My kid isn't crazy: Wakefield-area family speaks out about devastating disorder that...

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Four years ago, Caleb Fournel had strep throat and was treated with antibiotics for 10 days. His parents, Susie Wiggins-Fournel and Martin Fournel, thought that was the end of it.

But a common childhood infection was the beginning of a nightmare that lasted more than two years. The infection apparently cleared up, but five-year-old Caleb started behaving in ways that alarmed his parents. He said his clothes irritated his skin and he refused to wear them. Before the infection, Caleb had roamed the family’s rambling property near Wakefield with his older sisters and loved working with horses. After, he became fearful and depressed and didn’t want to do things with his friends.

Eventually, he started having hallucinations, claiming there were sharks in the swimming pool and spiders in the house. He complained of what he called “ear-grains” — migraines in his ears.

He lost the ability to understand French, and would speak gibberish he claimed was Chinese. When he drew pictures, it was scrawled images of headless boys.

“Caleb said many times ‘You don’t understand my mind,’ and ‘It would be better if I wasn’t here. All the pain would stop,'” Susie says.

Most horrifying to his parents, Caleb told them wanted to die. He spoke of slipping under the water when he took a bath. They kept the door open.

Caleb’s behaviour was so bizarre that the family hid it for two years. “I really thought I did something wrong,” says Susie.

In the next few years, Caleb was treated for strep several times with antibiotics. The strange phobias and obsessions would diminish or disappear, then return.

A diagnosis


Caleb drew this picture when he was seven years old. “He was in a serious meltdown,” says his mother. “He never did anything like this after.”

The Fournels didn’t connect strep or antibiotics to their son’s worrisome behaviour. Then they saw a television program about a family from Chatham, Ont., who had a child with similar symptoms and a diagnosis of Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, known as PANDAS.

For Caleb’s parents, it was like a light bulb switched on.

“It was exactly what they were talking about. That’s what we were living,” Susie says.

PANDAS is a rare and mysterious illness, affecting only children between the ages of three and puberty, according to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. It is believed the strep bacteria hides in its human host through a process called “molecular mimicry.” Eventually, the host’s immune system recognizes the imposter and produces antibodies to attack, but they may also attack the body’s own tissues, sometimes targeting the brain.

PANDAS appears virtually overnight following a strep infection. Symptoms include obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or a tic disorder, but may also include hyperactivity or mood changes and difficulty sleeping. Often, drawing or handwriting ability changes for the worse. The symptoms are also “episodic” — they can get worse, then there is a slow improvement. If there is another strep infection, the symptoms get worse again.

It’s unclear how many children might have it, although the U.S.-based PANDAS Network says a “conservative” estimate is one in 200. The network believes there is a link between PANDAS and a significant minority of pediatric OCD and tic disorders, such as Tourette Syndrome.

PANDAS is recognized by numerous researchers and medical people, but it is not specifically listed in the International Classification of Diseases, the World Health Organization’s standard diagnostic tool, says microbiologist Jason Tetro, a visiting scientist at the University of Guelph and the author of The Germ Code and the Germ Files.

It’s a psychiatric condition that may have a microbiological cause. That’s not as strange as it might sound — for example, toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by the common parasite toxoplasma T. gondi, has been associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in rare cases, Tetro says.

PANDAS manifests itself in disturbing ways. In 2007, the Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry documented the case of eight-year-old boy with PANDAS-related OCD who also had an eating disorder after becoming obsessed with reading labels and avoiding certain foods. After he was hospitalized, he believed nurses were trying to poison or contaminate him. He had a number of rituals around eating, including nodding his head, flapping his arms and tapping his mouth before he could take a bite of food. He claimed intrusive images prevented him from doing “just about everything.”

But the U.S. mental health institute also says a child who has OCD or tics and has had a strep infection doesn’t necessarily have PANDAS. Many children have OCD or tics, and children are often exposed to strep several times a year.

Controversial treatment

While a single course of antibiotics will usually take care of both the strep infection and the symptoms, strep infections can hide in the sinuses and parts of the body, making them harder to detect and eradicate. Physicians often recommend a number of measures to treat the PANDAS symptoms, including cognitive behavioral therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication.

But long-term antibiotic use, preferred by some PANDAS parents, is controversial. At the NIMH, researchers are looking at using antibiotics as a preventative measure. But right now, the agency warns there’s not enough evidence to recommend it.


A recent drawing of a dirt bike by Caleb. His drawings are hopeful and full of life again, says his mother.

The Canadian Family Physician, the official journal of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, also did not recommend long-term antibiotic use in a 2012 article. “Whether PANDAS is a unique clinical entity continues to be questioned. As a result of the high incidence of GABHS infections in the pediatric population, the relationship between PANDAS and GABHS infections might be purely coincidental,” said the journal.

The problem when it comes to treating PANDAS is that there is still debate about the cause, says Tetro. The big question is whether PANDAS is the result of repeated exposure to infections, if it is the same infection that keeps resurfacing, or if it’s a classic case of autoimmunity.

“There is still a lot to be learned about PANDAS in terms of how it works inside the body,” says Tetro. “Each case could be different.”

PANDAS can be caused by a succession of infections or “repeated exposure” — it has been estimated that the average elementary school student experiences contact with this bacterium several times a year. This is why long-term antibiotic treatments may work, because they eradicate each infection as it comes along, Tetro says.

