


秋高气爽,赏枫的最佳季节已在眼前。 红枫是最浓的秋色,枫叶展现了加拿大这片美丽土地的无比魅力。 在渥太华附近,有许多秀丽的赏枫点,登高一望,“漫山红遍,层林尽染,” 美不胜收。 北国歌舞团、浦江之友社将举行登山赏枫、采摘苹果的活动。

日期: 10月5日,(星期日); 集合地点、时间: 上午9:30, Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave.; 活动内容: 1. 爬山, 2. Potluck(自带佳肴,共同分享,饮料自备), 3. 有奖游戏,即兴表演。4. 摘苹果。欢迎团员、社员、家属及朋友参加。 www.geocities.com/dancechinese
最初由 文碗 发布

秋高气爽,赏枫的最佳季节已在眼前。 红枫是最浓的秋色,枫叶展现了加拿大这片美丽土地的无比魅力。 在渥太华附近,有许多秀丽的赏枫点,登高一望,“漫山红遍,层林尽染,” 美不胜收。 北国歌舞团、浦江之友社将举行登山赏枫、采摘苹果的活动。

日期: 10月5日,(星期日); 集合地点、时间: 上午9:30, Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave.; 活动内容: 1. 爬山, 2. Potluck(自带佳肴,共同分享,饮料自备), 3. 有奖游戏,即兴表演。4. 摘苹果。欢迎团员、社员、家属及朋友参加。 www.geocities.com/dancechinese

好! 果园摘的苹果味道确实不错. 叫作 Crispy, Juicy, Sweet.
Re: Re: 登山赏枫、采摘苹果

最初由 属马 发布

Bronson Centre集合了以后,是集体坐Bus过去,还是自己坐车去?

交通自理。 Bronson Centre 集合的目的是,分发地图、讲解怎么走。当然方便的话,可以安排一下car pool。 举个例子: 我们车里还有一个空坐位。
最初由 文碗 发布

秋高气爽,赏枫的最佳季节已在眼前。 红枫是最浓的秋色,枫叶展现了加拿大这片美丽土地的无比魅力。 在渥太华附近,有许多秀丽的赏枫点,登高一望,“漫山红遍,层林尽染,” 美不胜收。 北国歌舞团、浦江之友社将举行登山赏枫、采摘苹果的活动。

日期: 10月5日,(星期日); 集合地点、时间: 上午9:30, Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave.; 活动内容: 1. 爬山, 2. Potluck(自带佳肴,共同分享,饮料自备), 3. 有奖游戏,即兴表演。4. 摘苹果。欢迎团员、社员、家属及朋友参加。 www.geocities.com/dancechinese

如果不是你们的团员也能去吗? 请答复。
Re: Re: 登山赏枫、采摘苹果

最初由 AutumnMoon 发布

如果不是你们的团员也能去吗? 请答复。

how far? how long it will take to drive to the spot where pick up apples?
最初由 GYGY 发布
how far? how long it will take to drive to the spot where pick up apples?

It takes about 30 - 40 minutes drive to the mountains where we will climb. Actually the mountains are located at the northern part of Gatineau Park ( behind the Gatineau Park ). The view on the top of the mountain is breathtaking. We will pick apples at the apple orchard on the way home. In another words, it takes less distance to the orchard than the mountain.

I would like to remind you that the price for apples you pick is not low, however, you can eat as much as you want inside the orchard but you have to pay when you get out of it. The apples do taste good and fresh.
最初由 文碗 发布

It takes about 30 - 40 minutes drive to the mountains where we will climb. Actually the mountains are located at the northern part of Gatineau Park ( behind the Gatineau Park ). The view on the top of the mountain is breathtaking. We will pick apples at the apple orchard on the way home. In another words, it takes less distance to the orchard than the mountain.

I would like to remind you that the price for apples you pick is not low, however, you can eat as much as you want inside the orchard but you have to pay when you get out of it. The apples do taste good and fresh.

I climbed that hill a couple years ago with a few folks from my office. Nice trais there. One trail runs along a creek. It's not Banff, but a decent hill.