一套房可能不是最后一套房

租房 VS. 买房

124. 地产经纪对买房的帮助有哪些

125. 想买房还是先卖房?

126. 哪种贷款适合你?

127. 更新房贷

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国红 613-866-8672

Elizabeth Hou RBC Mortgage Specialist



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自从两年前在朋友的引荐下认识您, 当时只是有在RBC银行贷款的想法, 而在两年期间,我们经常向您询问一些贷款的事宜, 您都是很及时很专业很仔细的给我们解答,






Elizabeth , 今天我们已经收房了,非常顺利。非常感谢您一直以来的非常专业的工作和效率,正确及时的帮我们办完了所有的手续。


国红 您好。感谢这几天来您为我们房贷的事做出的辛苦工作。我们是魁省的新移民,刚到加拿大1个半月,居无定所的生活使我们很窘迫,急需买了房子安定下来。将近1个月时,我们好不容易选到了心仪的房子,通过熟人介绍,认识了RBC银行的您,您得知我们的窘境,全力以赴帮我们做申请,定计划,在48小时内贷款就审批成功,解决了我们的燃眉之急。再此,我们全家对您的辛勤工作表示感谢,以后我们将介绍更多的客户给RBC,也祝RBC越办越好,更上一层楼!Albert and Emily





18年年初,我拿到移民身份,然后就有了购房定居的念头。首次通话就能感受到国红的专业,高效和热情。我的case时间紧,金额大,难度也高。从准备到offer到approval,这次没有国红和她团队的帮助,我的贷款是绝对不可能在这么短时间内批下来的。这期间,她们的努力我也是看在眼里的。特别是贷款批下来的那一天,也是我offer过期前的最后一天,国红把我的case提到rush queue.最终在傍晚,我的申请被approved了。类似这种细节还有很多。最后,我想说十分感谢国红和她助理帮我办下贷款,让我圆了加拿大购房梦!





Hi Elizabeth,I was impressed by you know “what to do ,when to do and how to do” Very efficiency.


Hi Elizabeth,

Just checking in to see how you are doing? Thank you for helping us switch in mortgage .I’ve never met someone from a bank that is so dedicated to service as you Elizabeth. It truly goes a long way.

All the very best and we will keep in touch.


Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for your professional and thoughtful support.

We are lucky in having you as our mortgage manager. It is your insightful advice and knowledge that brings us to make our first home purchasing an easy and relaxed experience. We thank you for your support and hope that we can work with you and RBC in the future again.

Thank you and wish you all the best!

Hi Elizabeth,This is what impressed me, Throughout the whole process you took charge, showed your expertise, know-how and leadership by reaching out to both my wife and I individually as needed to obtain any information you required. you went the extra mile just to move things along more quickly and make it easier for us as clients. You also showed your ability to navigate through different departments and level of influence that you earned through your performance at the Bank. Keep it up!Our utmost sincere thanks,


Hello Elizabeth ,I wanted to say thanks for all the help getting my mortgage refinanced moved over and saved money. It is appreciated. We now can finish our kitchen next week, get the kids braces, and look at fixing our washrooms. All of us appreciate the hard work. Thank you

Elizabeth is a true professional. She's very hard working, and I completely trust that she'll go the extra mile to get things done. Not because of self-interest, but really because she fundamentally cares about her clients. Knowing that I can trust what she tells me and that I can trust her representing my best interest at all times is remarkable and admirable.Elizabeth is very humble, reserved.Most of her work is behind the scene and most clients don't realize the extent of the effort she needs to deploy to essentially get to a yes or no answer. I know I have a complicated file that requires more effort than most.


