Indigenous youth leader calls on federal government to act on youth suicides

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An indigenous youth leader, who knew the teenager who took her life at an Ottawa group home last month, called out the federal government Tuesday for failing First Nations youth.

Reina Foster of Lac Seul First Nation, northeast of Dryden, Ont., was speaking at the UN-affiliated Global Adolescent Health Conference at the Chateau Laurier.

The theme of the conference was “unleashing the power of a generation.”

“How can we unleash the power if youth who have potential are dying in the hands and in the care of the government?” Foster asked during a panel discussion of young leaders from around the world in front of an audience that included Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau and Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed.

Foster, 18, has long been an outspoken indigenous advocate. Last fall, as part of the “girls belong here” campaign, she stepped into the job of Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett for the day, an experience Foster described as inspiring and surreal.

But it was the death of 13-year-old Amy Owen, she said, that pushed her to fight to end suicides among First Nations youth and to improve access to mental health services in remote communities. Foster said in an interview she is not afraid to be blunt about the need for changes.

“There is a huge lack of resources for First Nations youth in regard to mental health. Recently, something resonated with me that told me I need to advocate for this crisis.”

That something was Owen’s death.

Foster grew up in Lac Seul First Nation, where Owen was in foster care as a young girl. “I watched her grow up,” said Foster. She described Owen as “bright, really adorable and shy.”

Last month, Owen, who had been bounced around from her home in Poplar Hill First Nation, near the Ontario-Manitoba border, to foster care in northern and southern Ontario, was found in her room at an Ottawa group home, thousands of kilometres away from her home.

Foster said it is the norm in First Nations communities that the entire community raises children. “We took care of her.” But when she died, Foster noted, “Amy was down here in a city, in an urban setting. There was no one here for her and she was alone and disconnected and she was affected to the point that she had to take her own life.”

Friends said Owen cut herself and talked of suicide almost daily before her death. She also asked to return to the Prescott group home where she had lived off and on since 2015. Officials there asked that she be moved to Ottawa because they feared they couldn’t keep her safe. Some staff at the Prescott group home where she had lived have undergone grief counselling since her death.

Dr. Mike Kirlew, with the Sioux Lookout Health Authority, is to speak at the conference Wednesday. In an interview, he said it will take more than money to reform the First Nations health system.

“We are seeing these horrible tragedies repeated over and over again because we are not fundamentally transforming the system. It is not only a funding issue, but a need to transform the entire system.”

He said he has patients in foster care whom it is difficult to vaccinate because they move so often — as many as 20 times in five years, in one case.

“If a child moves 20 times, how are you going to organize care? How can they get vaccinated? How can that child get access to any services?”

Foster said Owen’s death shook her. “I was at work when I saw the article (about Owen’s death). I had to let it out. I cried.”

She said First Nations youth suicide and lack of mental health resources have persisted for too long and that the situation needs to change.

One reason First Nations youth from the North are placed in group homes in southern Ontario is that mental health services don’t exist in or near their communities. Owen was receiving one-on-one care and counselling before her death.

Holding an eagle feather, which she said signifies leadership, Foster told an audience of officials and youth from around the world that there has been too much talk about addressing mental health-care gaps in First Nations communities and not enough action.

“Today we are far, far away from fully addressing what is going on. Five years from now, we should not have to continue having the same conversation; we should not have a government that has failed First Nations youth. That is why I am advocating for First Nations youth.”


Reina Foster.

