Capital Builders: Douglas Cardinal's museum 'for all cultures'

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After months of presenting his vision of a new national museum to federal government officials for approval, architect Douglas Cardinal was summoned one morning in 1983 to the office of Pierre Trudeau, then the prime minister.

As the indigenous architect and the leader studied the curved models and drawings of what would become one of Canada’s most iconic buildings, Trudeau nodded approvingly.

“I am a canoeist,” he said. “I understand these curves and the way they flow. It reminds me of canoeing down the river.”

Cabinet quickly approved plans to build a new Canadian Museum of Civilization — today it’s known as the Canadian Museum of History — that would eventually change the way the world saw Ottawa. It was to be one of three symbols of nationhood Trudeau envisaged as his legacy: the Constitution, the National Gallery, and the Canadian Museum of Civilization on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River.

With cabinet approval in hand, Trudeau pressed Cardinal to start work “tomorrow.”

Cardinal, who had created a new kind of curvilinear organic architecture using early versions of computer modelling and inspired by the landscape, responded that he only had drawings and sketches; the engineering and technical work still had to be done. He wasn’t even sure who owned the site.

If he worked night and day, Cardinal said, engineering, planning and design preparation could maybe be done in two years.

“Two years?” Trudeau replied. “We are in a democracy. I might not even be here tomorrow.”

The work, as Cardinal, now 83, recalls, started almost immediately.

“It was crazy,” he says. He would “work like mad” completing drawings and sending them out to tender as they went. At times, people were standing around with stone in their hands waiting for the next stage to begin.

There were five cranes on the site and work was progressing at full steam when Trudeau took his walk in the snow a few months later and announced his retirement from politics. “And I lost my patron.”

The museum opened five years later, in 1989. By then, costs had ballooned from an original estimate of about $80 million to about $340 million. Construction took place against a backdrop of skepticism from those who didn’t think it could be built and were appalled at the overruns. Some of that criticism came from inside the government of Brian Mulroney, who replaced Trudeau as prime minister.

Still, despite some unfinished exhibits and criticism of its Disney-like showpiece history hall, the museum opened to fanfare. It quickly became a major tourist draw in Ottawa, and Canada’s most-visited museum.

Today, it is more than that.

More than a quarter-century after the stone-clad museum opened, its stature as one of the country’s iconic pieces of architecture has grown.

“I have often thought the building has grown with the landscape,” says Mark O’Neill, president and CEO of the museum. “It almost seems to have come into its own.”

He calls the building where he goes to work every day “uniquely important. It might even be the most discernible form of Canadian architecture.”

Designing the museum was like designing a cathedral, Cardinal said in the recently published book about the museum called Design Principles.

“It (was) an opportunity to develop in sculptural form an icon for the country — an icon that has an effect on every citizen. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau told me that he wanted to develop symbols of a nation: a Constitution to enshrine our rights, a national gallery to enshrine our arts and a national museum to enshrine our cultures. These are all symbols of nationhood and I knew that designing a national symbol would be the highlight of my career.”

It was the first big public institution on the Gatineau side of the Ottawa River in the national capital and the first public institution in the capital to open up the waterfront, becoming a lens for a new appreciation of Parliament Hill and the Parliamentary Library in the process.

And it incorporated concepts that few people were talking about at the time, says O’Neill.

“Cardinal’s work started to introduce design and social ideas that had no presence before then.” Those include design in harmony with nature and environmentalism, as well as indigenous representation.

The museum, says Stephen Willis, former chief planner at the National Capital Commission, is the first building in the national capital acknowledging indigenous people. “We had virtually no representation of indigenous peoples in the capital before then.”

Trudeau wanted “a building for all the cultures of Canada,” says Cardinal. “When he chose me, he said, ‘Your buildings relate to the land and the landscape.’ ”

In addition, Willis says, the building, constructed during a period in which glass and metal were more common materials, was built with natural materials. Its stone, from Tyndall, Man., matches stone on the Parliament buildings.

The museum, with its curved layered design, looks like a natural landform emerging from the Earth. Set on the river across from Parliament Hill, it “talks” to the Parliament buildings, says O’Neill.

The choice of materials, its use of indoor and outdoor spaces to direct focus toward the river, and its domed roof, which resembles a turtle, a First Nations symbol for the Earth, all make the building stand out.

Its design and the ideas behind that design have helped shape the national capital region.

O’Neill notes that the museum’s Grand Hall has become the showcase piece in the capital and is increasingly the site of important events.

“The Grand Hall is unlike any other space in the country, which is why it is the location of choice for many events.”

In recent months, Cardinal has been brought back to the museum to help redesign its history hall. The newly designed centrepiece of the museum, which, unlike its original version includes indigenous history, is being built around a central ramp or hub connecting three galleries on two floors, said O’Neill. The hub, designed by Cardinal, is meant to depict the Great Kettle, which is the First Nations name for Chaudière Falls, just west of the museum along the Ottawa River.

“I am having so much fun,” says the architect of his return to work on the new history hall.