Hi Elizabeth,I'm just writing to say how much we were impressed by your professionalism and warm services in the entire mortgage application process.Being first time home buyers, we knew absolute nothing about mortgage processes, you has explained the entire process to us with ultimate patience and professionalism. Your knowledge of the industry and amenable attitude have made our mortgage application process as smooth as possible. I would recommend you to every person who is in need of mortgages. Happy new year!
My wife and I were amazed at how painless you made the process of applying for our mortgage. You answered all our questions and were very clear in ensuring that we understood next steps. Your expert guidance and knowledge of the mortgage industry and attention to detail in helping us gather all of the necessary documentation as well as managing our expectations is truly appreciated. Your efforts to make everything as convenient as possible for us, the customer, we would not hesitate to recommend you Elizabeth and RBC to anyone in need of RBC’s services. Many THANKS to you.

Best Regards,

I really appreciate how genuine and authentic she is. I feel like there's no bullshit, she's just herself.Someone could have all those amazing traits but still miss the mark if they were not extremely smart, knowledgeable, detail-oriented and experts in their field. Elizabeth simply knows her stuff. She knows it cold. She doesn't need to put numbers in a computer system or look up a formula, she can come up with some ratio and calculation on the back of a napkin and 5 seconds flat. So not only can I trust her to go to bat for me, I can also trust that she's providing the best advice and that she doesn't make mistakes. She's extremely successful and that means extremely busy. I know she has A LOT of clients. I'm very impressed by how she manages her intense workload (everytime we worked together was in late spring / early summer at the peak of the real estate season.)
I wouldn't hesitate one moment to recommend Elizabeth to anyone who values working with a competent, efficient and masterful professional who is HELL-BENT on getting a favorable outcome for her clients.


Hi Elizabeth ,I was extremely impressed with your level of experience and expertise in your role. The level at which you handled our mortgage could have only been achieved through countless months and years of hard work and a heart that truly cares for your clients and wanting to make a difference for your clients. Elizabeth, your experience, intelligence, kindness and continued efforts is much appreciated.


As we had a very tight house shopping and loan application time when we decided to choose RBC and go with it, Elizabeth(Guohong)is such a well organized banker who is totally client focused using her vast, profound and professional banking knowledge. For the common goal, she worked very late to hold client communication call and meeting to accomodate client timing needs, as our family member travels.

In the end, we feel it is our honor and pleasure to work with her and the bank she is representing. We will definitely to recommend Elizabeth(Guohong)to the friends and families that we knew.

With kindest regards,

Dear Elizabeth, Thank you for all your hard work. I am so glad that my mortgage is approved.I’m very impressed by your professionalism and efficiency. You save clients time as you are right to the point.I’m very satisfied with your work and proud of being loyal RBC client.Happy Holidays!



Hi Elizabeth,I was very impressed with your level of service and appreciate the effort you take to build a positive relationship between you and myself, your client. You were also very understanding in explaining the intricacies of mortgages to a first-time buyer and that was also very appreciated.You had answers for me well within what can be considered a reasonable response time.Finally, I would like to commend you to friend.



Hi Elizabeth,Your business has been greatly appreciated as well, as you made it possible for me to achieve the approval I had been trying to get with success. I was given the feeling that I was valued and my concerns were always understood and considered.Again, I appreciate all the time and effort you had provided in my case to be able to achieve my goals. I will definitely recommend you to others and will return to you myself for my next ventures.Best of luck


Hello Elizabeth,I was quite pleased with the service you provided. The service you provided was excellent. I will not hesitate to refer people to you. I was very happy with the service.



Hi Elizabeth,Thanks to your help, the whole process of purchase was done quite smoothly, and we would definitely like to refer you to our friends. keep in touch

Best Regards



Hi Elizabeth,I am writing this mail in order to express my thanks for helping me applying for my house mortgage. You are professional, friendly, helpful and a pleasure to work with. You made purchasing my first home became such a smooth manageable and easy transition although you only had few days. I am so grateful for your time, promptness and expertise. I really enjoyed working with you and would certainly encourage any friends who needs assistance with a home purchase, renewal or refinance to contact you in the future.Your sense of responsibility, expertise, communication and negotiation skills should be shared to other team members. Thank you again and wish you every success.



