Arc of Memory 'living calendar' chosen for Memorial to Victims of Communism

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A sculpture of bronze rods configured into a giant arc and intended to act as a “living calendar” has been chosen as the winning design for the Memorial to the Victims of Communism.

Arc of Memory was chosen for the monument by Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly following public consultations in March 2017 and on the recommendations of a jury of design professionals. It was one of five designs shortlisted by the Ministry of Canadian Heritage.

The design was created by Toronto architect and artist Paul Raff, designer and arborist Michael A. Ormston-Holloway, and landscape architects Brett Hoornaert and Luke Kairys.

It features two gently curving wall-like metal frames that will support more than 4,000 bronze rods that will be densely arranged along 365 steel fins. Each one would point at a unique angle of the sun, for every hour of every day, across a year, said Canadian Heritage.

The memorial will be split in the middle at winter solstice, “inviting visitors to step through in a metaphorical journey from darkness and oppression to lightness and liberty.”

“It’s a three-dimensional calendar where every moment can be identified, seen and touched, and where key collective moments, like the fall of the Berlin Wall … can be inscribed and expressed as a moment in time,” said Raff. “It’s something that can bring the history tangibly, visibly, into the present.”

The sculpture, which will sit in a corner on the west side of the Garden of the Provinces and Territories, between Wellington and Sparks streets, is roughly four metres high and 21 metres long.

The construction of the monument is expected to cost $3 million and be completed sometime in 2018, said MP Arif Virani, parliamentary secretary to the minister of Canadian Heritage, who announced the selection. The federal government has committed half of that amount, along with an additional $500,000 for the design process. The other $1.5 million is being raised by the charity Tribute to Liberty. The new design still requires National Capital Commission approval.

Joly was in Montreal with the prime minister to mark Montreal’s 375th anniversary and didn’t attend the announcement.

Virani said the chosen design met requirements that included public support, aesthetic value and cost. It also had a “bold visionary component” and was “testament to the hardship and persecution people have faced and demonstrating that Canada is indeed a land of refuge,” Virani said.

Tribute to Liberty has already provided $1 million of donations to the federal government, and its chair said that outstanding pledges made to their charity will cover the remaining half a million dollars needed to pay for their share of the project once construction begins.

The project has been a source of controversy. The earlier monument’s proposed location near the Supreme Court of Canada was heavily criticized, as was the design and size of the earlier monument.


Ludwik Klimkowski with the model of the winning design ‘Arc of Memory’ by Team Raff that was selected for the Memorial to the Victims of Communism.

Tribute to Liberty chair Ludwik Klimkowski said there were “misconceptions” about the size and placement of the earlier monument, but he is pleased now with both the new site and the chosen design.

“It still embeds itself within the parliamentary precinct,” said Klimkowski. The planned redevelopment of Lebreton Flats to include a hockey arena could mean considerably more foot traffic for their new site, he said.

“This particular design is equally, if not more, inclusive, inviting, inspiring and it really enlightens you,” he said.

