'It's high time': Ottawa travellers welcome new airline passenger bill of rights

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As everyone else on the flight was taking their seat, Lea Gibson was left wondering why she wasn’t getting hers.

“And finally, at the last minute, they said, ‘The rest of you aren’t going to be on this flight,'” Gibson said.

“They didn’t let me on the the flight and they gave me some measly little token for lunch and then I had to wait for a later flight; I was not happy about that,” she recalled of the incident a few years back as she’d try to fly home from a business trip in Vancouver.

Gibson, who’s from Kitchener, was one of several travellers who spoke to the Citizen on Tuesday at the Ottawa airport, just hours after a passenger bill of rights was introduced by federal Transportation Minister Marc Garneau. Among other things, the bill is meant to prevent airlines from bumping passengers from overbooked flights.

Garneau promised the bill of rights last month in the wake of widespread alarm after a United Airlines passenger was dragged from a plane in Chicago, in an ugly scene captured on video.

“It’s high-time something gets done about that, because I think the airlines are making plenty of money at expense of passengers,” Gibson said.

The minister said he’s told airlines operating in Canada such an incident is not to happen here, but said his goal with the new legislation is to spell out clearly that a passenger who has purchased a ticket cannot be barred from a plane just because the airline sold too many seats.

“I don’t like the idea of overbooking or the idea of forcing someone out of their seat,” said Greg Kimball, who is from Ottawa but now lives in Calgary.

Kimball on Tuesday recalled seeing a passenger getting bumped off a flight around Christmastime a decade ago.

“He was pretty angry. That was a bad experience that reflected badly on the airline, in my opinion.”

Garneau said there will be minimum levels of compensation for people who voluntarily agree to be bumped from a flight and that if airlines can’t get a volunteer, they will have to decide whether they want to up the ante to persuade someone to get off.

The bill will enable the government to force airlines to create clear standards of treatment and compensation for circumstances such as voluntarily giving up a seat, lost or damaged luggage, delays while sitting on the tarmac and other non-weather related issues. Parents will not be forced to pay a fee in order to sit next to their children and even musical instruments are to get better treatment under new standards for transporting them by air.

The bill will apply to airlines flying within, into or out of Canada.


Tracy Kurtz with her uncle, David Kimpton, taken at the Macdonald-Cartier airport.

Tracy Kurtz is from Ottawa but now lives in Australia. Flights home are long and often take more than 20 hours of travelling. Her recent connecting flight from Montreal to Ottawa was delayed for more than two hours with little assistance from the airline, she said.

“I think that sounds really good, there should be a passengers’ bill of rights; I think everyone would just feel more secure, when you’re booking and actually get on the plane,” Kurtz said.

“They (the airlines) have to remember they’re providing a service that people are paying for,” Kurtz said.

The Canadian Transportation Agency will set minimum compensation and timelines. Passengers also will not have to seek out redress themselves, with the onus on airlines to keep records of those affected by an incident and to follow up with those passengers accordingly.

Garneau said he is considering what further penalties would apply if airlines do not live up to the new requirements.

He wants the new legislation in place in 2018.

With files from The Canadian Press