Some physicians also prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure. But many also hesitate to prescribe antibiotics because of concerns about resistance. PANDAS may also be worsened by a persistent bacterial infection that remains in the body at low levels, he says.

“Literally, it gets into an immune cell and hides.”

Antibiotics may help or may have no effect at all. This is why some doctors prefer to treat it with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication. “I think the reason there’s no consensus comes down to the cause,” Tertro says. “Until we can identify and diagnose the mechanism, there will be disagreement. Only when you have that can you develop a medical course of action. Regulated health professionals have to be absolutely sure of what they’re looking for.”

The long-term solution would be an algorithm for testing to figure out the mechanism so doctors can know which treatment would be more effective, says Tetro. But that algorithm would have to be designed and tested. There are no quick solutions to the problem.


While suffering from PANDAS symptoms, Caleb was fearful around the horses on his family’s farm.

Caleb saw a number of specialists, including a neurologist and a psychologist. They all acknowledged PANDAS, but declined to treat it with antibiotics, says Susie. The Fournels could only find two doctors who treated PANDAS with long-term antibiotics in Canada — one in Saskatchewan and another in Chatham in southern Ontario.

Caleb was put on a waiting list to see the physician in Chatham. It took two years and it’s a nine-hour trip each way. Caleb started treatment with antibiotics in July 2015.

Within three days, he was headed back to being the boy he had been before, Susie says.

Caleb has been taking small doses of antibiotics for a year and a half and will likely continue taking small doses for at least another two years. The Fournels have some concerns about that, but it has been overridden by Caleb’s return to normalcy. Now, at 9 1/2 years old, he is almost back to being his normal self. When he draws, it’s dirt bikes, dogs, horses, policemen like his father.

The change in behaviour after Caleb started the antibiotic treatment is too much of a coincidence, Martin says. He sometimes has minor relapses, but never to the depths of his previous behaviour. “It’s like night and day. We can live with this.”

Susie says Caleb would not be the same without antibiotics.

“We’re not doctors. But we can’t say this treatment isn’t working,” she says. “It’s like he’s alive again.”


My Kid Isn’t Crazy

What: The Fournels are sponsoring a screening of My Kids Isn’t Crazy, a documentary about six families with PANDAS children

Where: Wakefield Community Centre

When: Thursday, May 11 at 6:30 p.m.

For tickets and more information:


Chatham pediatrician Dr. Wendy Edwards, who specializes in treating children with autism is also one of only a handful of physicians who treats PANDAS in Canada. The Citizen asked her about the illness and its treatment.

Q: Is a diagnosis of PANDAS generally accepted in Canada?

A: To date my experience is that a PANDAS diagnosis is not generally accepted in Canada by the medical profession or just not even known. The reason for this is simply that there is not much research out there yet about this, and in medicine it takes a long time for something new to be accepted and put into regular practice. For example, 20 years ago I was asking about why children with autism often had gastrointestinal tract issues like diarrhea, cramping or bloating. Back then I was told it was “just part of the autism.” Now it is well known that there is a physiological gut/brain connection and that children with autism have much higher rates of GI distress and abnormal gut flora than a neurotypical child. It took 20 years for that to come out, be published in medical journals and still many in medicine don’t know about it.

Q: Do you hear from many parents who have self-diagnosed their child with PANDAS?

A: Many parents certainly consider that their children might have PANDAS when they read about the signs and symptoms of this disorder. It is a very scary thing to see a perfectly normal child change so quickly into a child with extreme anxiety, or OCD or tics or rages.

Q: Is the mainstream media and the internet helping or harming the understanding of this illness?

A: I think most of what is written about PANDAS on the Internet and in the press is helpful to these parents. How else would they learn about this? Unless your physician knows about this disorder (and many do not) then often a child with changes like these ends up diagnosed with mental health issues that he or she truly doesn’t have. Of course there are people on the Internet who should not be calling themselves experts and reporting on this condition. But if you look for reputable sources (like the PANDAS Network in the U.S. at you will find information from physicians and researchers who study and publish about this and are really at the forefront.

Q:Why aren’t more pediatricians acquainted with PANDAS?

A: I think often it is just because they didn’t even know it was out there to learn about. When they have their first case — likely it is a parent who asks them to consider it ‚ then I’m sure most of them will be educating themselves. I have many physicians, pediatricians and family doctors, who call my office looking for assistance in treating and understanding this disorder. In my mind, this is a very good sign that physicians are beginning to take this very seriously.

Q: Do you have any reservations about long-term treatment with antibiotics?

A: Treating anyone with antibiotics long term is not a benign thing to do. We know that this can alter the microbiome and perhaps even lead to antibiotic resistance down the road. But all children that I treat with antibiotics are also on probiotics to ensure, as much as we can, continued growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. And I also encourage a healthy junk food-free diet. As for resistance, the antibiotics used to treat this condition are not ones that usually invite resistance and the growth of “super bugs.” In the case of rheumatic fever (which is also caused by strep) we are taught that children should be on antibiotics for years — often up until their 18th birthday. This never raised concern from physicians in years past, so why now with PANDAS treatment? The antibiotics used for PANDAS are not just given to rid the body of strep or to protect it from future strep infections. That is partly the reason for using them, of course, but research is also suggesting that these medications provide neurological “protection” against inflammation. So the use of these meds is very important in treating this disorder.

