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- 2002-10-07
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The heavy rains that descended on Ottawa this past week are what they used to call a “one-in-100-year” storm, the kind of disaster that could catch any of us off-guard. But this week’s extreme weather is no longer exceptional. And while these events remain unpredictable, their frequency means we must be better prepared. If there is a silver lining to be found in extreme storms, it’s this: we might finally have the public will to make stormwater management a priority.
According to the 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, 23 per cent of our stormwater infrastructure is in fair to very poor condition. What’s more troubling: Half of the municipalities surveyed in the report had yet to assess the state of these systems, so the situation is likely worse than we know. But our challenges don’t end there.
Even our working infrastructure is largely ill-equipped for our new climate reality. Canadian cities such as Ottawa were designed exceptionally well, but for a different time. Environmental change has far outpaced infrastructure investment and urbanization exacerbates the pressure on these systems. Concrete jungles are notoriously bad at absorbing water.
The fact is, we have to start doing this better, from how we design our municipal infrastructure to increasing understanding of our natural systems, and how one affects the other. In many places, especially where there’s a history of flooding, we’ve already started.
Toronto, for example, has invested hundreds of millions of dollars adapting older systems in the last several years. It’s using approaches such as large storm ponds to collect and naturally clean flood waters, and policy innovations such as a green roof bylaw to absorb rainfall and reduce peak flooding – which keeps streets dryer and rivers healthier. Vancouver is working to harvest 90 per cent of its average annual rainfall – capturing and repurposing it, for example, to wash city fleets and water city gardens during the region’s increasingly dry summers.
But as far as many of our cities have come, the reality is, they all have further to go. And, for cities such as Ottawa, where flooding has not been the norm in the past, a big part of that is accepting that floods will be an unavoidable fact of the future.
Retrofitting our traditional systems to handle a lot more water, a lot more frequently, will take time and money. We also have to invest in conserving and restoring the ecosystems that help reduce flooding. In riverside communities such as Ottawa, we need to re-evaluate the potential for risks in order to plan for them better.
All of this will take a massive shift in public understanding and appetite in order to make these changes a priority.
Over one-third of Canadians have no idea what condition their stormwater management systems are in, according to RBC’s latest Canadian Water Attitudes Study. Only about 10 per cent think stormwater infrastructure should be a focus for government investment. That number hasn’t changed in four years, despite the fact that Canadians feel more at risk for floods – and less prepared for them – than ever, according to RBC’s research. Similarly, the University of Waterloo recently reported that the vast majority of Canadians living in high-risk flood zones are completely unaware of the dangers they face or how to prepare for them.
Flood-proofing our communities is a job that governments, residents and other community partners must do together. In fact, a recent report from Smart Prosperity Institute finds that some of the most cost-effective and impactful stormwater management projects happen on privately owned land – whether that of homeowners or of commercial property owners such as industrial parks and shopping malls.
We can all take steps to flood-proof our homes and buildings. Simple things such as putting in backflow controls, installing rain barrels and rain gardens, and grading our yards properly really do make a difference. We also need to get informed, and we need tools – such as updated floodplain maps and public education programs – to help us.
Finally, we need communities to put stormwater solutions at the top of the public agenda. That means asking for and supporting dedicated funding for stormwater management, a gap that remains one of the biggest barriers to making the necessary changes.
Building climate-resilient cities will take effort and resources, but delay has a much higher cost. This recent rain led to tragedy for thousands. For all of us, let it be a wake-up call.
Robert Haller is the executive director for the Canadian Water and Waste Water Association. Stephanie Cairns is director of cities and communities for Smart Prosperity Institute, at the University of Ottawa.
According to the 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, 23 per cent of our stormwater infrastructure is in fair to very poor condition. What’s more troubling: Half of the municipalities surveyed in the report had yet to assess the state of these systems, so the situation is likely worse than we know. But our challenges don’t end there.
Even our working infrastructure is largely ill-equipped for our new climate reality. Canadian cities such as Ottawa were designed exceptionally well, but for a different time. Environmental change has far outpaced infrastructure investment and urbanization exacerbates the pressure on these systems. Concrete jungles are notoriously bad at absorbing water.
The fact is, we have to start doing this better, from how we design our municipal infrastructure to increasing understanding of our natural systems, and how one affects the other. In many places, especially where there’s a history of flooding, we’ve already started.
Toronto, for example, has invested hundreds of millions of dollars adapting older systems in the last several years. It’s using approaches such as large storm ponds to collect and naturally clean flood waters, and policy innovations such as a green roof bylaw to absorb rainfall and reduce peak flooding – which keeps streets dryer and rivers healthier. Vancouver is working to harvest 90 per cent of its average annual rainfall – capturing and repurposing it, for example, to wash city fleets and water city gardens during the region’s increasingly dry summers.
But as far as many of our cities have come, the reality is, they all have further to go. And, for cities such as Ottawa, where flooding has not been the norm in the past, a big part of that is accepting that floods will be an unavoidable fact of the future.
Retrofitting our traditional systems to handle a lot more water, a lot more frequently, will take time and money. We also have to invest in conserving and restoring the ecosystems that help reduce flooding. In riverside communities such as Ottawa, we need to re-evaluate the potential for risks in order to plan for them better.
All of this will take a massive shift in public understanding and appetite in order to make these changes a priority.
Over one-third of Canadians have no idea what condition their stormwater management systems are in, according to RBC’s latest Canadian Water Attitudes Study. Only about 10 per cent think stormwater infrastructure should be a focus for government investment. That number hasn’t changed in four years, despite the fact that Canadians feel more at risk for floods – and less prepared for them – than ever, according to RBC’s research. Similarly, the University of Waterloo recently reported that the vast majority of Canadians living in high-risk flood zones are completely unaware of the dangers they face or how to prepare for them.
Flood-proofing our communities is a job that governments, residents and other community partners must do together. In fact, a recent report from Smart Prosperity Institute finds that some of the most cost-effective and impactful stormwater management projects happen on privately owned land – whether that of homeowners or of commercial property owners such as industrial parks and shopping malls.
We can all take steps to flood-proof our homes and buildings. Simple things such as putting in backflow controls, installing rain barrels and rain gardens, and grading our yards properly really do make a difference. We also need to get informed, and we need tools – such as updated floodplain maps and public education programs – to help us.
Finally, we need communities to put stormwater solutions at the top of the public agenda. That means asking for and supporting dedicated funding for stormwater management, a gap that remains one of the biggest barriers to making the necessary changes.
Building climate-resilient cities will take effort and resources, but delay has a much higher cost. This recent rain led to tragedy for thousands. For all of us, let it be a wake-up call.
Robert Haller is the executive director for the Canadian Water and Waste Water Association. Stephanie Cairns is director of cities and communities for Smart Prosperity Institute, at the University of Ottawa.