We are very honoured to be the customer of Elizabeth, she is very professional and passionate and she gets things done efficiently, we had a great experience while working with her. She is very responsible and patient, she answered our questions and concerns very quickly and patiently. She is also willing to help, not only helped us to firm the new home mortgage, she also transferred a bunch of mortgage knowledge to us as well. I believe it is very valuable for those first-time buyers. Overall, we had a very pleasant experience with her and we believe she is competent her work so well and she is definitely very valuable as mortgage specialist .

Hi Elizabeth,We are very excited to move into our new home this week. We are anticipating a smooth closing for our new home and we sincerely thank you for your efforts and expertise as our Mortgage Specialist. You have really developed into an outstanding professional as a Mortgage Specialist and showed our relationship with you mattered and you were going to do your best for us.

Hi Elizabeth,

Within 48 hours of me sending you an e-mail you got me an approval .Your credit submission must have been excellent and/or you have built a strong reputation with your adjudicators. You were extremely efficient and showed that we could trust you to take care of us.This showed your level of experience and skills.

Hi Elizabeth:It's been such a great pleasure to know you and have you be my mortgage specialist. I really appreciate your service and would like to recommend you to my other friends if anyone needs mortgage application advise or service. !

Dear RBC Royal Bank: I am a client of RBC Royal Bank. I wish to say thanks to you because I got good services from your employee Elizabeth I appreciate her suggestions about Mortgage.She is good at the job.I bought a house in Canada the first time. She is very nice. She gave me many advice and let me know much knowledge about bank to avoid taking a wrong path.


Hi Elizabeth,

As the first-time home purchase in Canada, it is our great pleasure to have you when we applied for mortgage. It is your professionalism and high-efficiency with mortgage area that helps us out from the dilemma where we were positioned.

Thank you


Elizabeth from Ottawa is a seasoned, professional with well‐explained in her

own expertise regarding the content of RBC Home Mortgage Product. It was

very pleasure working with her for the entire mortgage process.

Chang( Customer survey)


I would like to recognize Elizabeth . Very competent . She’s always polite on the phone. A pleasure to work with. Congratulations Elizabeth you deserve it.
Bruno( Customer survey)

Both my husband & I would like to take this opportunity extending our thankfulness to you for the help you provided.

Your professionalism,customer-focused, your passion to your job impressed to us. You are great.Thank you again!

Wish you & your family all the best!

Hi Elizabeth,

I am writing this for the professional mortgage service from you in buying my house.

You are quite professional with answers in details and always take considerations on my side which impressed my a lot.When I finally found a house ,the mortgage processing time is comparatively strict. Though you are busy with many cases on hand as I know, but I can tell you really care about each case . You are indeed a reliable person whom I will definitely recommend my friends to.

I Really appreciate for your professional and caring service.Thanks for you kind help again and wish you all the best both in work and life.


Hi, Elizabeth,

My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent service that has successfully helped us secure a mortgage from RBC. We were particularly satisfied with the professionalism and expertise that you have demonstrated in handling our case. As a Canadian diplomat working aboard, I can appreciate the complication that the nature of my work brought to the case. In addition, my short stay in Ottawa in order to purchase a house put additional pressures on you to finalise a fairly demanding application process. However, you have done it with such efficiency and effectiveness that truly impressed us.

All the best and we would certainly recommend your service to our friends.


Hello Elizabeth,

How are you!

Just a quick note of appreciation for expressing my thanks for your professionalism and quality service, I and my husband are really impressed with your professional and timely customer service, you took care of all my queries about Financing in a jiffy, I appreciate your hep in providing us so helpful financial advice regarding our financing mortgage, and we are so impressive of having business with you. Greatly appreciated!

Best regards,


Hi Elizabeth

A very blessed morning. We want to say thank you and to appreciate you for your outstanding performance on our approval

Hi Elizabeth

I'm writing this email to express my appreciation and satisfaction about the mortgage service you did for us.

