EGAN: OC Transpo rider in wheelchair says driver told him to 'go f— yourself'

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An OC Transpo passenger in a wheelchair says he was told “go f— yourself” by a bus operator after he expressed concern over the way the vehicle was being driven.

Jayson Hunter, 30, says the profane exchange occurred as he was exiting the No. 14 bus in Carlington on Friday evening near midnight. Only a moment later, the driver told him to “f— off,” Hunter added in an interview Monday.

Though only about a block from his home, Hunter said he immediately took out his cellphone and called OC Transpo security to report the incident. He said he was told to make a written complaint, which he did Monday.

Hunter broke his jaw, collar bone and spine when he fell off a roof in November 2015 and had a titanium rod inserted in his back during a lengthy surgery. He is slowly regaining mobility but uses both a sport wheelchair and a walker.

He takes the No. 14 regularly to his retail job at the Rideau Centre and said he generally finds the drivers to be courteous and helpful.

That night, he met friends for coffee and dessert at the Elgin Street Diner. A non-drinker, he boarded the bus to return home without incident but alleges the driver was taking turns “aggressively” and speeding. On a couple of occasions, he said, the wheelchair — which was facing the back of the bus — actually skipped off the floor.

He said the acceleration was so heavy at one point that his chair lurched forward “and I had to quickly grab the bar and brace myself to avoid falling out of the chair.”

After making the turn at Parkdale and Carling avenues — “hauling it” — Hunter said he felt he had to speak up, for himself and the safety of other passengers.

“Hey, sir are you OK?” he related the exchange in his written complaint. “I think that your driving is quite excessive, aggressive and fast.”

The driver did not respond, Hunter said, until he arrived at his stop and was waiting for the exit ramp to be lowered at the front door. It was then that the driver snapped at him, he said.

Hunter said he stopped the descent of the folding ramp with his hand and made eye contact with the driver.

“I was so disgusted by his behaviour, I turned around and waited for the ramp to rise and grabbed the ramp and held it down to say this: ‘Go f— myself? That’s your response to someone expressing the concern for his safety and wellbeing as well as the safety and wellbeing of the others on the bus including the elderly man STANDING possibly requesting the next stop?'”

When he was finished, Hunter exited the bus but said the driver offered him a final “f— off.”

Hunter made a call to OC security at 12:25 a.m. and has a screen grab of his cellphone showing he had a five minute conversation with a special constable. He was told an officer would be dispatched to speak to the driver and was encouraged to make the written complaint.

Curiously, OC Transpo responded Monday by saying it had no record of Hunter’s complaint, only offering this: “OC Transpo takes all complaints very seriously and considers all feedback to be important because it allows OC Transpo to address concerns should we not be meeting customer expectations.”

Hunter said he’d like a response that indicates the bus authority is taking the matter seriously. “I’m a client, right? And they want someone like this to represent them?”

In 2014, OC received some 28 complaints for every million passenger trips, a rate steady for the previous five years.

We do know there are sometimes verbal confrontations between drivers and passengers, one of the most widely publicized occurring in 2011, when a pesky passenger was sworn at by a driver in a late-night altercation recorded on a cellphone. The driver was fired but reinstated 20 months later, with no compensation.

“I’m speaking up for all those people can’t be heard,” Hunter said.

To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email