You were referred by both my real estate agent and one of my co-worker, and we're very happy to have you help us go through the entire mortgage application. We have touched base more than once in different period. Every time we met with you, you were always highly productive and provided your professional opinions immediately. Even when the time's tight, you gave us the feedback and results quickly - we know you were working very hard on it, and we're much appreciated for that. As a result, you helped us to get the mortgage approval in a short time with a lovely mortgage rate.

We might have a plan to go further on the housing as investment next year. Regarding on this, I'm pretty sure that you're the one on the top of our list.

Thank you again, Elizabeth


Hi Elizabeth,

We like to thank you for your great service provided in transferring our mortgage to RBC. You are knowledgeable about mortgages and answer all our questions promptly and beyond by providing very valuable information for our considerations. We are very impressed in the timeliness that you handle and process the mortgage transfer as our previous mortgage matures within a week from our appointment. Your professionalism and thoroughness give us confidence in doing business with RBC. I highly recommend your service for others.

Best regards,



Dear Elizabeth,

Hope you keep well.
I have moved to my new house and everything has been settled down gradually.
I do appreciate your professional, knowledgeable and patient guide about my mortgage application.
I find you are a very helpful and kind-hearted mortgage specialist.
I hope your work and life is more and more colorful.
Best Regards,

國紅好! 今天終於簽好了我們銀行的房貸協議,真的很高興,非常非常地感謝你! 自從因為辦理房貸業務而認識你以來,你的業務精通、為人熱情、素質良好、高效的工作效率,耐心的工作指導等、深深地感動著我們。特別是在提交審批資料過程中,一次次不厭其煩、耐心的指導。想我們所想、急我們所急,真不愧於金牌貸款專家,很圓滿地完成了本次房貸業務。在感謝你的同時,我們也要謝謝貴銀行! 好的員工來自好的銀行! 好的銀行培養好的員工! 高效、專業、負責!







Hi Guohong,
It was a great experience for my mortgage application with support from you. Since our first met several months ago, you have been providing me with very good and professional service. You are very patient and detailed for explaining all my questions and confuse, and highly efficient when processing my case, including the files preparation and submission. I am so glad to successfully applied the mortgage for my first house with your help, and you will definitely be my first choice for the future mortgage application.
Wish you the best for your career.
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm extremely happy receiving the approval of my mortgage.
I am amazed by your enthusiasm and momentum you shown in pushing this case forward. And I do appreciate your professionalism, not only your knowledge on mortgage but also your way of working. I have learned a lot from you.
Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards,
Hi Guohong.
I enjoy your service and help .You are very professional and experienced. At the same time, you care about the financial needs of your client. You also deal with everything in a timely manner, leave the client worry free. I would definitely recommend you to my friends.

Our experience with Elizabeth was exceptional. As new immigrants to Canada and a first time home buyer, our case actually is very complicated and has several challenges. She answered our millions of questions patiently and provided us with great advice, always replying emails and returning phone calls promptly, even during weekends or holidays. I am very happy that we found her and strongly recommend.

你好国红,好久没联络,很想你!知道你很忙,平时就没打扰你,我们在去年开了一家便利店,在开业之后就遇到了资金周转困难,多亏你当时建议的secured line of credit ,我们才解了燃眉之急,当时真的是感激你为我们着想,衷心的祝福你们全家幸福快乐!健康美满!心想事成!

Dear Elizabeth,

Our lawyer has received the morgage instruction.

Thank you so much for your great supports during our mortgage application! Our application could not get through without you! This is our first house in Canada to purchase and we had no clue about morgage. During the process, we had intensively communications, you always responsed us promptly and answered our phone calls even after working hours. This mortgage process required a lot of documents to be provided, sometimes we felt frustrated and confused. You explained to us patiently why those documents were required.

You are so professional and we were lucky to have you as our loan manager. We surely will introduce you to our friends when they need to apply morgage.



Hi, Elizabeth

We want to say thank you and to appreciate you for your outstanding performance. A pleasure to work with.

Thank you.



十分感谢您在这次购房中给予我们的帮助,让我们体会到了您的敬业精神、工作的执着以及耐心细致周全的服务.这过程是非常愉快的,我们全家非常感谢您及您的团队给予的支持和帮助[Fight][Fight]虽说购房事宜已告一段落,但我相信我们间的友谊会永存.保持联系 明年我们加拿大见.













Hi Elizabeth,



Best Regards,


Elizabeth is very professional an d has solid knowledge of what she does. She has excellent people skill, she is respectful and always considerate of her client's needs. Highly recommended !

Totally recommend her as everybody's mortgage specialist,almost could not get my house mortgage without her help and advise,very friendly and respectful, great service ! she is a real expert in her field .
She is very experienced and considers for the client's needs .




非常感谢您在短短的时间内,用您的专业性和高效性,帮我批下了即将Closing的房子的贷款,在办理过程中,深深地体会到了您在房屋贷款方面的专业,以及您做事的细致和负责任,不愧为房屋贷款的专家,我庆幸找到了您帮忙办理这次贷款,如果有朋友需要办理贷款,第一推荐您绝对没错了! 再次感谢!

Hi Elizabeth ,

Thank you so much for help out. I had wonderful experience with you. I will definitely referring you to the people I know for sure. You are the best to work with.

Hi Elizabeth,

I just wanted to send you a massive shout out for all your help with my recent mortgage application. We all know it wasn’t easy to get everything approved and finalized. I had no idea where to start in the beginning. However, by asking some effective and open ended questions, you helped me identify the best program that fit my scenario. I’m really impressed with your massive knowledge on different types of mortgage products and this greatly helped me saved me a lot time without going back and forth. In addition, you never hesitate to answer all my questions or help out whenever needed. Sometimes you even sacrificed your personal time to work on my deal. Thank you so much for your willingness and due diligence. You are such a wonderful person and so caring about your customer, I don’t know how I could possible thank you enough. My deal won’t close this smoothly without all your effort. This is definitely an exception customer experience and for sure I’m going to refer my friends over if they need help with mortgage. I’ve seen people go above and beyond but you definitely went to the start. It’s so amazing to work with you and RBC should be proud of having a staff like you.



从开始受理我们的贷款申请,在国红女士的指导下,每一步的材料准备都是一次递交通过,设身处地为客户着想,让客户少跑冤枉路,急客户所急,想客户所想,是真正的客户至上!在她的专业指导下,我们获得了贷款审批! 感谢人:Sue



非常感谢您在短短的时间内,用您的专业性和高效性,帮我批下了即将Closing的房子的贷款,在办理过程中,深深地体会到了您在房屋贷款方面的专业,以及您做事的细致和负责任,不愧为房屋贷款的专家,我庆幸找到了您帮忙办理这次贷款,如果有朋友需要办理贷款,第一推荐您绝对没错了! 再次感谢!



购房房屋不管对于个人和家庭来说,都是非常重要的事情。 我很高兴也很庆幸自己找到国红Elizabeth 最为我办理贷款。首先,我对房屋贷款专家国红Elizabeth 的专业水平表示非常肯定和满意,正因为他的专业服务,我的贷款项目才可以在短时间内的顺利完成。

对于我在房屋贷款过程中遇到很多不理解的问题, 国红都为我做了详尽的解答。我们全家真诚地感谢Elizabeth带给我们的专业和优质服务,谢谢。

Wu _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________The mortgage specialist Elizabeth is true professional. She is caring, knowledgeable and hardworking. She knows what to do, when to do, and how to do. She showed her expertise to help us, which led to our mortgage process painless, and she used different ways such as webex, phone to help us on our application approval in a very short period of time, this relieved our concerns and worries. She answered our questions very clearly and ensured we understand. I will definitely recommend her to my friends and families that we know. RBC is lucky to have Elizabeth, even though it was our first time to deal with RBC, Elizabeth changed our impression of RBC completely.


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